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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you yet tried to ask on the official Discord? <ErrorMessage>Caught signal 11 Segmentation fault</ErrorMessage> Are you sure that your RAM is working properly so to speak maybe bad RAM? Can you please post your Diagnostics from Unraid?
  2. It doesn't make sense according to the developers: Every game server (at least that I know) prefers per core clock speed instead of thread count. What is weird about that? Your server struggles to keep up, I would recommend that you disable SMT or Hyper threading, do a little overclocking and see what 4 cores perform the best and assign that to the container.
  3. Dose actually read somebody these days please read the description from the container and also this post:
  4. Just what I was going to say: Also known as Hair Pin NAT, over here it is working just fine but you have to configure it properly, but I have to say I don't know how to do it on pfSense since I moved away from it in favour to OPNsense. Have you yet tried to connect to your server from outside your local network? Usually this should work when your NAT Reflection isn't set up or working properly.
  5. What network gear are you using? If you are using Unifi check if it doesn't block anything since it is known to me to be real restrictive at times. Otherwise I really can't help, but it seems that something is blocking the communication with Steam Pipe from the Docker container.
  6. Sorry, I can't give help there since I'm not experienced enough with VLANs. Have you yet tried to set it up in the default bridge and see if it works there? I assume you have an IPv6? If yes, try to disable it because maybe it tries to use IPv6 instead of IPv4 and that ultimately leads to that behavior. Sorry but I really can't help with complicated network setups and I think this has something to do with the specific configuration for your VLAN/network bridge that you are trying to use. This is maybe because I only resolve the IPv4 from icanhazip.com Please don't expect that Windows is the same as Linux in terms of networking. Maybe Docker is here also the issue, I really can't tell because I don't have IPv6 over here.
  7. As you can see it pulled the update just fine: Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory OK Logging in user 'bluasoar' to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 1.83 (41359152 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 5.03 (113629346 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 9.16 (207061578 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 14.83 (335202900 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 19.38 (437963348 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 25.07 (566706840 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 26.34 (595448444 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 27.72 (626560428 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 29.27 (661524147 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 30.92 (698828592 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 32.49 (734310748 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 34.22 (773494866 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 36.01 (813859116 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 37.71 (852283202 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 39.47 (892120057 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 41.10 (929007517 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 42.97 (971111220 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 44.87 (1014148039 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 46.61 (1053435942 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 48.93 (1105902886 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 50.93 (1151112932 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 53.14 (1201148956 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 55.23 (1248334860 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 57.29 (1294886363 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 59.39 (1342255964 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 62.04 (1402158580 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 64.59 (1459799716 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 67.09 (1516406916 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 69.65 (1574274927 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 72.16 (1630937697 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 74.80 (1690592039 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 77.16 (1743983180 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 79.90 (1806011667 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 82.85 (1872493664 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 85.87 (1940757793 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 88.75 (2005909118 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 92.06 (2080841814 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 95.45 (2157281195 / 2260207317) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 99.17 (2241499029 / 2260207317) Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 22.94 (518507248 / 2260207317) Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 61.83 (1397399246 / 2260207317) Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 99.43 (2247427213 / 2260207317) Success! App '2394010' fully installed. Have you made sure that your clients are also on the latest versions? Last time a user reported that the clients where still on the old version.
  8. Then please make sure that you don't use your PiHole for Unraid itself in the network settings. But the file is not attached...? However from what I see in the log, it pulled the update just fine and it looks like exactly as it should, see also my post here: Are you sure that your client is already up to date?
  9. What does the log say? Do this from an Unraid terminal: docker container logs Palworld > /mnt/cache_1tb/appdata/palworld.log and post the palworld.log afterward here which will be created after you've executed the command. Do you have any Unifi gear or AdBlocking on your network? Does the appdata share stay on your cache_1tb or is it moved to the Array in your Share settings? You can also try to stop the container, delete everything from palworld directory but NOT the Pal folder and start the container again. This will pull all game files again.
