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Everything posted by ich777

  1. What kind of hardware (graphics card) do you have? I'm not really the AMD guy but @giganode at least I think can help... Have you something custom in your syslinux configuration or better speaking added a parameter?
  2. I will look into this, but it's late here, will keep you updated. @kripy this is also what you wanted or am I wrong?
  3. Nein gibt es nicht, so funktioniert Docker nicht... TVHeadend muss direkt mit NVENC kompiliert werden, wurde es aber nicht, deshalb wird das auch nicht funktionieren wenn du TVHeadend in den Jellyfin Container integrierst, es sind trotzdem immer zwei eigenständige Applikationen, ob die jetzt in einem Container oder in zwei sind ist eigentlich egal. Du müsstest einen TVHeadend Container finden der mit NVENC kompiliert wurde dann läuft das auch.
  4. If you are able to connect it can be a port forwarding issue or a problem with your ISP. Please go to your router and look if you forwarded all 3 ports UDP (please only UDP not TCP or both, only UDP) in your router so that they are reachable from "outside" How they try to connect? Steam Server Browser? Keep in mind they have to connect with YOURPUBLICIP:PORT+1 (eg:
  5. I recommended the post now, please read the third recommended post on the top of this thread. Have you enabled ValheimPlus? Can you give me your log output? With which IP do you connect? With which IP do your friends connect? Not at the moment. Please keep in mind that I'm currently thinking about removing ValheimPlus because they change so much that the container often doesn't work after a update. I'm not exactly sure if it's worth including it, can you send me more details how you install it or a tutorial somewhere?
  6. What did you copy over exactly? For what version are you building the vendor-reset patch and on which version are you now? @giganode to the rescue...
  7. Nice, didn't know that it's named radeontop I will look into this in the next few days.
  8. DVB is in general DigitalVideoBroadcasting is a international standard from what I know ans a well know acronym (also because of DVB-S). Are you sure that this name would not produce more confusion, I can rename it to DVB/ATSC/ISDB/DTMB/DMB Driver. Isn't for example DVB-S not available worldwide? I originally designed it for me so that I can use my DigitalDevices Cards and the Nvidia Driver all at once because at the time there where no such a Plugin. You have to set it up correctly in TVHeadend this can be a little bit tricky... Have you done the install wizard setup? In Plex this is also a bit tricky I think because the channels that you hand over from TVHeadend must have a valid EPG to see it in Plex.
  9. Ja hab ich und noch 120 andere ca... Nein, TVHeadend möchte ich nicht bauen, hab mir das schon mal angesehen und das ist mir den Aufwand nicht wert ehrlichgesagt...
  10. intel_gpu_freqency is not be needed anymore, this is just a leftover and will be removed in a upcoming version of the plugin. EDIT: Removed it now... just be sure to be on version 2021.03.14a
  11. Ah okay... Würd dir trotzdem zu Emby raten. ^^ Aber ich versteh 100,- oder so für Lifetime ist nicht grad günstig aber habs bis jetzt noch nie bereut, leider ist Jellyfin noch nicht soweit das es mit TV so gut umgehen kann wei Emby. Soweit ich weiß wird das dann nix werden wenn du den Linuxserver Container benutzt da der NVENC und weder die VA-API auch nicht funktionieren, schätze mal aufgrund fehlender Abhängigkeiten).
  12. Not the answer that you want but, No... Can you give me a screenshot from the Plugin page? Also please drop your Diagnostics in here (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the file here in the textbox).
  13. The variables are all in there: export DOORSTOP_ENABLE=TRUE export DOORSTOP_INVOKE_DLL_PATH=${SERVER_DIR}/BepInEx/core/BepInEx.Preloader.dll export DOORSTOP_CORLIB_OVERRIDE_PATH=${SERVER_DIR}/unstripped_corlib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${SERVER_DIR}/doorstop_libs":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_PRELOAD=libdoorstop_x64.so:$LD_PRELOAD export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${SERVER_DIR}/doorstop_libs" export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="${SERVER_DIR}/libdoorstop_x64.so" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${SERVER_DIR}/linux64:"$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" Only because they look a little different they are not different, the path's are all the same, just drop the mod in your main Valheim directory and it should run just fine. FYI: ValheimPlus also runns BepInEx so it's not different, you only have to replace the files and enable ValheimPlus in the Docker template.
  14. For all in this thread, the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin is now fixed and you can reinstall it and local GUI mode will work again just be sure to reboot after you updated the Plugin (make sure that you are on version 2021-03-14a). FYI: The GUI mode also wasn't working on 6.8.3 nothing on @limetech's end at all... @NLS please try to install the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin (remove the file you made for testing purposes 'rm -rf /boot/config/modprobe.d') and see if it works for you now. I think you said that you don't had the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin installed when you made this request. @SimonF Thank you for the offer but I think I fixed it now... Please also try to redownload the Plugin or update it and reboot.
  15. No you don't. Enable valheim plus, the the container downloads valheim plus, including the required variables and everything thatbis needed, then you simply place the modfiles in the container directory and restart the container.
  16. May I ask if you had installed the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin in the first place or did you only installed it to test if it is working after a reboot? How do you enable the graphics driver on your system did you do a 'touch /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf' or did you enabled it through the go file or don't you enable the i915 module at all?
  17. First of all start over, delete the Container then delete the 'valheim' folder that is located in your appdata directory. Then make sure that you set the appdata directory in the Shares settings to Use Cache "Only" or "Prefer" (if it's set to "Yes" it will break the game when the Mover kicks in). Pull a fresh copy from the CA App and make sure to NOT enter your Steam credentials (the Steam credentials are only needed if they are marked as required - see also the first post). Make sure that you set a password that is 5 characters or longer start the Container and wait for the download to complete. Go to the Steam Server Browser and try if you can actually see the game (please read the second recommended post on the top of this thread on how to do that).
  18. But the hardware transcoding is not working I think.
  19. Ich hätte geglaubt du hast eine Nvidia Karte und keine Intel iGPU... Wo bekommst du den Fehler in TVHeadend? Du kannst versuchen wenn du den Nvidia treiber installiert hast im Docker template ein neues Gerät mit dem pfad '/dev/dri' anzulegen bin mir aber nicht sicher ob das funktioniert. Schaust du dann von außen mittels TVHeadend TV oder wie? Würd es schon über einen anderen Client machen da du mehr sicherheit dadurch erhältst achon allein wegen reverse proxy und Fail2Ban.
  20. Can you send me a screenshot from the exact error message? Have you clicken on refresh? Are you trying to connect through the Steam Server browser with your public IP or your local IP? EDIT: Also with which port are you trying to connect though the Steam Server Browser as asked before, can't help if you don't answer all questions.
  21. Incorrect world? Where does it say that? What's the world name? Are there any special characters in the password, worldname or the servername? You are connecting with YOURINTERNALSERVERIP:2467 or am I wrong?
  22. What is the exact error? So it is working now I think if I understand that right... I think you got some kind of network error... The container works just fine since I also run a server.
  23. Okay, die letzte 1060 6GB hab ich vor 3 Monaten gekauft für 150,- davor eine 1060 3GB um 90,- Ich hab echt schon lang keine Preise mehr nachgesehen ^^
  24. Du kannst die 770 ja trotzdem mal versuchen oder hast du nur h265? Meine 750 schafft auch 2 bis 3 1080p streams, hab die aber nicht mehr aktiv im Einsatz. Sind die 1050Ti oder die normalen 1050 auch so teuer?
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