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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes, but please be really careful with that and I also can't guarantee that it works, sorry but no support from my side... I would rather recommend that you look out for something like a Nvidia T400, you can get them for really cheap, doesn't need external power and for transcoding it is well enough.
  2. This is a thing that you have to ask the maintainer of this plugin, I've not gone through the plugin code. Sorry...
  3. I don't think you can do that because from what I understand this plugin installs all packages with the extension "_nerdtools.txz" to the /boot/extra folder and if you install a package through un-get and then through this plugin you basically install it twice on boot, as long as it's the same package nothing should be harmed. However you should be able to run both if you are really careful which packages you install where...
  4. No, this is just the removal routine from the plugin if you delete it:
  5. Why not, un-get doesn't need to be maintained that much since it pulls the packages from the appropriate repository and the user (you) can simply change the repository with the sources.list file too if Slackware 16 (or similar) is released... I really don't want to create a thread here on the forums for un-get since it's really meant for advanced users but it is not that complicated, at least I think it's not that complicated...
  6. At the same time, not possible as you've already pointed out. First of all: I really don't recommend doing this since this can cause hard server crashes and other funky behaviors (not to speak about the possible risk of data loss). Install the Plugin, configure your Plex container correctly, don't bind your card to VFIO and assign your card to the VM. Please never try to transcode a movie through Plex while the GPU is still used in the VM, never start a VM when you are currently using the card for transcoding in Plex and so on, I think you get the point here. Again, I don't recommend doing it that way, maybe look if you can get another GPU for Plex transcoding, do you have a Intel iGPU that you can maybe use for transcoding?
  7. ich777

    Plex Vs Emby

    I'm pretty satisfied with Emby in the configuration that I have over here. Self hosting yes and no, because Jellyfin is purely self hosted from what I know and Emby has something called Emby Pass or something like that where you can connect to your server similar to Plex I think <- I also don't use that feature and host it rather myself... Both Jellyfin and Emby have their advantages and disadvantages, I tried to switch over one time entirely to Jellyfin but some features/functionalities where still missing and if you watch the GitHub issue tracker it can take a long time so that your specific Issue or Feature Requests gets implemented but that's also true for Emby... I also own a Plex Pass but I'm not that familiar with it and Live TV with not recommended cards is pretty much useless unless you are comfortable with installing one or two other Docker containers to get it working. Please keep in mind that is only my opinion on that and what you want to use is always up to the user @eagle470 also remember you can buy a 1-month Emby subscription if you want to test all three applications with all features and if it fits your needs. I have set up a reverse proxy through SWAG with a Fail2Ban Jail and Fail2Ban will ban if someone makes three wrong attempts to log in.
  8. ich777

