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Everything posted by ich777

  1. But keep in mind this is only if everything goes how it should... BTW I tested it and it already built yesterday automatically the new version of ZFS, so it should at least work. It is safe to upgrade when I update the second post in this thread with the Unraid version and Kernel version.
  2. What device is choosen in the BIOS as the first graphics device? Where is your Display connected to the Nvidia card or to the iGPU? Have you also rebooted? Is this all really needed in your syslinux.cfg: BOOT_IMAGE=/bzimage pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction vfio_iommu_type1.allow_unsafe_interrupts=1 initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui Do you boot with Legacy or UEFI? May I ask why do you installed the Nvidia-Driver if you use it for a VM, also the GT730 is not really a transcoding beast if you use it for that.
  3. @Kaiserhm Welche? Nvidia oder Intel? Hast du Emby Premium? Btw, wenn du mich markierst dann bitte auch nochmal auf den Namen klicken sonst bekomme ich keine Benachrichtigung.:
  4. What issue exactly? Nothing of both, it has nothing to do with Unraid and the last Docker update was made 7days and 10hours ago since my container updates the game and ValheimPlus itself on every start/restart. Are you sure? I now tried it also with the default settings and enabled Valheim+ (that's the only thing I changed) and this is the log output: valheim.log And I also think that Valheim+ is working (never actually used Valheim+ before): EDIT: Please do the following steps: Delete the Container Delete the 'valheim' folder from your 'appdata' directory Grab a fresh copy of Valheim from the CA App Set Enabel ValheimPlus to 'true' (without quotes) You can change all other values later on... Please also make sure that your share where the folder 'valheim' is located is set to use the cache "Only" or "Preferred" otherwise the Mover will completely mess up the game and it won't even run anymore...
  5. You have to do all steps not just only creating a IQN, a FileIO Volume and a LUn, you also have to authorize your windows machine in the tab ACL. Should look something like this:
  6. Haswell aufwärts mit iGPU egal ob Core, Xeon,... Ich kann mit meinem 10600 zB 2 VM's mit je 512MB VRAM bedienen und noch dazu im Docker nutzen. EDIT: Das mit GVT-d war eigentlich nur zur Info gedacht, wenn du so viele VM's hast/brauchst wird das nichts bringen...
  7. It is everything automated by now, if everything goes how it should it should be done in about 2 hours after the release is made. Please read this post:
  8. With my package no. I can look into it if I can make a Plugin to support webcams regardless if the DVB Plugin is installed or not. Nope 6.9.0 is 5.10.19: Trust me, I know which version had which Kernel... I rebuild the Plugins for each version. Yes, because the Plugins update itself on boot and look for a newer version. EDIT: That's why I recommend waiting for a day after a new version of Unraid is released so that I actually can build the Plugins and they can update on boot. You can see which versions are available in the second postof this thread.
  9. Yes this is possible. I would bind the GPU that's meant to be for the VM to VFIO and then the Plugin or Unraid won't see it anyways since it's reserved for the use in a VM. Even if you don't bind it to VFIO (Tools -> System Devices) you can select which GPU you would like to use in Docker containers, even if the other GPU is picked up by the Nvidia-Driver.
  10. Have you tried to restart the container yet? The permissions should be set on the container start. What you can also try is to install the CA Config Editor from the CA App and edit it with this.
  11. Ja das ist richtig aber soweit ich weiß wird das ab Haswell (4te generation). EDIT: Diente auch nur zur Information... Vergiss aber nicht das wenn du sachen in software auf der CPU emulierst das viel mehr Strom braucht. Sieh es mal so ein Youtube Video in Software zu render ohne GPU und mittels RDP zu übertragen produziert auf meinem Intel 10600 ca. 30% bis 50% Last, wenn ich das ganze mit GVT-d mache hab ich ca. 5 bis maximal 10% Last, schätze mal das wird RDP sein.
