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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you removed the satisfactory folder too which lives in your appdata directory before reinstalling the container? I can confirm that my container is on version 209846
  2. In general, no. Do you maybe have CA Backup running? CA Backup by default stops the container when taking a backup.
  3. I will look into that and report back. Give me a few days please.
  4. Then you have a really old template: Valheim: 7DtD: Satisfactory: I added this descriptions about a year ago if I'm not mistaken because especially for 7DtD users this wasn't really clear how to do. Thank you for the suggestion but not every user is doing it properly like you do it here, you even can put it in like that: beta public-test betapassword yesimadebackups without the dashes but this will only work if you append it right after the Steam ID. I'm not completely against what you are saying but you have to keep that in mind what I've wrote above without the dashes, I really don't want to make things more complicated and most users get it how to do it, especially new users which will see the description. If you look up several tutorials on how to install a experimental or beta branch it is common practice to put it right after the GAME_ID and strictly speaking it is tied to the GAME_ID
  5. No, this is not in any way a hack. Why would you even consider that this is a hack? I think in all of my templates it is mentioned that if you want to use a static, beta or whatever version you have to append -beta, -beta experimental or whatever the case is. You always have to append the parameters for a beta or experimental branch to the GAME_ID or better speaking Steam App ID and these parameters ar tied to the GAME_ID. A hack would be if you pass over another SteamCMD parameter for example +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows in the GAME_ID variable.
  6. Die Festplatten gehen alle Schlafen bis auf eine HDD 2x SSDs und 2x M2 Ich hab auch noch das im /boot/config/go file drin: # Set ACPI Governor to ondemand echo "powersave" | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor Wenn es eine komplett andere Frage ist dann würde ich das schon Empfehlen, dann finden nämlich andere User die Antwort falls sie auch mal eine ähnliche Frage haben.
  7. Hast du den Jumper auch wieder zurück gesteckt? So lange brauchst du es normalerweise nicht liegen lassen, genügt ein paar minuten. Genau, der 6600k hat eine iGPU. Stell auf jeden fall sicher das du im BIOS "Wait for F1 on error" auf Disable stellst, andernfalls wird dein Server ohne Grafikkarte und angeschlossene Maus Tastatur nicht booten. Sag mal der PC lief doch immer hast du gesagt, bekommst du überhaupt keinen Video output, auch nicht bei angeschlossenem Monitor (überprüfe auch ob der Eingang im Monitormenü richtig eingestellt ist), hast du Maus und Tastatur dran? Hast du den Kühler auch richtig gut befestigt, mein alter 6600k funktioniert auch nicht richtig bzw. gar nicht wenn der Kühler nicht richtig fest sitzt. Wäre wie schon oben wie von @mgutt erwähnt wenn du einen Motherboard Lautsprecher irgendwo rumfliegen hast und den mal anschließt, dann hättest du die Beep Codes mit denen man mehr anfangen kann.
  8. This was misinformation, the latest driver supports Tesla cards and this is the exact same driver that you can download from Nvidia. Another user with a P100 confirmed that it is working, see this post: ...and the user that reported the issue with it's P4 also solved the issue (he forgot to put in --runtime=nvidia in the template).
  9. I don‘t know if you still have to update the Client (on your local PC) to the experimental branch, that was necessary back then when I created the container. Have to look into that. EDIT: I've tried it now and have no issue whatsoever connecting to the server: This is the vanilla Satisfactory container, nothing changed in the template, on the right upper side from the screenshot you can see that I'm connected to the server and on the right lower side that beta or experimental on my local PC (client) is not enabled. So to speak, if you leave everything as it is (Server and Client side) without anything custom and beta or experimental not enabled everything is working as expected.
  10. Why? Please read the variables from the container and you will see how and where to put that, there are multiple posts about that too. A few posts above yours is the solution: Please also set the vairiable Automatically Update Game to false like mentioned here:
  11. Keine Angst du nervst nicht, sorry wenn es so rüber gekommen ist... Ich bin da leider komplett der falsche, bin nicht so der Stromsparprofi, du kannst dir ja mal meinen Server ansehen, ich hab im "Leerlauf" ca 55 bis 60W Verbrauch hab aber auch dementsprechend viele Komponenten verbaut, bin aber dennoch zufrieden mit dem Verbrauch (die Nvidia und Coral sind mittlerweile nicht mehr drin).
