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Everything posted by ich777

  1. That's actually the TShock Mod. Can you send me a screenshot from your Terraria folder? Also I currently have pulled Terraria TShock from the CA App since I personally don't own the game and can't test anything (will drop support and also pull it from the CA App for every game that I don't own and can't test if someone reports an error).
  2. Schreiben wir uns per PN zusammen, Korrekturlesen meinte ich nicht, bin über jede Hilfe froh. Meinte eher deine Meinung dazu wie du manche Sachen wie du Device oder Disk übersetzen würdest, ist schwierig ohne 2. Meinung.
  3. Hallo, ja wäre cool wenn du helfen könntest, sieh dir mal meine Übersetzung an (hab schon 3 files - main, dashboard und users - übersetzt). Schreib mir eventuell eine kurze PN. Lg, Christoph
  4. Yes and no. I cann add timestamps at my commands (checking if steamcmd is up to date, checking if the game is up do date) For the ark console itself it is a game specific question since the container puts out the log from the gameconsole itself if the game itself supports it and can activated by some startup parameter. There are other ways around this but that means i had to completely redo the container... EDIT: I think there is some other command so that you will see the actual output from the ARK console.
  5. Thats not an error, i've baked that in so that everyone can see if you set to version it will always download the newest version. But i will think i drop support for this container and also pull it from CA App with TShock... EDIT: One thing, I've now tried it and it work OOB if i set it at the beginning to
  6. So everything is working now? Don't understand the question... Can you post the log output and wich version does it say in the log? EDIT: Malbolgia is writing about the ARK Container and I think you are writing about the Terraria Container or am I wrong? The ARK Conter functions completely different and there was an issue with the linux files on SteamCMD.
  7. Yep. Don't know if it's a pre release version thing or something else but the default release version work fine with mono...
  8. Appriciated! If youre stuck or need help feel free to contact me or write a post in this thread
  9. You can update the container but it will fail to start since it's using Mono and i think because it's a pre alpha version. Just let the container do it's thing for the first time and let it start up and then shut it down. Download the TShock mod of your choice and extract it in the main directory (overwrite the existing files), then start the container again. The last time someone/I tried this it failed to start up.
  10. The games who need a steam account have the fields username and password marked as required and also a text in the discription. The games who need the game in the account itself are the same with a notice in the discription.
  11. Oh sorry looked into the template, no you don't have to use a steamaccount (it's not marked as required - I think for Killing Floor you need to provide a valid steam account). Actually only a few games need a steam account and a few of them the game bought.
  12. No, only a valid user account that is veryfied with steam, I also have a user account dedicated to the dedicated server (the only thing that you must do with this account is that you buy at least one game i think even when it's 10 cents...). The second way works also, but you have to let steamguard disabled and that I don't recommend since the updates will fail!
  13. Why not use the Emby or Jellyfin container with TVHeadend container and let Emby/Jellyfin do the encoding (they both have NVENC encoding built in). And you got a nice UI too.
  14. How did you utilize the DVB card? With my build of the nVidia and DVB drivers my DigitalDevices Card only shows up if I start TVHeadend (the kernel modules is loaded if the card is needed) and TVHeadend requires direct access to the path '/dev/dvb'.
  15. If you let it as it is it will build it with nVidia and DVB (DigitalDevices, LibreELEC & Xbox USB Tuner currently included). If you need other drivers you will need to enable the Custom mode and edit the build script.
  16. What path did you enter? the absolute path to the main directory in the container is: /serverdata/serverfiles
  17. You can do that by setting CUSTOM_MODE to 'true'. The container will then copy the build script and also the DVB patch file to the main directory and you can edit it there and add or remove things, then you can simply run it. (You also have to remove the first condition because the script stops if CUSTOM_MODE is set to 'true', this will be fixed in the next few days so that you don't have to do that manually)
  18. Should i make it a little bigger or is it not clear? English is not my native language... But i will do that, thank you
  19. Appreciated, this was no easy task since I had zero understanding of how to compile a kernel now I know a little bit... I was also looking for a way to upgrade my drivers a little bit faster and also to add custom kernel modules the 'easy' way (I totally understand that linuxserver can't build a new image for each new driver version...) If you got any suggestions feel free to contact me. Btw: I uploaded the container already but it will take a bit to update in the CA App.
  20. This is the support thread for multiple Plugins like: AMD Vendor Reset Plugin Coral TPU Driver Plugin hpsahba Driver Plugin Please always include for which plugin that you need help also the Diagnostics from your server and a screenshots from your container template if your issue is related to a container. If you like my work, please consider making a donation
  21. I don't even think thats possible, the game needs it's own port and you simply can't share it with the https port (think the other way around, you also can't share the http port 80 with the https port 443...). One thing to think about is also if you encrypt the data through https when you proxy it through lets encrypt it's possible that the game client don't know how to handle https traffic... A game server is simply not a website/server. To connect to the console please read the discription of the container there is the answer. I think you also can issue this commands from the ingame console when you are the admin/server OP.
  22. ? For reverse proxy? You don't need to reverse proxy any of my game servers.
  23. The only thing that can happen is that he destroys his minecraft world. It is also a good idea that you look up the official minecraft forum how the whitelst works. Our containers are the same as a linux dedicated server and you should be able to edit it like you do it on a dedicated server that you ren or set up on a linux machine. I think you can also whitelist people from the ingame console. Also keep in mind, everything that you open to the outside world is a possible security risk, if somebody want to get into your system the chances are high that he succeed (that said, this doese not only apply to the minecraft container, this apply's to everything and also not only to containers). Nothing is 100% safe nowerdays. I've been running minecraft servers (java and bedrock editon for years now also on dedicated servers or in containers) and never got a spamed or something else. The whitelist is possible the best solution or you install plugins of you run bukkit (now spigot) so that you can add usergroups, but if you do this with plugins it's not that easy as with the whitelist. If you keep your minecraft version up to date there should be no issue.
  24. It's not that easy. What do people do that doesnt have that variable in their template? The container simply wont start. It's not that easy and i want to test things if they work properly (lately i've done a quick change to the terraria container because the devs of the game change some things. Because I am simply not have the time atm and i didn't test it and didn't thought of other things, i had to change it three times and now it does work properly again). I hope you understand that. You always can try the official container.
  25. I pulled the container from the CA App because I simply haven't enough time at the moment to look into this. I will release it again if I got time for this. In my containers if the username and password isn't marked as required you don't need it. Yes, click on it and select console then you have access to the console. Type in 'bash' then 'su steam' and then you can update the container. The path to steamcmd is /serverdata/steamcmd; to the serferfolder itself /serverdata/serverfiles this should be all you need, you also can use this command if you are inside the shell of the container: '${STEAMCMD_DIR}/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} +app_update ${GAME_ID} +quit' (without quotes) it will fill in the required paths automatically, simply paste it there. If you are done with everything type two times 'exit' (first time to logout the steam user and the second time to exit the container shell).
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