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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes I know, this is where I get the version for the latest version of the driver.
  2. I don't know if that's possible with private dedicated server since I don't own an Xbox but if it's possible your dedicated server must be reachable from outside (open the corresponding ports in your router/firewall and check if it's reachable from another location). Search for something like 'ark dedicated server xbox cross play' on your favorite search engine... But keep in mind that's a private dedicated server, eventually you have to append some command to the EXTRA_GAME_PARAMS in the template but as I said, not sure, but I think it should work...
  3. This is a application specific question but read the first sentence here: https://docs.photoprism.org/user-guide/organize/folders/
  4. If the kernel mod is in the Kernel it should be no problem, but I've not read the entire thread since my time is very very limited at the moment. Try to make a custom/manual build and replace the step 'make oldconfig' with 'make menuconfig' or you could also inject it into the '.config' file like I do it with the DVB modules. Please keep in mind that you have to do this by hand since make menuconfig will open up a menu with all the available modules (don't forget to save it after you finished all...
  5. Sometimes it doesn't work on Windows too, on my main PC it also doesn't work but on 2 other PC's on my network it works just fine, regardless of using your or my container. Just doesn't work (seems like this is a common problem).
  6. Please note that this container is marked as BETA and it's running through WINE! ConanExiles has no dedicated Linux server, only a Windows version is available and the only possibility to run it, more or less good, is through WINE. Note that WINE can add addtional latency and also can cause much overhaed, can't do anything about that sorry. EDIT: But I think it should be playable with a ping fo 250ms...
  7. If you do a include disks you don't have to exclude the other disks or vice-versa
  8. That's really strange... it should also be possible to run it from the array itself. Can you try to make a seperate share on the array like I described in the post above and let it use one disk only and then point it to that share for example: '/mnt/disk2/gameservers/gmod'? It also works if it's on the array but please keep in mind that it should not be allowed to spread over multiple disks (Have you deleted the gamefolder on the array after you changed that your appdata is allowed to use only one disk? If not that could also be the problem since it has already spread over multiple disks).
  9. Have set the appdata to use disk1 only or can it spread across multiple disks? The problem with some of the gameservers is that it needs the physical path to the disk and not /mnt/user/appdata/... in your case it's a little difficult because you don't have a cache drive installed (usually with a cache drive you have /mnt/cache/appdata/...). I think in your case it can spread across multiple disks and some files on disk1 and some files are on another disk so that's why the error happens. What you can try is to create a share (in this example 'gameservers') that is specificly allowd to use one disk only (in this example 'disk1') and you specify the path to is for the GameFiles (eg: '/mnt/disk1/gameservers/garrysmod'). You could also use another disk or even a disk that is outside of your array with the UnassignedDevices plugin (then the path has to be something like this: '/mnt/disks/gamedisk/garrysmod' where 'gamedisk' is the name of the disk). Only the GameFiles need the physical disk path (SteamCMD for example can use the 'virtual' path '/mnt/user/appdata/...')
  10. Please answer all questions, have you installed a cache drive in your server (that's probably the most important question and also the answer to solve your issue). This is just normal because the files that are downloaded identified by app id 4020 and the game itself (also the dedicated server) is game id 4000. No problem here (also please include a screenshot from your template settings): garrysmod.log
  11. I will have a look at when I got home from work. The '-debug' doesn't work because GDB isn't installed in the container (other than that, the Steam output from that doesn't help very much. On which Unraid version are you? Have you a Cache drive installed in your Server? Have you changed any values in the template?
  12. Error corrected, they changed something I think. Please update the container manually (switch on advanced view on the docker page and click force update) or delete the container and redownload it from the CA App. Here is a complete startup log from the updated container: Barotrauma.log
  13. I have a look at that but can't find any tutrial on how to do it and also it seems like the dedicated server tool is windows only from the first quick look. Click
  14. Sorry but I don't own the game and also don't have such a Container. Can't tell you how to get this working, since I don't own the game. Sorry. EDIT: And also this isn't my way to do such a container. Also you don't write which image you pull in your post.
  15. Yes, this has removed the management console. The managememt window was only a bonus with the windows version (the old version of the container). I think there is no management window in the limux version (could also be wrong). @DSandyGuy eventually @Spectral Force can help? I'm not too familar with ARK and mods...
  16. That's very strange since the prebuilts should work OOB. EDIT: Sometimes the drivers don't show up in the plugin (I use a very differnt methode than LS.io). Sometimes you have to try if everything works...
  17. Good to hear that it works now. The LS.io does exactly the same except for that that they build the image and you download the prebuilt image through the plugin, the plugin from LS.io will always be there if you don't uninstall it. Hope this make things clearer. EDIT: Forgot to say that no process should use the nVidia card at building the images, otherwise the installation of the nVidia driver fails.
  18. Nope, your log says that it runs. (What is cs? I think you mean CA?) This line is only a warning because you are running a dedicated server and the game can't find a running instance of Steam (this happens on all dedicated server). This line tells you that the server has startet and is running (please keep in mind that the first startup could take very long (look on the docker page with Advanced View enabled at the CPU load and RAM load the server is fully startet when it consumes about 3GB of RAM and the CPU - depending on your CPU is using in my instance with 16Cores 3% - the server is starting if it is consuming way more). Please keep in mind that you need to forward the ports from the template with the corresponding protocol (otherwise the server is not visible in the server browser). Also don't change any port, if you have to change a port then read the description very carefully. Is the game visible from the Steam Server browser (View -> Server Browser -> Favorites -> Add Server -> Enter 'YOURUNRAIDIP:27015' (without quotes) -> and then click again on refresh (you have to click it one more time!).
  19. Forget the post above, this was actually a easy fix, please force an update of the container and it will work as usual (turn on Advanced View in the top right corner on the Docker page and then click on Force Update).
  20. I will look into that on monday, weekend is family time. Btw thanks for reporting that. -> see post below...
  21. This is not the latest version, this is a beta version, if you've had said that before I could have tell you that you have to add '-beta beta' at the game ID like so:
  22. Oh sorry, there was an error in the template the language has to be 'en-US' not 'en_US', template is now fixed and should be updated in a few hours then you can download it again from the CA App or you simply change the language.
  23. In this thread you find the images required for iSCSI (or you can compile your own images, but please read the description carefully) and also the manual on how to setup iSCSI.
  24. A little more info would be nice, have you changed anything in the template? Screenshot of the template? What does the log say? Have you also changed the server config? You need to specify a factorio account or disable it. Also please note that this is a container that I only made the template for, it's the official one.
  25. Please report back if it doesn't work... But it will work , think as it if it's behind a firewall if the container is in bridge mode and you have to forward the corresponding ports if you specify one or more ports in the config that are not by default in the template. Also please don't 'NAT' Steam ports change them in the config and then also delete the old entries and create new ones with the right ports and protocols (Steam Ports don't like it if you let's say choose the container port 27016 and host port for example 27017 they should be the same otherwise it's not properly working).
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