  12. Set this variable in the template to false: (I've updated the description from the variable a bit for new installations, the UPDATE_CHECK will only work on the stable branch)
  13. Weil wie @Ford Prefect schon im anderen Thread geschrieben hat die implementation zu Buggy ist und man es beim Kernel mit einem Flag dementsprechend aktivieren muss. Das ist by default nicht an und ich würde auch nicht empfehlen es an zu machen da es meines wissens bei diesen NICs zu weiteren Problemen führen kann und auch zu sporadischen Ausfällen fürhen kann, auf einem Desktop Betriebssystem meistens kein Beinbruch aber auf einem Server seh ich da schon kritisch.
  14. I don‘t understand, what do you mean with that? If you‘ve passed it through to a VM it wouldn‘t behave like that. Is your card used as the primary display output for the console? If yes, this seems pretty normal to me since I assume that the container is taking over one or more outputs of the card but there is nothing I can do about that because this has nothing to do with this plugin. Your question would be better suited on the Support Thread from Steam Headless. EDIT: Please don‘t do double posts this is just a waste of time too, because you have to wait until you get a answer, I saw you‘ve already posted on the Steam Headless container Support Thread.
  15. Exactly this is the issue. In the template the path /mnt/cache/… is set and since you have the mover set to Yes it will move the data of from your Cache to the Array, which in my oppinion makes no sense because the appdata share should stay on the Cache so that your Docker container have fast and quick access to the data they need. This is also done on purpose in the template because some game servers won‘t even run if they are using the FUSE path /mnt/user/… and not the real file path /mnt/cache/… You have now two options, the easiest would be to change the path /mnt/cache/… to /mnt/user/… in the template or the more complicated but better way from my oppinion you set the appdata share to Prefer, stop all your containers, invoke the mover and after the mover finished start the containers back again (this will move the files back from your Array to the Cache).
  16. To what is your appdata share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Is it set to Yes, No, Prefer or Only? Please also post a screenshot from your Docker template for Valheim.
  17. Maybe thats why, but I really can‘t tell for sure. Can you give me some more details how this is set up?
  18. How many players are connected to the server? Are you using the official version or the beta branch where you can test the new update? What kind of Internet connection does your friend have? I‘ve never experienced such an issue at all and it seems that something is wrong with the Internet connection here from the server if this also happens when crossplay is enabled. This is a bit hard to troubleshoot since this is not your server. Another take on this would be if he has some other things running on the server which maybe restart the container or better speaking, is the container restarted after such a disconnect happens (should be visible in the log)?
  19. A restart from the container should have fix the issue and the container should have start again with the old version even if it was not downloaded successfully. Anyways, I have updated the container with a few bug fixes so that this doesn't happen anymore, at least not like it does now. Thank you for the report.
  20. That's why it would be great to have Diagnostigs to see what happened, maybe the driver crashed but if it crashes there is most of the time something wrong with the hardware itself, are you sure that the P4000 is working correctly? I can only tell you from the download counts for the driver packages for Unraid 6.11.5 about 6.000 to 10.000 people are using the plugin and I assume that they have no issue whatsoever... From a MAC this should work: ssh [email protected] You can even try the same on a Terminal from a Windows machine (WSL is installed on most Windows instances nowadays by default).
  21. But from my perspective it's more safe to not give the option at all and move the files to the previous folder on a update, this is really, really noob proof because the greenest noob can't make a mistake... But of course these are just my two cents about it.
  22. I will try to reproduce this on my server and report back in a few days since on weekends I don't have much time for that stuff.
  23. Can you please share a bit more information about your system? Can you maybe post your Diagnostics, even without the Nvidia Plugin installed? It seems a bit of a coincidence that the WebGUI stopped working while installing the plugin, where you able to do everything from the other computer? The plugin should not harm the WebGUI whatsoever, maybe if the module crashes but even then you shouldn't be able to connect to Unraid at all. Next time please try to ssh into your server and pull the Diagnostics from the CLI by simply typing in: diagnostics they will be saved to your USB Boot device. Do you have telnet enabled? AFAIK it is now disabled by default. Can you try to install the plugin again and pull the Diagnostics again so that I can see whats going on there? Did you install the plugin because you want to enable transcoding?
  24. I could of course change that but keep in mind that if for someone the download failed the container would loop indefinitely when some binaries are missing and this would cause also the syslog to fill up because every time it automatically restarts it also creates a syslog entry for the network connection that becomes available. I do most of the things that I‘ve implemented in my containers for a reason. If the container is stopped I also ensure that the users are coming to the support thread and post about this here. If this happens again, can you please try to stop the container, remove the downloaded new .tar.gz file and start the container if the same happens again? I‘m really curious why this even happened on your machine. I‘ve tried now to also abort the download so that it spits out the same error message but the container performs a normal start next time I restart it.
  25. Can you please post the log from prefill? It did not work is really nothing I can work with. You can try to set up prefill manually on your server and see if you can get it to work.
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