    Plex Vs Emby

    I'm a long time Emby user and I'm really happy with it and it is of course my daily driver but I also have to say that I run Jellyfin as a cold spare along side with Emby. For me Emby does the job fine where Jellyfin is a little bit behind in terms of features that I use. I have to disagree about that, the feature set is a little different in terms of functionality. For example Jellyfin has now a watch together function which Emby does not offer. Jellyfin on the other hand is a bit behind in terms of Music/Podcasts/Audio Books and LiveTV (if you are into that), from my experience the Jellyfin app, at least in terms for Audio and Live TV playback is really not that good as the Emby app. It is of course true that they are somewhat similar because Jellyfin is just a Fork from Emby but they seem to go in both different directions. From what I can tell the Emby support is really quick on their forums if something is not working or if you need some help.
  9. Darf ich fragen für was man das in HA braucht wenn man es in Unraid schon hat? Außerdem ist das mit der zusätzlichen VM meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach Resourcenverschwendung... Aber wie du schon sagst, jeder wie er meint. Kannst übrigens HA auch in einem LXC container installieren mit geteilten resourcen...
  10. Thank you for posting the fix! Can you give me a bit more details (maybe with screenshots too) and I will recommend the post so that everybody can find it easily.
  11. No, please read the first recommended post on top of this thread. I also don't understand what Intel-GVT-g has to do with that... GVT-g does nothing in terms of transcoding, GVT-g is used for VMs for vGPUs. Please install Intel-GPU-TOP plugin. You have to understand that the container maintainer has to ship the appropriate Intel Media Driver in the container so that QuickSync can work. But why do you need QuickSync anyways? VA-API should work fine too even with tone mapping.
  12. Nein nicht wirklich. Kannst auch einen kleineren nehmen.
  13. Das sind keine Fehler, das sind nur Warnungen und könnt ihr ignorieren, die ersten beiden sind nur Informationen das die beiden libraries keine Version zurückgegeben haben aber sie sind definitv auf Unraid verfügbar. Der nächste Warnung ist nur das ein Kernel module nicht geladen werden konnte (welches meines wissens nach nicht zwingend nötig ist für PowerTOP) das CPU statistiken liefert. Die Zeile mit "Cannot load from file..." ist auch ganz normal da Unraid aus dem RAM läuft und die Einstellungen bei jedem Neustart sowieso wieder gelöscht werden würden. Nur nebenbei, wenn ein Fehler auf Linux auftaucht dann steht dort irgendwo ERROR. Anyways, WARNINGS würd ich auch nachfragen (trifft auf die paar Zeilen zu). Ich hoffe das beantwortet eure Fragen?
  14. SanDisk würd ich momentan eher meiden, für Kaufempfehlungen schau auch hier nach, sollte auch ein Amazon.de link dabei sein mit einem Transcend USB2.0 JetFlash 32GB (den würd ich dir empfehlen): Wenn du den Stick innen verbauen willst kann ich dir auch noch das hier empfehlen: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00DKWY0S8
  15. What version do you have? powertop-2.15 was released a week back and I've recompiled it for Slackware 15, just a heads up.
  16. https://github.com/ich777/slackware/tree/master/slackware64-15.0/slackware64/powertop
  17. I have no real recommendation (please read until the end) because I haven't got the need for such a cache yet. No issue over here even if four people streaming 4k content from the same hard disk and copying to it at the same time but as said above I completely get the point why it is requested here. Also it seems that bcache would one of the best solutions for this but from my perspective writeback mode needs to be completely disabled, even if the user tries to manually enable it, but then it isn't really bcache anymore... This would be a bit too much, at least from my perspective. Most people over here have already a SSD or NVME as their cache drive(s) and caching a Unraid Cache Pool is really inefficient because caching a file that gets maybe moved by the Mover is most of the times not necessary (95% of the times). I can't help with this because these are things that need to be changed in Unraid itself and there is nothing that I can do about. As said a few times above I'm also the wrong person for bcache because in my case the files that would got cached are cached for nothing about 90% of the time (but don't get me wrong I'm not against it but I wouldn't use it). May I ask why not try ZFS with a L2ARC or similar? ZFS is on the Horizon for Unraid, why not try the plugin for now and see if this is an alternative, although I'm not a big fan because ZFS needs to be maintained and actively monitored otherwise it can bite you back, really hard...
  18. In terms of stability maybe. From my perspective it is too complicated to set up on Unraid itself if you have to do it manually. It also has a lot of downsides on Unraid because if a user decides to enable writeback mode, what most users would definitely do to speed up writes to the Array regardless of the downsides, you can definitely loose data and also maybe destroy the validity of your parity. I completely get the point of adding such a read cache but from my perspective bcache is the wrong tool for this specific use case here and was never, at least not by intention, designed for such tasks.
  19. You can format, create, mount,... (everything that involves creating a bcache) outside the Array or Cache pool and use it there like it is currently the case for the ZFS plugin (everything needs to be done manually. However as it is pointed out in the linked post not much development is going on there over on bcache, especially if you look only at the issue tracker or even the PRs over on their GitHub page for the bcache-tools and it is from my perspective dead in the water currently (last commit was back in 2014 and there are issues and PRs open dating back to late 2013). I also saw this message a bit too often for my liking when creating a bcache (one time is already too much for me): Segfault Besides that that I also had to patch bcache-tools because it is simply out of date and wouldn't even compile on modern systems like it is currently available on GitHub.
  20. From what I know you are bothe correct about that and the ARK Linux dedicated server is always a little bit behind the current release. From my experience most of the times the Linux dedicated server is released one day after the new client version is released.
  21. Maybe try to post in the appropriate support thread, I think something is off woth the permissions. I run Nextcloud directly in SWAG (of course that‘s also not a typical usecase) but all my files are assigned to the user 99:100 (nobody:users)
  22. Please give me a few days and I will report back.
  23. I will look into that ASAP. Have to first set up a Rust server and download the game itself.
  24. Have you also added the port to the template and forwarded it in your router?
  25. The last user which pointed that out doesn't gave me a link or a resource where I can get more information about the companion app. I'm really not that familiar with Rust and even don't know what Rust+ is.
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