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Everything posted by ich777

  1. You should take a look at my steamcmd repository on GitHub over here and go through the branches. Each individual container needs it's own custom start parameters and so on that's why I created branches, you can of course create for each container it's own repository on GitHub and Docker Hub which is way more common than I do it but it will work either way. Of course you need to be a bit familiar with GitHub/Docker and how to build containers <- for that task I would not recommend building directly on Unraid. For example I build my containers in a LXC container, publish them directly to DockerHub and the GitHub Container Registry (you can push containers however you want or build them however you want, the above is only how I do it and of course a bit more sophisticated since it also involves Jenkins and so on). I'm always here to help but the basics you have to figure out on your own. I hope that helps a bit.
  2. Yep, exactly what I‘ve said above. 😉
  3. I think you‘ve read the wrong post, this is the correct post: In that post there is not even one thing mentioned about the EULA. EDIT: The installation through my plugin of the old legacy drivers was never possible and will never be possible, sorry… You would have no benefit at all as described in the linked post.
  4. I would recommend that you first look at the first recommended post on top of this thread.
  5. Yes hut the port mappings are not sticking IIRC if you change it in the config. Please try to set it to 25575 again in the config and do a port mapping in the template from 25575 to 25576 on the host, for RCON this should work. Edit: Oh wait this is wrong. What you do can‘t work, you set the port in the config to 25576 and you still map it from the container 25575 to 25576, remember you have set it to 25576 and now it should run in the container on 25576
  6. Please double check your config. This usually indicates that RCON is not enabled. Please post screenshots from your config, how did you enable it? Please try your first container with the defaults first. How did you set up the port forward since you are showing only the host part in the screenshot.
  7. Did you read that RCON is disabled by default in the description from the variable and did you enable it in the firstplace? Please also read this post:
  8. Yes. You can always create a copy from you old Saves directory first. You should be even be able to start a new server with a backup. Just be sure to first stop the server and then extract the files. I would recommend that you first stop the container, then delete the old Saves files and the extract the backup to the Pal subdirectory.
  9. Sorry but the apps have nothing in common. Can you at least just try it if it is quicker? Or RustDesk? Tailscale is somewhat like a VPN and Parsec is like RDP. Sure you can connect with a VNC viewer to the port that is listed for the VM, but as said VNC is not HW accelerated and this is also out of the scope from this thread since it has not much to do with GVT-g, these are more basic VM questions that should be posted in the VM subforums.
  10. Please look at the recommended posts on top of this thread, it‘s basically the same as for Valheim except that you need to change the port in the config an not in the variable. EDIT: sorry you don‘t have to not edit the port in the config you have to add this to you GAME_PARAMS_EXTRA: port=8212 (In this example if you want to use port 8212)
  11. I'm not sure if that is equivalent to Parsec... You could also try RustDesk.
  12. You are talking about the VNC screen correct? If yes, try Parsec to log in since VNC is not HW accelerated whatsover.
  13. No, the default backup location is in the main directory in the subfolder Backups. But I think you overthinking that a bit since we are dealing with Docker you can do something like that: Hope that makes sense. With that you basically override the Backups folder in the container and map it to another location on your host, this is what you want to accomplish correct?
  14. Game, please don't forget this is a Early Access game and they need to fix a lot, including the high RAM usage <- TBH I don't know if that can be fixed. Anyways, about your issue, I would recommend that you report that to the developers from the game.
  15. Please sesrch the thread for „Enshrouded“ with the search function and you will find many posts from me.
  16. Can you provide a log or something like that? Click on the container and then select Log.
  17. But that is not the correct directory, please read the description from the container where the ini file is located.
  18. Please read this, this is a thing that I just introduced today.
  19. Nope, haven't made a post here or on GitHub. However I don't have any issues whatsoever with direct unpack.
  20. Append this to your go file: nvidia-persistenced For testing purposes you can issue the command also from the terminal and wait a minute or two and it should automatically go to P8 (depending if something is using the card or not).
  21. Transfer the whole saves folder over.
  22. Same issue as here, read this post and what he quoted: You have to test it from outside your LAN, if Hair Pin NAT is not working then you can't connect with your public IP from your LAN. A bit more information would be also nice next time, what is the error message?
  23. This is most likely a autofill issue from your browser? Autofill is most of the time bad anyways, I would strongly recommend to disable it but that is only my opinion. No comment...
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