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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ja genau, ETA gibt es leider noch keinen genauen Aufgrund der aktuellen weltweiten Situation (brauch hoffentlich nicht schreiben welche Situation ich meine ).
  2. Das ist derzeit noch nicht möglich, funktioniert nur in der DEV version. Ja und nein, ich kann dir auch textabschnitte senden, die helptext.txt ist der größte Brocken (ca 2.000 Zeilen und bin ca. bei Zeile 350).
  3. I don't know how that works exactly since I don't own the game... But it should be not different than a linux dedicated server (if you did that on windows eventually the world are not compatible or also something with the folder structur could be different). I've only done this for minecraft java and bedrock editon. For java edition you only drop the folder into the serverfolder and it works for bedrock editon i had to edit one file and drop the world into a specific location and it worked.
  4. I don't recomend to do it that way. Some games won't work if you do it like that or can make problems (almost every Source game won't work, you can see it but you can't connect). Best way is to set the gameconfig to 7776 then delete the 7777 entry in the template and at last create a new entry with host and container port set to the same port as in the gameconfig.
  5. @kristian221 If you set another port in the gameconfig you have to delete the old port in the container template and create a new port entry with the host and container port set to the corresponding port from the game config (also make sure that you choose the right protocol).
  6. Have you deleted the old port and created a new one with the right protocoll and container and host port set to 7776?
  7. I will look into that, but can not garantuee that it works...
  8. I've already seen that and looked into that, the post says that there will be also a linux dedicated server version. I don't know if it's a good idea to try it through with WINE since they are saying they currently working on it. The server should save if you stop the container. Also please attach a log where I can see this.
  9. Hilfe ist immer willkommen. Ich füge euch am Montag abend hinzu. Bezüglich der Übersetzung, ja das stimmt schon aber wir brauchen zuerst die developer Version zum testen ob das dann auch Sinn ergibt und ist ja auch noch die erste version und noch lange nicht fertig.
  10. You can customize the build process completely with the options that i've mentioned above. Sorry but i will not investigate too much since I'm really busy at the moment. If you find the links to the patches somewhere please let me know and i will look into it.
  11. No this isn't the way minecraft servers or gameservers in general are working. Think of a dedicated hosting provider, there you get always a port at the end of the domain. You have to port forward ypur server IP and the port to the internet otherwise it wont work. As @jonathanm said the game client won't understand the requests that the server sends if you route it through your proxyserver since the proxy encrypts the traffic in https and the game uses it's own encryption (imagine you try to speak english with someone who speaks german and he also tries with you to speak german without knowing the foreign language, on both sides there will be big ? and a successfull conversation isn't possible).
  12. Can you give me links to where i can get them and i will see if i can integrate them easily. Please always delete the container and the template when you finished building the kernel and redownload it from the CA app so that the template is always on the newest version.
  13. Thanks for the post! If you can give me links where i can get these scripts or updates, please PM me. A big part of the build process is the compression of bzroot since this is a single core task... I mainly built this container because i needed additional kernel modules for my DebianBuster-Nvidia Container (use this for streaming Steamgames to my mobile phone or older laptops but haven't got time tho fix this with the kernel.modules since I got a lot work) Little side note: you always can build a custom kernel if you set the option CUSTOM_MODE to 'true' then the container will stop right at the beginning and copy the build script to the main directory, then it's only a matter of copy and paste or you change the script to your preferrence. EDIT: Please always delete the container and the template when you finished building the kernel and redownload it from the CA app so that the template is always on the newest version. EDIT2: I think about adding your tutorial to the first post and add my own things to it if you are OK with that.
  14. I will look into it as soon as I got a little bit more time. But it shouldn't be different from a normal linux dedicated server...
  15. The command line options look good to me. You could try to set it in the config file instead of the command line.
  16. You can build the kernel completely yourself by setting CUSTOM_MODE to 'true' by doing so, the container will copy the build script and al necessary files to the main directory and then you can customize the script itself or you copy paste line by line and add you patch files in between.
  17. Danke gefixt EDIT: wird sowieso nochmal alles auf plausiblität geprüft und korrekturgelesen wenn alles übersetzt ist.
  18. Contact you after the weekend (weekend is family time for me)
  19. Uffff, ergibt keinen Sinn beim Bild, wird gefixt...
  20. Ja sicher jede Hilfe ist willkommen, bist du auf Github? Wie gesagt jede Hilfe ist willkommen. Bist auch auf Github? Danke für den Hinweis (werde am Schluss alles nochmal korrekturlesen und auch testen ob es dann in Unraid Sinn ergibt)! Könnte ja eine Gruppe aufmachen das wir uns ein wenig besser absprechen können, glaub hier im Forum ist nicht unbedingt die beste Möglichkeit zu Kommunizieren... Ich nehm
  21. Completely understandable and that's why I created this container... I don't think many people will use it but I think it has it's place. I like the idea that everyone can build it's own custom kernel with a few clicks (but can also produce more problems than it solves). If you give me a little tutorial an how the plugins from linuxserver.io work i could integrate that into my container but I think this wouldn't be compatible since you got two seperate plugins one for DVB and one for nVidia. Since I'm not really familar with creating plugins it will take some time to release my own... Currently the DVB plugin from linuxserver.io looks like this: and the nVidia plugin linuxserver.io looks like this with the build from my container: But everything is working just fine.
  22. Don't get me wrong but if I had to buy every game... Get not much Donations and without them I won't be able to support it and don't want to get a headache if I had to write with someone that's not in my timezone... But if this file is in the main directory version is installed, I think this has something to do with the TShock mod that it displays it wrong... If you only place it in the directory nothing will happen. I think it's the TShock mod as i said. It reports always this verision...
  23. Hey @CHBMB eventually you can use this, feel free to use as much as you want from it Currently you can build your own Kernel/Images in this container with/without Nvidia and with/without DVB drivers (currently I've only inclueded the DigitalDevices, LibreELEC and XBOX One USB Stick drivers) also you can choose wich driver version to install wether it's nVidia the runtimes or the DVB driver versions, added also a option that you completely can build it yourself. The plugins from Linuxserver.io also work but the version numbers are not shown and it shows that no DVB kernel driver is detected but it works all perfectly fine. Btw also the problem from @mkfelidae was solved with this (but I think it was eventually because he merged your two builds together so that the kernel module/driver wasn't loaded when it was needed).
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