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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes, you need internet because it pulls everything from the corresponding Repos.
  2. Because I marked it now that you have to be at least on 6.9.0 stable. Also if you want to build it for 6.9.0 or 6.9.1 you should be on that version and then build it, or at least that's my recommendation.
  3. Please see the second post. Will announce it there if I built it and well I've built it already.
  4. Ok, then this is completely related to nvidia-smi You should also see this behavior if you for example got to the Nvidia-Driver Plugin to see your UUID, but you will only see one message appearing because I only query nvidia-smi when the page is loaded/reloaded.
  5. Have you upgraded to 6.9.1 recently because your Diagnostics says that you are on 6.9.1 and not on 6.9 please try it again, I was sleeping when 6.9.1 dropped and I had to rebuild the drivers since I switched over to my Github because I got a few requests about newer drivers to support RTX3xxx series. Have you followed the steps here, the Plugin works just fine:
  6. Can you try to start a transcode and see if you got the same messages, I think Nvidia eventually changed something in the newer drivers that this warning is displayed in the system log...
  7. @vinid223 All Plugins should now work properly and you can download it again. Currently I switched from the official Limetech Nvidia driver to my Github repository because I received a few requests about newer drivers to support RTX3xxx series.
  8. May I ask if this hardware configuration was working with the Nvidia drivers or is this a "new" built system? What video card is set to be used in the BIOS iGPU or the card in the PCIe slot? Try to disable VT-d and/or VT-x in the BIOS. Have you anything changed in the VM Settings:
  9. Ich finde hald die Lösung mit der VM wirklich nicht sonderlich toll da es in der CA App einen Docker Container dafür gibt.
  10. Can you eventually give me the Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the file in this text box). Have you checked that eventually the display outputs on the other card? EDIT: I have found something, eventually this is related: What driver version do you have installed?
  11. @Dazog, @vinid223 Exactly, was sleeping... Rebuilded everything and it's working now all again.
  12. Yes and no... But I think Public servers should also be available without a password and at the moment that's not possible as far as I know. I think the devs have a long way to go to fix the bugs, the game is in pretty early alpha state runs fine but also has a few bugs in it that the devs are aware of... Eventually post a question on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub about if the public servers also will be allowed to run without a password.
  13. Just click on Support Thread on the Plugin page within Unraid itself. But it has nothing changed, I can only think of a driver issue, can you try to boot not in GUI mode if you see an output?
  14. Oh sorry... but then this is the wrong thread... Anyways, please try to boot with Legacy if you are booting with UEFI... EDIT: Nothing changed, except that I switched the driver over to my Github and I build it for now because I got many requests about newer drivers (RTX3xxx series).
  15. I tested this now... If you set Public to 1 which means that is available on the in game server list an well publicly available and try to remove the password option completely the server won't start and loop over and over again: valheimpublic1.log But if you set Public to 0 which means that the server is not listed in the server list and with the next part I'm not 100% sure but it can be that you can't actually connect over the Internet, but I couldn't imagine that... and remove the password entry completely you can connect without a password but have to enter the whole IP:SERVERPORT+1 (I only tested this in my local network because it's getting pretty late here). I don't know if I should implement this now to run a server without a password, eventually the developers will fix it anyways and it's not worth the effort... Hope this makes sense to you...
  16. Why don't you use the Nvidia-Driver Plugin from the CA App instead of this container? This is really strange, do you get a output when you turn on your server (BIOS initialization), when does the display disappear or better speaking when did the flashing cursor show up? Have you connected the Display cable to the onboard graphics or the Nvidia Card, what is set in the BIOS, are you booting with UEFI or Legacy?
  17. From my testing yes. Have you seen a server without a password yet? The Public/Non-Public parameter also wasn't working and the fixed it with the last update... I can test it again if you want to, but I think all server in the ingame serverlist are listed with a password.
  18. Kann ich leider nicht da ich weder den Nginx Proxy Manager verwende bzw. auch nicht den Nextcloud Container, bei mir ist alles direkt in SWAG drin. ...aber ja, das sieht mir nach der config aus die du bearbeiten solltest.
  19. I thought the server is non functional and would loop if you start it without a password... I know the manual from creating the container and from my testing when you put in no password it would not start.
  20. Beides gleichzeitig funktioniert nicht, du kannst die GPU in einer VM nutzen aber dann nicht gleichzeitig im Container und umgekehrt, du kannst sie theoretisch abwechselnd benutzen, aber sollte die GPU von einem Container benutzt werden bzw. umgekehrt und du startest die VM kann es sein das sich dein Server aufhängt "Hardlock". Wenn du eine Intel GPU würde das schon funktionieren mit GVT-d, ich bin da grade am testen was alles möglich ist aber momentan hab ich eine VM mit der iGPU am laufen und kann sie gleichzeitig in den Docker Containern verweden bzw. hat das @alturismo auch momentan so. Muss mich noch an QEMU machen damit ich da noch mehr rausholen kann...
  21. I don't create server for games that I don't own anymore. But from what I've looked up "The Isle" should be possible as a container.
  22. As far as I know this isn't possible, you can assign a card to multiple containers, limit the capabilities to a container but not limit the usage of it per container. You also can assign certain CPU cores to a container and share also the same core in multiple containers but not limit the usage. See it like this: GPU = 1 Core... Hope this makes somehow sense to you, this is a highly simplified answer.
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