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Everything posted by ich777

  1. You can ignore that. The browser is freezing because the log of the container has at that time a lot of output and freezes the browser, just reopen the log after it finished the startup process. No, you don't have to do that.
  2. If you are in AMD please try to deactivate C6 States in the BIOS.
  3. Can you try to disable the VM service entierely for a few days for troubleshooting reasons. I think you are on Intel or am I wrong?
  4. Please check if you have anything appended to your syslinux.cfg ('Main' -> click on the blue text 'Flash'): like in my case like3 'pci=noaer'. Remove it if you have appended 'xen-pciback.hide=YOURMETHODE' click on 'Apply' and reboot. What are the contents of this file? Do a 'cat /boot/config/vfio-pci.cfg' and post the output here.
  5. Not really. I've already heard that people running pfSense as a VM on Unraid and thought of that, I will see and update the plugin in the next few days so that you have a Download in the plugin to download it before the restart. For now, but that's really not an elegant solution, but you can try to delete the plugin reboot reinstall the plugin and then restart again. EDIT: But one problem I won't be able to solve with this, if there is an update of Unraid you have to always reinstall the Plugin since it can't get the new version on boot. EDIT2: Wouldn't such a device solve this "issue": Click thanks go out to @binhex who pointed me to this.
  6. In Unraid go to 'Main' click on 'Flash' (blue text) then append 'cx23885.debug=8' to the green box like: press 'Apply' on the bottom and then reboot. That's it.
  7. Have you appended: '+servercfgfile server.cfg' to the game parameters? This is not an error this is a warning and can be ignored because the Server can't find a running instance of Steam itself but well it's a dedicated Server without a Steam Client. Keep in mind that this Container is not different to a CS:Source server that runs on bare metal.
  8. Ich mach das mit meinem luckyBackup container und preshared ssh key funktioniert super. Sieh dir mal an wie das mit dem pre shared key funktioniert und dann können wir ja nochmal schreiben wie du das am besten anstellst, ein paar hintergrund infos wären noch gut.
  9. As far as I know not. Also look at your syslog you already got a DHCP address and then the network failed to connect to the internet, it seems there is eventually something wring with the config itself or something like that, eventualy also look on the router/switch side... That would complicate everything I think and as I said the network should be already online at the installation of the plugins. I once also got a LACP bond and they can give you a really hard time sometimes if not everything is configured properly and the NIC's are fully suporting it (like in your case that eventually the network even doesn't come online. Then I switched over to a 10Gbit/s Mellanox card and it can't work better I think.
  10. No problem here, I will also change the typos in my plugin in an upcoming version but I think it don't affect the functionality of the Plugin itself... English is not my native language but I try my best, thanks for the hint. I can add a pause of 10 seconds but this will make the boot 10 seconds longer. Think of it if someone has a 30Mbit/s connection or slower, then the download takes in today's standards ages and also the pause of 10 seconds will add up to this... A pause before the download is the last thing I want to do...
  11. Can you also try to boot without the bond and with a single ethernet cable for troubleshooting reasons? As said above the network should be already up when the plugin installation happens on boot...
  12. Sorry but I don't think so... Why should my Plugin be connected to an issue that the network isn't working. As said above it does nothing to the network (it's a graphics driver). It connects to Github looks for new versions downloads it if it finds a new version otherwiese it installs it and that's it. Can you check your network settings first please, you are the first one that has such problems. Especially because the network is already up when it's installing/searching for new drivers.
  13. No this is the log from the container, perfectly fine. I will try this and get back to you when I'm finished testing.
  14. Yes, because my plugin is one of the few out there that check on a reboot for a new version, that's not the case for most plugins out there. But that is not related to my Plugin, you have to understand that this is the syslog and that there can be various messages that are in between. For example when my server boots I get the messages from Nvidia, the DVB Plugin and sometimes smb messages in between each other because this the syslog is a compiled list what is going on right now and if some service has something to say it echos it there and you see a message. You have to understand that my Plugin does nothing to the network or the interfaces, if there is no internet then my Plugin is like: "Oh fine there is no internet we install the version that we have on hand". I think this is a completely network related error in your case. EDIT: This is not part of my Plugin, this is SAMBA related I think: Mar 5 22:20:54 Odin ntpd[2864]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver Mar 5 22:20:55 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:20:55.180477, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:20:55 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:20:57 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:20:57.182874, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:20:57 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:20:59 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:20:59.185263, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:20:59 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:21:01 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:21:01.187496, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:21:01 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:21:03.189500, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:21:03.189603, 0] ../../source3/libsmb/nmblib.c:922(send_udp) Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: Packet send failed to ERRNO=Network is unreachable Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:21:03.189631, 0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:179(send_netbios_packet) Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: send_netbios_packet: send_packet() to IP port 137 failed Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: [2021/03/05 22:21:03.189666, 0] ../../source3/nmbd/nmbd_nameregister.c:581(register_name) Mar 5 22:21:03 Odin nmbd[2903]: register_name: Failed to send packet trying to register name #001#002__MSBROWSE__#002<01>
  15. Have you got a log for me? Without a log I can't say anything, are you sure that the container isn't updating the game when you started it? What do you mean with that? In the server list? Or in the Unraid server directory?