  10. You can use my RCON plugin for that, this will allow you to issue commands from your Unraid console to the container. In combination with the User Scripts plugin you can do that automated, here are example commands (of course you have to enable RCON in the config from the dedicated server first): timeout 1 rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD showplayers This will show the current players and a few other information timeout 1 rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD shutdown After issuing this command the server will be shutdown in 30 seconds, you could use it like that: timeout 1 rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD shutdown SECONDS YOUR MESSAGE So to speak replace SECONDS with 60 and this will shutdown the server in 60 seconds instead of the default 30 Keep in mind that shutdown will actually restart the container since I use restart-unless stopped in the Docker template. timeout 1 rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD broadcast YOUR MESSAGE This will broadcast a message (keep in mind too long messages will be cut off and will not be line wrapped <- I think this is something the developers have to fix). I think that "info" is also a valid command for the Palworld server. I would recommend that you use as SERVERIP your Unraid IP and not forward the RCON port to the Internet because RCON traffic is unencrypted -> plain text so to speak highly insecure! Please also don't use to many special characters in your admin password since this can complicate things further. The RCON shutdown command will do that, I actually do that now on a daily basis on my instance at 2:30 am every day. BTW if you restart or stop the container from the Unraid GUI it is gracefully shutdown too. Hope that helps
  11. This is really strange, as said above, I just tried it and everything is working as expected. I really can't think of an issue what's was causing that. What filesystem are you using? BTW I find it really funny that you run just this one container on Unraid. What do you mean exactly?
  12. Everything seems alright at least for the path. Is this only a single disk in the Array or are there multiple disks?
  13. Then there is something wrong with the permissions in general since it should be no issue doing that over SMB. You also don't include the path to the game files in your screenshots, I only see the path for steamcmd, you have to click the little arrow on the Docker page. EDIT: I just logged in and it is working as expected over here (I was not online a few days since I haven't got much time to play nowadays... )
  14. Stop the container, move the Saves directory from the Pal subdirectory to somewhere safe on your Desktop (just in case), go into the Backup folder, extract the Backup that you want to restore into the Pal subdirectory and start the container again. However, I just talked to some users who are currently playing on my server and everything is working as expected, with the new update. Are you sure that the appdata directory stays on the cache and is not moved to the Array when using /mnt/cache/appdata/… for the game files in the template?
  15. What image? Palworld? Simply restart the container <- this is also mentioned in the description. EDIT: Thanks for the hint, I just restarted my container and it picked up the update just fine: My containers are self maintaining, at least most of them, they will check each start for an update.
  16. Versuch doch mal alle rewrites die "playstation" und "sony" beinhalten aus deinen Umschreibungen raus zu nehmen.
  17. Can you share a bit more information on what hardware these two servers exactly? I see a 3950X and what is the other machine equipped with? How much players are on the server? Is there a lot of activity on there? I assume it crashes the whole server correct? At least from what I can tell from the crash dump it seems that you are running out of memory. As a side note, my container is now using around 25GB of RAM with 6 concurrent people connected and playing.
  18. Seems like Docker tries to resolve the IPv6 and that‘s maybe the cause of the issue.
  19. I assume you are refering to Palworld? I would recommend to ask that if possible on their official Discord since the developers will know that. Maybe let us know here too.
  20. I don't know how you configured your server but I use a BTRFS Cache Pool that consists of two drives so to speak mirrored and that means it is protected. If you only have one Cache drive then yes, it is unprotected but I would strongly recommend that you put in a second Cache driver so that it's not unprotected and leave the appdata share on the cache, with that you allow that the Array can go to sleep and save some energy. EDIT: or what @Spectral Force wrote with CA Backup.
  21. And exactly that is the issue here, you see in the above screenshot that /mnt/cache/appdata/... is specified but you moved that data to the Array, that can't work, please read that post:
  22. Hmmm, have you changed anything in the config? If yes, what did you change? It did run correct? Can you post screenshots from your Docker template? Are you sure that your appdata share stays on the cache if you are using /mnt/cache/appdata/...?
  23. On what hardware do you try to run the server?
  24. Sorry but I'm out of ideas, if the public IP is correct, you can connect internally and everything else is set up properly then it should work. My last guess is that your ISP is might blocking UDP ports? I took a quick look at your forwards and none of them uses UDP or at least needs them. I have seen this in the past with some ISPs that they block UDP request and some port ranges (for whatever reason). I assume you are not behind a CG-NAT because otherwise your other port forwards would also not work.
  25. I have never said that. Then something is not working with the forwarding or the public IP address that is specified in the config from the dedicated server is not correct. Please check in the logs from the container if the public IP matches your real public IP, the container should be able to update the IP on it's own if you enable the option in the template for that. Did he yet try to connect with your domain name like mentioned above, of course only if you've have assigned a domain name to your public IP.
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