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Everything posted by ich777

  1. @Squid Thank you for the reply! If they should start after they automatic updated it doesn't work can confirm that for Unraid v6.7.0-rc7 and Unraid v6.6.7 specificly the containers of Linuxserver.io LetsEncrypt and MariaDB, got two servers running and the stay off after the update. If you need any logs or anything else i can post them.
  2. Is there a way to start the updated docker containers after the automatic update, the are stopped after they where updated, on the docker page autostart is on. Couldn't find a solution. Running Unraid 6.7.0 RC7 (Also searched for the 'Docker autostart' but can't find it or is the plugin deprecated?)
  3. I want to run a specific cron job without changing the hosts cronjobs, is this even possible? I think the answer is: "run a cron job inside the container in the same script" or in a standalone "cronjob" script. Edit: Found a solution at this Posting
  4. Works fine thank you @aptalca! Is it possible to add a cron job with the startup script in /etc/cont-init.d/90-config ? If yes how should i do that or is there a better way of doing this?
  5. Like @j0nnymoe said, it's no good idea to reverse proxy a database TCP connection through the http or https protocol.
  6. Dont understand the question. You've got a nginx docker and a firebird database on the same server and want to connect the two or do you want to reverse proxy the firebird database through nginx.
  7. Click on the Docker, Edit, and set the network mode to custom and enter a free local ip adress.
  8. How is the docker set up? Bridge or Custom: br1? I've also got that problem in the past with bridge mode, since i've used custom and assigned a ip adress to the docker it works without a flaw.
  9. You must add a new port rule to the docker, container port 8000 and host port 8000 then it should work, if you want to listen on port 80 co figure the docker with custom: br1 mode and assign it a ip in your home network. You must understand that a container can not have the same port 80 as the unraid web interface (bridge mode means that the container use the same ip as the host - unraid). You can also change the webinterface port to anithing other as 80 but i think the way with the cust: br1 is better.
  10. More or less, it's a bigger package. The right one is php7-imagick but the other one works too. But i think php7-pecl-imagick it will do it's job fine.
  11. The php module "imagick" would be nice if you add it permanently.
  12. Hello, is it possible to add the PHP-Module "imagick" to the container? Already managed to install "imagick" to the container, is there a way to add this permanently? Is there also a docker for redis from Linuxserver.io? Found one direct from redis. I've run Nextcloud (and also a reverse proxy for my other stuff) in this docker and it would be super cool if you or i could add this permanently. I also know that there is the Nextcloud docker from Linuxserver.io but i don't want to reverse proxy a nginx server if i already have one... Best regards from Austria, chips
  13. Okay, figured it out, set it to Bridge and give it Privileges then it works.
  14. Thats not the problem, the docker was created to use specific ports with the Exposed command, if i change the ports in the config then it does nothing because the Exposed comman overwrites it even in host mode.
  15. Hello, thank you for that small image, got a short question, can you make a Docker without EXPOSED ports, want to change the ports but thats not possible in Unraid if i set the network to Host.
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