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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Thank you for the report, will look into that ASAP. Pushed an update to the plugin: 2022.12.11 - should be fixed, thank you for the report!
  2. Delete the container and try to generate it again. This feature may be removed in the future again anyways because there is also a Docker container available that does just that, search in the CA App for "Debian Bullseye".
  3. Have you yet tried to set validation to 'true'?
  4. Generate it on your local PC and import it on the server.
  5. Please delete the container, delete the directory for cs1.6 in your appdata folder and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. I did nothing else in my test from above.
  6. Sure thing, just create a variable in the template woth the Key: JVM_CUSTOM_COMMAND and as Value the custom command, this will override the whole command line, also see this issue: Click Just be sure to not include „java“ and start with the @
  7. Where does it say that? You don‘t have to do that whatsoever. The config files are in your appdata share in the folder for ARK.
  8. As said above I can only think of a configuration issue or port forwarding issue. When the server is started and you can connect through you LAN IP then something must be wrong with the forwarding or hair pin NAT. Have you closed the TCP ports already? Some games won‘t let you connect when they detect that they are open and not needed.
  9. Don‘t open up the TCP ports please, only UDP ports are used. Usually Valheim uses port 2456 to 2458 Have you changed anything in the template or the config itself? This seems like a forwardig issue to me.
  10. To what is the appdata share set in terms of Use Cache? Yes, No, Prefer or Only? On what Inraid version are you?
  11. Bitte poste deine Diagnostics.
  12. Hast du im Docker template generell was geändert? Bitte geh mal zu den Share settings, dann klickst du auf appdata und dann sieh mal nach auf was Use Cache steht... Yes, No, Only oder Prefer. Vermutlich wegen UPnP. Das verstehe ich nicht? Du kannst doch überprüfen ob deine öffentliche IP statisch ist indem du einfach mal in Google suchst "what is my ip" dann sollte deine öffentliche IP angezeigt werden, danach schalt die Fritzbox mal aus, warte 10 Sekunden und dann schalt sie wieder an, danach suchst wieder auf Google und vergleichst ob die IP gleich ist. Der sollte dir doch auch eigentlich deine statische IP sagen wenn er dir das einrichtet... Was sagt denn das container log? Klick auf das ARK Logo auf der Docker Seite und dann klick auf Logs. Also ich hab mir den mal angelegt mit meiner IP (LANIP:27015) unter Favoriten und bei mir sieht das so aus: Wenn ich dann mit der rechten Maustaste drauf klicke und auf "Serverinformationen anzeigen" klicke dann kommt das: EDIT: So, ich hab mir das Spiel und den Server selbst nochmal installiert und funktioniert (hab ihn jetzt nicht öffentlich verfügbar gemacht weil es nur ein Test ist:
  13. Hast du im Docker template was geändert an den Ports? Jein, ist nur die halbe wahrheit, du hast aber eine öffentlich Statische IP? Fritzbox? Wie hast du das genau gemacht? Nein, ich spreche vom Steam Server Browser, den findest du in Steam wenn du oben auf Ansicht -> Server klickst. Danach kannst du beispielsweise unter Favoriten deinen Server mit "Server hinzufügen" hinzufügen, dort gibst du einfach die IP vom server und das Query Port ein, sprich ca. so: 192168.1.1:PORT (PORT natürlich mit dem Query Port ersetzen). Naja ARK ist nicht grad das leichteste Ding zum anfangen...
  14. The server is indeed working, look on the public server list, you should see a server called Unraid Community Server. What have you done exactly, or how have you done this? Are you sure that you are forwarded the right ports with the right protocol? Two of them are UDP and one is TCP.
  15. Please don‘t forget to turn off validation again.
  16. Mach mal: diagnostics über SSH und dann poste die bitte hier, solltest dann auf /boot finden. Hast du denn PiHole oder LXC container am laufen die irgend einen Port belegen? Kommst du denn auf deine shares?
  17. A little bit more information and the log from the first start would be nice. This is already in place. Do you have a cache drive installed? EDIT: I've now tried it and have no issue whatsoever, attached the log and a screenshot from the Steam Server Browser: CS1.6.txt Did you change anything in the template? Is it possible that you've changed /mnt/cache/... to /mnt/user/... or something else? If so please revert that change and point it to the disk where the files are if you have no cache drive then this would be something like /mnt/disk2/... (change the number from the disk to the actual disk where your appdata share is on and the game files for CS1.6 are). /mnt/cache/... is populated in the template on purpose and not by accident.
  18. Bitte mach das nächste mal einen eigenen Thread auf dafür da dies eine komplett andere Frage ist. Schau mal hier:
  19. You have two options how to do that: Use a FileIO image <- basically a image file somewhere on the Array or Cache Use a Block Device <- HDD, SSD or whatever which is dedicated for iSCSI In both cases you can format the iSCSI device that you mount on Windows but in general I would not recommend that you create a FileIO image on the Array because writes can be really slow due to the Parity, you can do it but I wouldn't recommend it. I would rather recommend that you use a separate disk which is not in the Array or Cache and is dedicated to iSCSI <- basically share the entire disk. A iSCSI device is always shown as a block device (disk) on the client side and is something completely different from for example SAMBA.
  20. You can set automatic update to whatever you like now, it won't work anymore because I've deprecated it now <- that is what the latest update was for... Just make sure that you've update the container itself.
  21. Wie die Meldungen schon sagen, das sind Warnungen und keine Errors, brauchst nicht beachten. Hast du denn eine Port weiterleitung in deinem Router gemacht? Hast du denn eine Statische IP? Hast du denn schon versucht eine direktverbindung zu machen? Hast du Hair Pin NAT richtig konfiguriert? Hast du schon versucht dich mit deiner Server IP (LAN) zu verbinden? Findest du das Spiel im Steam Server Browser?
  22. This is caused by the GPU Statistics plugin. Please turn of the server completely, pull the power cord from the wall, press the power and reset button a few times to empty the caps, wait 30 seconds and then power up the server and see if this makes any difference. If not the only thing that I would recommend next is pulling the GPU from the server and try it on a Desktop PC, also install the drivers and put a load on it and see if everything works. nvidia-persistenced reports that it can't open the device.
  23. This should go away if you click "Search for Updates" on the Docker page at the bottom. Nothing to worry about since my containers get only once or twice a year updates.
  24. I still don‘t see the point of running Mastodon on your Unriad server since there are so many instances out there, even the official ones, where you can create an account and have people on there which you can follow instead of starting new and have no people or popular toots to follow, you can even change the server and register your account on a different server of you want too. It‘s totally possible with the offiicial containers but not worth the effort, at least from my perspective.
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