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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I will test that today evening. If you are able, can you test the docker with the standard config and with nothing changed? Only for testing?
  2. Because you changed the value in the file so you changed the port in the docker and my port was for example 27015 and you set it to 27016 it can't work because the docker container port for the container is set to 27015 but you've changed it to 27016 and you only changed the host port to 27016 not the container port.
  3. Exactly, with the container and host port to match yours from the serverconfig.xml
  4. Sadly not, but you can delete all the ports in the docker config page of 7DTD and set up new ports that match your ports (You must set the container and host ports as the same, otherwise NAT will not work). You know what i mean?
  5. You have to delete the whole port in the docker configuration and make a new one with the right port from you serverconfig.xml as the container port and the host port also the same (and don't forget to set te right protocoll type). This is something i can't change since steam handles ports a little bit different from my experience. If you post a screenshot please also share the serverconfig.xml (without password).
  6. If you want to telnet into the docker you must add the port for telnet, i think i've don't enabled it by default... But i may be wrog (i'm at work and can't tell for sure) Have you changed any port numbers in the docker or in you configuration files? You can also try to install the vanilla docker and look if it shows up in the server browser. Since i don't own the game it's a little difficult for me to test this. But my sister and 3 others tested this docker on my server and it was working and showing up in the server browser (if you want to test it i can set it up again on my server and you can try to connect)...
  7. Thank you for the clarification, i think i've read the 1st thread that you described above.
  8. A while ago i've read a thread where it was discussed i think, since then when i do something in the terminal i work only in the /mnt/user directory. If i'm wrong i'm sorry...
  9. The 7DTD is already in the list and runns fine, the problem is that i can't test the dockers and profe if they work. And testing with people who owns the game is difficult because i am located in europe. (Like you said the most apps doesn't need a game purchase but a few needs a token or a valid steam account - these details are all in the discription of my dockers). The next problem is that i must read every server tutorial how to build the dedicated server and this take a lot of time and i even don't know what 'aloc' is... Because i simply don't own the game and never set up a server for that (I promise, for every game that i've own at some time i have set up a dedicated server ) In my dockers you can use only one steamcmd dir in the appdata directory and run many many server so that you don't wast space on your disk. The dockers are designed to be easily set up, for highly customisation and to save disk space.
  10. As i said, you must put the line in your server.ini at Master: [ACCOUNT] lan_only_server = true otherwise the server will not show up evin if you only want to play on LAN (this line is a requirement for LAN play).
  11. Sorry but what do you mean 'put everything in the container'? Delete the container, then install it new and set the path's to where they should be (think /mnt/disk2/steamcmd - btw never write direct to a disk everytime to 'user' and then to a share, if you write direct to a disk the parity won't work!) <- read this. To check if everything is ok just turn on 'Advanced View' in the Docker page on the right upper corner.
  12. Like you install it on a normal dedicated server. Navigate to your appdata folder and install them. Don't know what you exactly mean, you must set the path on first creation of the docker otherwise it will not work correctly (on the first start all dockers, not only mine, will create the required directorys and permissions for the folders and files needed). Delete the docker completely and map them when you install the docker.
  13. You can do this by a cronjob (you find a app for that in the community applications) or if you plugin a usb device to your server via unassigned devices plugin and a backupscript on automount. Or you do it like me with the automated community application backup plugin to backup all your appdata folders to another location (in my case a backup drive outside the array with the unassigned devices plugin and back it then up with an external drive like i said above)
  14. Thank you for the reply and sorry my reply also takes ages... :D Still... i am not able to download windows updates, is there any workaround to disable the windows update caching completely or a beta build that i can pull from dockerhub? The value 'true' at the 'DISABLE_WINDOWS' doesn't make like i said above no difference. Please help me out, the way it is now i must set the dns server to the PiHole manually so that i can make windows updates...
  15. Everything is now fixed and you can choose between a server with and without the caves, simply delete the whole docker and the folder in appdata and redownload (just wait for the APP to update in the Communtiy Applications if you see that the port is set to 10890 and a new variable 'Caves' is set to 'true' then you can download it).
  16. @InventedStic Corrected Docker will be available in the next few hours (update takes some time). Remove the docker completely (also delete the '7dtd' folder in your appdata) and redownload it from the Community applications. The new Docker Template has a new veriable in it 'Serverconfig' (only download the Docker again when the the new variable is visible!). The savegames then locatet under the folder 'Saves' in the main directory.
  17. Sorry didn't realize that the savegames are stored in the home folder... :/ Please give me a few hours to update the docker i will make a special serverconfig.xml where the savegames are located in the main folder. I will report back.
  18. That sounds like a permission fault if the server doesn't load the serverconfig.xml...
  19. Like i said in the PM's i will fix that, it was not clear to me how DST works but now it's clear and i will fix this this week. Weekend is for family time.
  20. Since i don't own the game and 3 persons tested this docker and they all gave their ok, i also changed the serverconfig.xml so that my server has a differnt name (btw the 7DtD Docker doesn't download any configfile like other dockers that i've made so it can nothing overwrite) i think it should be fine. You must provide a servertoken, read the description from the docker everything you need to know is in there.
  21. Please read this post Link He describes that the server must conmect to the internet and show properly up in the list to show on the lan list. Edit: But i think if the server need's to register at the Steam master server just forward the port 27015 UDP in your router to your Unraid server IP. I will take a look into that.
  22. Are you sure you set the right list and so on (Unofficial Servers, Show servers with Password,...) Wich ports did you open? TCP or UDP? Sounds like a Port forwarding issue. I can start mine to test if you find it (i start it only when i play with friends uses too much power for my homeserver) but note that you must select the unofficial list in the ingame server browser. Do you got a static or a dynamic ip? Wich internet provider do you use? Is there maybe any restriction from your provider? Can you find the server in 'lan-mode'? I've create the dockers as vanilla as possible and with only the bare minimum files but i can edit it if this a critical file and add. I've read that there are much more files to create if you want to customize it really really hard but in mind that this is a vanilla server as possible i've only created 2 files. If this is a critical file please post a link to an example or post your example in a PM and tell me where to put it exactly.
  23. Should be totaly possible, next week i will look into it. Leave the username and the password blank and the docker will automaticaly log you in with the anonymous account. Btw a few games need that you provide a username and password, in these dockers the username and password must be filled in with an account with steamguard completely disabled, steam and i recommend to creat a dedicated account for this. Can i ask what you want to change? All dockers should do all automatically and you have only to change the ports to what you want.
  24. Updated the template yesterday. They switched the repository, please check if you have te right template. Repository should be factoriotools/factorio.
  25. You, got a PM Should be possible, can you test the server if i set one up? Edit: Since i don't have the game i can set up no docker (need a valid steam purchase).
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