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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Then upload it here. There for sure people over here that would appreciate it.
  2. My first question would be, why are you still on 6.11.3? 6.11.5 is the most recent release. Bridge will always work fine as long as you don't change the ports, I run all of my containers in bridge mode and many other people too and have no issues at all. The main issue here is that those ports appear to be closed because you are testing with a external site that rely on a answer from the ports but since this is a dedicated server it won't answer to standard protocol requests since it uses a proprietary protocol, this was discussed here very often. Have you yet tried to connect from outside your network to connect to the ARK instance (maybe hair pin NAT is not working correctly)? Have you made sure that the right port with the right protocol is forwarded (TCP/UDP)? Are you sure that your ISP isn't blocking UDP port forwarding or certain ports? Have you yet tried if you can see the server from your local network (with the local address and port) in the Steam Server Browser? Plex works in most of the times because it is working completely different and even can work with a CG-NAT Internet connection because they can make use of a relay server.
  3. There you go: wget -qO- https://unraid-dl.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/stable/releases.json | jq -r '.[0].name' | cut -d ' ' -f2 Of course make sure that you've go jq installed. I would also recommend that you link the bash script here, or even better post it here as a document. I don't know if everyone trusts links form a not know source.
  4. Why not put it in a desktop computer, install the Nvidia Drivers, put a 3D Load on it and let it run for a while?
  5. Please think again about it, it has to be something with your hardware, maybe it's a miss configuration or a hardware failure, otherwise more people would have this issue that you are experiencing. What happens if you force a transcode on h264 files? Oh, does this only happen on clients that use web browsers? I remember a bug in Plex which prevented transcoding working properly in browsers but in native clients everything was working just fine. Uninstall the Nvidia Driver plugin, reboot, reinstall it from the CA App, reboot again.
  6. AFAIK yes. What is not working for you? Can you please go a bit more into detail? Are any changes necessary to the container?
  7. It's right in the description from the container: I don't know on what version they currently are but if you put something like this in the GAME_ID it will stay on the specified version: 294420 -beta stable_alpha19.4 Please join @Spectral Force's Discord server, he helps me out with 7DtD because I'm not familiar with it: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h
  8. I really can't tell why it isn't working anymore for you... As said the driver nor the Kernel version changed between version 6.11.2 and 6.11.5 so nothing really should prevent HW transcoding on your system.
  9. Nur mal ruhig blut, du postest den thread hier ja zu... Zu aller erst solltest du mal das hier aus deinem go file entfernen, sprich deine modifikationen für die VM: #fix video for VM echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon0/bind echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind echo efi-framebuffer.0 > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/efi-framebuffer/unbind cp /boot/extra/.bash_profile /root/ (wobei ich nicht weiß warum oder wieso du .bash_profile nach root kopierst, willst du irgendwas damit wiederherstellen? wenn ja dann lass die letzte Zeile drin) Ich vermute mal das dies das problem ist. Warum bootest du mit dem flag: mitigations=off Auf einem server würde ich das wohl wirklich nicht empfehlen... Bitte entscheide dich zwischen un-get oder NerdTools, beides würde ich nicht auf dem Server laufen lassen, bin auch keinem böse wenn jemand un-get nicht verwendet...
  10. This is really strange, Jellyfin usually should release the CPU after ending the playback however pausing the movie should not stop transcoding. I would recommend that you post over on the Jellyfin GitHub Issue tracker about that: Click
  11. How did you do it? Did you really install the files all by hand? May I ask where you are from?
  12. This wouldn't change much... Also why should this change anything? The drivers fro 6.11.2 up to 6.11.5 are exactly the same and IIRC you've said that it was working before on 6.11.2 I really can't tell what's going on on your system because for everyone else it is working just fine...
  13. Die Grafikausgabe friert nicht ein die wird um geschaltet. Bitte öffne ein Terminal von Unraid und führe diesen Befehl aus: sed -i "/disable_xconfig=/c\disable_xconfig=true" /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg Danach startest du bitte den server neu und die Grafikausgabe sollte auf deiner iGPU erfolgen, wenn nicht, bitte Diagnostics posten.
  14. So it is working but only the Decode and not the encode right? Can you share some more details from the file you are trying to transcode? Does this happen with every file you are trying to transcode?
  15. Du nimst hoffentlich nicht meinen alten Jellyfin container… der ist nämlich EOL. Du benutzt also die iGPU für die Bildschirm Ausgabe und nicht die Nvidia, richtig? Hast du denn schon mal versucht den Monitor an die Nvidia anzuschliesen ob di dort ein Bild bekommst?
  16. I really don‘t know whats going on then… 😅 Is something else using the CPU?
  17. This is really a pain if you want to do it like that since you have to create the entire file structure. @Squid have you yet seen such an error?
  18. I have already posted how to do it here (a few posts above): Please don‘t forget to reboot after you‘ve added the lines to the go file.
  19. No, that means this is a hardware combination issue, it may be possible that another card eg: PCIe Sound Card, PCIe TV Card, PCIe USB Card,... can cause such messages too. This is actually a bug in the firmware (BIOS) from your motherboard and need to be fixed by the manufacturer. It is also possible that a T600 from another manufacturer or OEM is working just fine.
  20. Had a little bit of time, please add this to your go file at the bottom after the line that starts emhttp: # Suppress ACPI Error messages echo ":msg,contains,\"ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS\" stop" >> /etc/rsyslog.d/01-blocklist.conf echo ":msg,contains,\"ACPI Error: Aborting method\" stop" >> /etc/rsyslog.d/01-blocklist.conf echo ":msg,contains,\"ACPI BIOS Error (bug)\" stop" >> /etc/rsyslog.d/01-blocklist.conf /etc/rc.d/rc.rsyslogd restart A little explanation, this will basically inject parts of the three error messages into the rcsyslog blocklist and the last line will restart the syslog daemon. If you put these lines in your go file (/boot/config/go) then the messages will be blocked after emhttp (Unraid WebGUI and all serverices) is started.
  21. This is a hardware combination bug and has strictly nothing to do with the QUADRO brand, this could theoretically also happen with any other PCIe card. This will hide the message entirely from the log so it will use no space in the log directory. I'm currently not at home but I will post how to do that when I'm at my place in front of my PC, will take a few hours.
  22. What have you tried so far to update it to the latest beta branch? Take a look at this post:
  23. The main issue here is the bleeding edge hardware that you are using. In your case I blame the manufacturer from the Motherboard because this seems some kind of firmware bug which needs to be fixed in your case by ASUS. Maybe try to contact ASUS about that issue, hopefully they will release a new BIOS with a fix. There is also another way around this and you can hide the message from your syslog, but keep in mind this is not a real solution, this is more of a workaround.
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