  12. What chip is your Webcam is based on? Eventually something in the DigitalDevices supports this chip or the V4L driver supports it. The LibreELEC drivers that I made are not strictly supporting Webcams What do you mean with that? From what version did you upgrade and which Kernel version is the same? 6.9.0rc2 = Kernel v5.10.1 6.9.0 = Kernel v5.10.19 6.9.1 = Kernel v5.10.21
  13. Das stimmt nicht ganz, du kannst mittels Intel GVT-d die iGPU für Docker und mehrere VM's verwenden und hab ich so zu Testzwecken im Einsatz. Muss aber ganz ehrlich sagen ich benutz das über RDP und alle Applikationen die von einer Beschleunigung der GPU profitieren neutzen diese auch sprich du kannst somit 3D Anwendungen in der VM über RDP relativ normal benutzen dank RemoteFX. ...und nicht vergessen man spart so Strom da nichts von der CPU emuliert werden muss. Leider funktioniert die Ausgabe mittel EGL nicht da QEMU auf Unraid ohne EGL kompiliert wurde.
  14. Kann mir mal jemand erklären was es mit den Jumbo Frames auf sich hat? Ich hab den MTU noch auf den default 1500 stehen und bekommen 10Gbit/s benutze aber auch Mellanox Karten in Unraid und auch auf in meinem Unraid Server und benutzer Fiber (aber letzeres sollte keinen Unterschied machen). Ich hab den mal auf 9000 gestellt aber konnte keinen wirklich Unterschied beim kopieren feststellen, ich hab hier aber nichts mit einem Benchmark oder so getestet, reines Kopieren... Also wieder zurück auf 1500 weil kein mehrwert. Wenn ich mich nicht irre braucht dann jedes Gerät im Netzwerk auch den gleichen MTU da sie sonst untereinander nicht kommunizieren können. Bitte korrigiert mich wenn ich hier falschaussagen gemacht hab...
  15. That's why the Unraid-Kernel-Helper exists, I had the exact same issue.
  16. @guill_019 as @NLS said, do the 4 steps step by step and also this is not permanent, this is only for testing. You have to do this physically on your server. CTRL+ALT+F1 will/should bring back the command line. Sorry I think I wasn't clear enough this is only one method.
  17. Was Jellyfin running before or is this a brand new installation? EDIT: Tried it now and got no problem upgraded my Jellyfin instance from 1.6.4 to 1.7.0: It may be possible that you actually have to downgrade to 1.6.4 and uninstall the Plugins that you have manually installed if you have installed any manually since some are not compatible with the newer version and will stop the server from starting.
  18. Have you tried to load the Intel module for your onboard graphics card? You can also try to: Press CTRL+ALT+F1 this should bring you back to the command line Log in with your root user and password Then type in 'modprobe i915' (without quotes) Then type in '/etc/rc.d/rc.4' (without quotes) And please report back.
  19. I eventually can add a pause so the Plugin waits again for about 20 or a maximum of 30 seconds for a internet connection. You don't virtualize PfSense/IPFire/Opensense or have PiHole running on Unraid or something similar so that you have no connection?
  20. Have you a active internet connection on boot? The plugin will automatically download the new version for you, but you need to have a internet connection on boot otherwise it will fail. No, you only need a active internet connection on boot and it will download the new driver (keep in mind that the boot will take a little longer since it's downloading the new driver ~130MB). As @tjb_altf4 said if you don't have a Internet connection the worst thing can happen is that you have to reinstall the Plugin and also disable and enable the Docker Daemon or reboot once more. Hopefully the next time a update is released this won't happen again. I check for new versions now every 15 minutes and have everything automated so that about 1 hour and 15 minutes after a release the Plugins are updated, even if I'm sleeping...
  21. This is now fixed, please look at this bug report (I marked you there on page 2): Click
  22. @Kaldek & @sterofuse & @almulder Fixed! Update the Nvidia-Driver Plugin (make sure that you are on version 2021.03.10) and reboot your server into GUI mode again.
  23. @all for all that are using the Nvidia-Driver Plugin: @Kaldek & @sterofuse If you are using the Nvidia-Driver Plugin I have a workaround for you if you boot into GUI mode: When you get to the blinking cursor press CTRL+ALT+F1 Login with your root account and password Type in 'nvidia-xconfig' (without quotes) Type in '/etc/rc.d/rc.4' (without quotes) These commands have to be done from the local console (not a remote console). I will fix this ASAP and keep you updated here in the thread, sorry for the inconvenience... Fixed! Update the Nvidia-Driver Plugin (make sure that you are on version 2021.03.10) and reboot your server into GUI mode again.
  24. Wenn WARNING ausgegeben wird ist es eine Warnung und keine Fehlermeldung... Dann müsste schon Error ausgegeben werden, dann wäre es eine Fehlermeldung.
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