  16. But why should it be my Plugin? And what should my plugin do to the network? Yesterday you sent the log and there you got also this messages that are not related to my Plugin, are you sure that the network to your server is stable? Somewhere you said that you are using a bonded ethernet I think, I would first look into it if there is everything alright with bond and the interfaces itself...
  17. Aber dafür musst du doch nicht mit UEFI booten, ich hatte im mehr Glück mit Legacy und SeaBIOS und brauchte nie ein BIOS von der Karte. Wenn du die Karte nur in einer VM benutzen willst brauchst du das Plugin Nvidia-Driver nicht, das gehört nur wenn du deine Karte in einem oder mehreren Docker Container benutzen willst. Wenn du das Nvidia-Driver Plugin installiert hast und du die Karte nur in einer VM verwenden willst dann brauchst du das nicht, bitte deinstallier das Plugin.
  18. If you want to do it manually set it to the newest driver version, not to 'latest', download the file (because if you set it to latest and there is a network problem it will install anyways the old driver because it can't get the versions/version numbers that are available) and then place the downloaded file in '/boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/' or your 'USBBootDevice/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/'. Hope that helps and makes sense to you.
  19. Should I create a Plugin and integrate the script so that it watches if the battery goes down to 30% so you actually only need to download the Plugin and everything is handeled by it? It would be possible...
  20. Yes, with the gnif/vendor-reset patch, a reboot of the Server shouldn't be necessary because the reset patch makes it possible so that the card actually resets...
  21. I tried it now and have no problems. This is the first boot driver 460.56 installed and changed to 455.45.01: after the reboot it looks like this: then I tried again to change back to a differnt driver manually 406.39 and after the reboot: and at the last one I've set it to 'latest' and after the reboot it looks like this: Also here is the log from the last boot it should look something like this: nvidia.log I would strongly suggest to investigate why it's not working for you otherwise you always have to install it manually and if an update of Unraid is released no driver would be installed and you have to manually delete the Plugin and install it again from the CA App. Have you a dedicated box for pfSense or did you run it on Unraid in a VM?
  22. Wouldn't it be better to solve this problem instead of doing a workaround, but yes you can do that. As said above, can you give me the output of 'cat /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg' from a Unraid terminal?
  23. Unraid starts the network first, then install the Plugin and check for updates. Have you installed any blocking software in your network like PiHole or something similar? Please make sure that Unraid has exclusive access to the internet. Can you try to download this file: Click This is the actual file that Unraid tries to download on boot. It should at least work because I now got many users that got the driver versions 460.56 installed as you can read a few comments above a user already postet that he has this version installed. I think this can only be a network issue in your case or something like that. As said I tried to install drivers back and forth and it always worked but I will try it again and will update the post after I tested switching around drivers.
  24. Please read the second recommended post on the top of this thread. You can move it over SMB too (just share your appdata directory in Shares through Unraid), just be sure to stop the container first and then do everything like in the second recommended post. We are talking about the MincraftBasicServer or am I wrong? The file should be named 'ops.json' not 'op.json' and it should look like (I thik the file looks right you posted): ] { "uuid": "UUIDFROMCONSOLE", "name": "USERNAMEFROMCONSOLE", "level": 4, "bypassesPlayerLimit": false } ] To connect to the console of the container you can open up a Unraid console (not from the container!!!) and type in this: docker exec -u minecraft -ti NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER screen -xS Minecraft' (replace NAMEOFYOURCONTAINER with the exact name of your container and you are connected to the console of the container, if you are finished close this window). Also if you read the description of the container you see this:
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