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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you attach your Diagnostics please? I also run a test server with the Nvidia drivers installed and they work flawlessly. Have you already tried to reinstall the plugin? Have you got a message when upgrading from 6.9.2 to RC1 to not reboot yet and that the download started in the background?
  2. Inside a VM? Can you please post your Diagnostics on what hardware do you run this card? The next time it dissapears from the system please also download an post the Diagnostics, otherwise troubleshooting is really hard... You can also try to enable persistence mode, simply issue 'nvidia-persistence' from the console.
  3. What do you mean with the containers? Can you open up a Console window from the container where it dissapears and try to issue the command nvidia-smi there and see if you get a output from it? What does the plugin page say instead?
  4. Seems like your Boot device isn't named "UNRAID". Try to rename it to UNRAID and run make bootable again.
  5. Then simply don't use it if you already have keys, you have to have a little trust in what the developers say and also keep in mind that Limetech is not Google, Apple,... 😅 But most of the things that you've asked and what they've store is answered in the OP and also in the FAQ, I think the are pretty transparent about that. But I agree stop herepan widget
  6. Can you take a picture what does exactly happen? Does it pop up right after the POST message? Maybe try to run "make_bootable.bat" if you are on Windows as Administrator on your local PC with the USB Boot device attached to it.
  7. That's the point and also the benefit, UPC is strictly speaking not a cloud service because it's not My Servers, UPC is a new and more easy way to manage/register/buy your keys. As written above I had to replace a key a few days ago and this was a process of around 20 to 30 seconds with reading on how to do that... This is a yes and no for me, what if the user have a problem some day... For me it would be more convenient if I can go directly to the Forums with my account. Other users won't see what keys you own or anything about them or your registered server... Look at the my servers page, the server name and the key itself. You've said it here, My Servers is in Beta right now. Yes, this is what is mentioned in the OP.
  8. This question that should be answered by a member from the team, but I don't see why this shouldn't be possible. May I ask why you want to do this, only asking because if you've bought a key with the old method it is bound to your mail address...
  9. This is a thing that wont change I think, but this is a questin for the deveolpers themselves. And the installation from the My Servers plugin too, also if the user provisions a certificate. For example I have the My Servers plugin installed but have not provisioned a certificate to keep the local IP nor do I enabled the Flash backup, but I can see that my servers are online. This is all optional. You don't have to log in.
  10. No, but I would recommend it because your Keyfile is then bound to your Forum account, of course you can log out after that if you have any concerns about privacy and if you ever have to replace it you simply log in again and click on replace and everything is done automatically, of course you then also can log out again after you've replaced the key. No.
  11. I think you don't read my comment entirely/correctly, if you don't install the My Servers plugin no constant connection to Limetech is opened. Without the My Servers plugin nothing is collected, it is only used for the Key management. Don't enable SSH access or remote access or better speaking don't install the My Servers plugin in the first place on your server and nobody won't be able to connect even if they got hacked, I don't understand the concern here... @alturismo posted a screenshot a few posts above. It also states that you can logout and never need to log in back again.
  12. No because I don't really use OSX in any way but I know there are a few tutorials, Github repos out there that say you can do it but from what I know it is not that easy to accomplish (custom GPU Firmware files,...) also if you upgrade to a newer OSX version or update the system.
  13. Why? Please read the comment above yours. You don't have to enable backups,... From my perspective this is a really convenient way to register trail, buy or even replace your key.
  14. I don't see why this is a privacy concern in any way... The process is super simple and I also used it a few days ago to replace my key and it is way easier to replace your key that way. Btw you had to register with a mail account anyways and this process was more complicated in the past from my perspective. From my perspective this is a super simple way to get your trail key, buy or even replace it. Also please note that there is nothing that communicates constantly with the Forums or better speaking the so much hated "Cloud". If you want to have access to your server and manage it from the Forums so that the stats are displayed in the "My Servers" section on the Forums you have to install the My Servers plugin from the CA App, if you don't want this then don't install it. Just my 2cents.
  15. Can you please create a post in the Nvidia-Driver plugin thread and what are you doing with /dev/dri and the Nvidia-Driver plugin or for what do you use the VA-API instead of NVENC?
  16. No, this can lead to serious problems and even hard system lock ups. If your main goal is to use it in a VM then this plugin isn't what you want to use. Please ask in the VM support subforums.
  17. Now I get it... This is just the installer, but I've tried it now in many different ways and don't get it to work. From my understanding how it works is you run the installer to install the libraries and everything necessary for Forge and then pass this line to the JVM extra parameters: @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.17.1-37.0.1/unix_args.txt to actually load Forge but when I do this I get a Java error. I've run the installer locally on my Windows machine and copied over the files to the server directory, just be sure to select Install server in the installer, this should basically do the trick. But as said above can't get it to run because I get another Java error and giving up for now... What is even more funny, the installer needs Java 8 and the game, at least from what I know needs Java 16, only discovered this because I also tried to install it it directly in the container itself... One little hint if you get it to run you have of course to increase the RAM size because Forge uses a lot of RAM.
  18. You have to add it to the GAME_ID and not to the GAME_PARAMS.
  19. Hast du container im br0 modus laufen? Würde dir wärmstens empfehlen mal ein update auf 6.10.0-RC1 zu machen und dann in den Docker Settings von macvlan auf ipvlan umzustellen, evtl behebt es dein problem.
  20. You have to update to 6.10.0-RC1 and the install it from the CA App. If you are still on 6.9.2 you can't see it because there is no version from the "AMD Vendor Reset" plugin for 6.9.2 available.
  21. Bist du dir ganz sicher mit dieser Aussage? Soweit ich weiß ist nach der neuen Rechtschreibung Stopp richtig. Eben nicht bzw ist das deswegen weil auf Verkersschildern das englische wort "stop" verwendet wird stell dir nur mal vor du fährst in Spanien und dann steht auf einem Schild: Detener :D
  22. Wer es noch nicht gesehen hat Unraid OS 6.10.0-RC1 ist jetzt live und kann runtergeladen werden:
  23. Genau, vorausgesetzt wir reden hier über br0... Muss ehrlich zugeben, ich hab bei den wenigsten containern Expose drin, speziell bei den Spiele Container nicht da viele mehrere Container laufen haben bzw. die ports sowieso wieder ändern und dann würde das wieder irritieren. Aber prinzipiell ist das kein Problem, sobald ein Container im br0 Modus läuft sind alle Ports frei und du bräuchtest im Template keine Ports eintragen/hinterlegen.
  24. Das kommt daher das wenn du ihn im br0 Modus laufen lässt das er eine eigene IP hat und alle Ports von und zu dem Container erreichbar/offen sind und nciht nur die die im template eingetragen sind. Wie @mgutt schon sagte, wenn die Ports im Dockerfile Exposed sind dann würden sie auch angezeigt in br0 aber da du generell alle Ports per config ändern kannst sehe ich keine Notwendigkeit dafür das in meinen Containern zu machen (wenn Beispielsweise im Dockerfile ein Port 1234/TCP Exposed wäre und du änderst dan Port dann per ARK config auf 4321/TCP dann würde unRAID dir trotzdem den Exposed port anzeigen, sprich 1234/TCP und nicht deinen "geänderten" 4321/TCP). Hoffe das ergibt Sinn für dich.
  25. What do you eant to use the GPU for? For accelerating Docker containers (transcoding, mining, boinc,...) or for a VM? If you want to use it for a VM then this plugin isn't what you are looking for. This plugin is only for accelerating Docker containers (please read the bold text below the Headline in the first post). Try to turn on Above 4G Decoding in your BIOS.
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