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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes, tried it out and it runs, there is no error that prevents the server from running and it's running fine (except for the heavy cpu und ram usage wine just sucks for this kind of application). You got no display and audio output that's normal. Nope, it is installed in the docker itself, the gui is missing.
  2. Okay that's strange if the unraid terminal itself reported 2mbit/s and you reach your 800mbit/s within the vm's on unraid... Yes this would be the best solution and i think it is some kind of network problem. One more question, did you have more than one nic in your server and you are using one for the vm's and one for unraid? Try also to change the network cables, often there can be an issue with one cable (i've remember i got such kind of a problem with a unraid server with two nic's and a load balance setup in the past).
  3. This was asked several times please reffer to this post or search within this topic for 'space engineers':
  4. Nope, no setting or something, should pull with full speed. 7DtD finishes on my 90Mbit connection in about 15mins or so. Is it possible that there is another limitation, diskspeed or steam itself (please keep in mind that steamcmd works over steampipe). Did you got any cachingservice for steam running on your network?
  5. Totaly doable but you need a separate account for the serverfiles to download or you disable your steam guard if you enabled it (steam recommends to create a dedicated account for all your dedicated servers). I will look into that also.
  6. I can make such a docker if the download link is provided as plain text, if it needs a captcha or is redirected to another site where further steps are required it's not possible since this is not in my mind, i want to make dockers that are easy to use and not require any steps for the installation (except for the FiveM server, at the beginning it all works fine but then they changed their server download site so that you must solve a captcha and you must palce it manually in the docker directory).
  7. This is a game specific question and it should be asked on the factorio forums but i attched a screenshot of my config (i've configured mine only for lan play but it should be mostly the same.
  8. As @Squid said try the CA Config Editor Link to support thread (you find it in the CA Apps) or you can like @Masterism said SSH to Unraid and edit the file with nano. This is technicaly not my docker, i've only created the template for it to be available on Unraid (personally i run also a Factorio Docker and i edited the file with nano).
  9. You've allready asked this question and i answered on post below.
  10. Please note that some libraries or even a runtime change can destray a already running FTB server (i don't know if there are different libraries for windows and linux eventually that's the main problem i think) one little misconfiguration and the server won't start... If you change to spigot it's way easier, no need to put the mods on the clients, they need only to run on the server.
  11. This is mostly a problem with FTB, i've given up running this kind of servers because they can also stop working randomly... I run 2 Spigot servers and never got a problem. The best thing you can do is you set the whole server up on windows and see if everything is working like you want it and then copy everything over to the unraid server. Also a few post bevore in this thread is a post with a similar problem.
  12. As @jonathanm said, you will have a hard time forwarding it through a nginx reverse proxy server. I don't see why anyone would do that, reverse proxy is primarly for http and https requests and not for game traffic. Don't mind me asking a question @Skoden your proxy manager is also runnting in a docker? If yes you also mapped the port (80 and 443) in router directly to the container... With this container it's the same, also if you got any concerns, all my dockers run with a non root user so that an attack to the unraid server is nearly impossible (nothing is 100% save nowerdays).
  13. No not reverse proxy! Do only a simple port forwarding and that's it, no need for reverse proxy anything. Sorry but i can't tell if it works for a realm but i think so, it should all work like a normal dedicated server. No you must put in the server version manually.
  14. Youve got a [space] in front of the version number.
  15. Can you post a picture from the docker log after startup?
  16. @Skoden If you want to play on lan you don't have to take any further steps but if you want to play over the internet or make it publicly available you have to take further steps (portforwarding, ddns or static ip from your isp,...). Please read the minecraft dedicated server docs for portforwarding (this docker sets you up the dedicated server but all further steps like port forwarding are well documented on the forums).
  17. Maybe @bubo can help with this, is it possible that the docker overwrites the values from the start paramaters overwrite the gameusersettings.ini? Nothing else from my perspective can overwrite the file else.
  18. I've installed the Digital Devices (Github) 6.7.2 Image to my Unraid server but it won't work properly it find the adapters but it shows that the 'Adapter Drivers' are not detected. Also tried to reverting back and reinstalling/downloading the image. I'm running 2 Cine CT V6 (one in the PCIe slot and one extension card attached to the Cine CT V6 extension port) and a Octupus CI Duo (in a PCIe slot). I've also added 'ddbridge.msi=1' to the syslinux.cfg otherwise only one card is detected. Got it to work by removing it from the syslinux.cfg Am i missing something or do i have to remove the Octupus CI Duo card? Edit: Got it now (still doesn't detect the Adapter Drivers but it works now with the TVMosaic Docker) but only works partially only 2 of the 4 tuners are available and the CI interface is not showing up, can somebody help me out? Edit: Got now 3 of my 4 tuners working but the DVB Adapter Drivers still says that it's not detected but it works with the TVMosaic docker. The only question that i have is why are only 3 of my 4 tuners are detected?
  19. From a quick research online this is also a windows only game like Space Engeneers. It also involves to set up a database (that would be no problem) but i think since i must run it through WINE it's not that easy and causes a lot of overhead and slow response times but i can try to create a docker also you can try out my The Forest docker (this runs also with WINE and uses a lot of system resources because auf WINE).
  20. I think there is the problem, you must delete this entry entirely and add a new port. Say for example you set the port in the server.properties to 26569 you must delete the standard port and create a new port in the docker settings page with the container port 26569 and the host port 26569.
  21. Yes, this is totaly possible and i think it was already requested but since the game files (or at least the server game files) are not opensource or to download for everyone i wouldn't do such a server. My dockers are built for easy use and not having to do much (except for FiveM, recently the developers added a captcha to the download so you must put the archive in the main directory of the server). There are a bunch of dockers out there and you easily can get them to work with unraid.
  22. According to the wiki the latest server version is EDIT: Tested it and it works with version
  23. DayZ mod for Arma is based on Arma 2, but should be doable but i don't have much spare time in the summer months. Will take a look into EPOCH.
  24. Yes if you read the discription of the docker you know how... Click on the docker image of minecraft, click on Console and enter: screen -xS Minecraft
  25. Don't know if it's possible but i could totaly try to make a docker using WINE (if you don't know it it's a wraper for linux to make windows programs run on linux... the more or less). But please be aware that if i try that with WINE it's much likely to have much overhead, use very much system resources (more than on a real windows machine) and could even lag really much (besides that it can crash really often). You could post on their forums or contact the developers if there ever will be a dedicated linux server version for the game. You can try out my 'The Forest' docker it uses a lot of memory and a lot of cpu power (it's also created with WINE).
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