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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is a known issue but if you use it like that it should work: rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD info You will get the same error but you can pair it with timeout like that to circumvent that (if you use timeout 1 it should also be enough) : timeout 2 rcon -H SERVERIP -p 25575 -P YOURADMINPASSWORD info
  2. Das sieht nach meinem Prefill container aus. Bitte reporte das im Steam Prefill GitHub als Issue. Ich kann nichts machen wenn die Anwendung im Container nicht funktioniert.
  3. Wie hast du denn prefill installiert? Mittels container auf Unraid oder direkt in den LXC container?
  4. Maybe than this is a question for the developers themselves…? They could implement this maybe as a admin command or allow the deletion from the file itself.
  5. Try to set up a second server, connect to that, create a player, log out, copy the newly created sav file from the new dedicated server to the old one and start the old server again. I would rather recommend not messing with save games because you will most certainly mess up something. It's cool that they save the individual players but I'm not to sure if the player sav files are maybe linked to the world save file.
  6. Sorry but this seems to be a network issue where I can't help and have to figure out on your own. The container is running just fine on my machine and people are able to connect just fine with my hostname and also with my public IP. It is working for other people too and they have no issue connecting.
  7. I think you are referring to CS2 correct? CS:GO was replaced with CS2. The answer to your question is, no. Please note that you have to only put in Steam credentials in the container template if they are not hidden away under the "Show more..." section and marked with the red asterisk.
  8. I don't see any issues and this was answered already multiple times: Your container is started and waiting for connections.
  9. That's odd, then there is most certainly something wrong with your network on Unraid but that is out of scope from this thread however I'm glad that it is now working for you.
  10. Because it's a warning, not an error however this directions are that you've posted require the Steam client to be installed which is not in my container <- this would make no sense for a dedicated server. If you look closely in the logs you would actually see that it finds the file where it should be: [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/serverdata/.steam/sdk64/steamclient.so' OK. (First tried local 'steamclient.so') The first warning is only displayed because it tries to load the steamclient.so from the directory where the executable is located and I think this is what you are referring to: dlopen failed trying to load: steamclient.so with error: steamclient.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory However as said above, one line after this it finds the steamclient.so where it should be and continues. Hope that answers your question.
  11. I'm really not sure, please give me a bit and check back in this post in a few minutes, will try to spin up Valheim on my server real quick and edit this post. EDIT: It is just working fine over here on a Intel i5-10600:
  12. On what Unraid version are you? I‘m not sure if the 5820K supports all the necessary instructions to run the game.
  13. Hardware? On what Unraid version are you?
  14. Just to be sure, you've set it up like that: As said, I only can tell you that is working fine over here... Maybe something is missconfigured, I really can't tell... Please also double check the protocol, it's UDP only.
  15. Not really because I don‘t expose ports so you don‘t see a exposed port if you are using a bridge that‘s just normal and a display thing and won‘t affect how the container is working. If you are using static IPs then all ports from the container are exposed and you don‘t need to do a port forward. 😉 However I can only tell you that it is working with the default bridge and default br0 both fine and for another user with host mode also fine. I assume something is preventing the connection from outside. Unifi gear is nutritious for being a bit restrictive, at least from my experience with other users that use Unifi gear.
  16. Is this the full log output? No, you don‘t need your Steam credentials! They are only needed when the are not hidden away in the „Show more options…“ and marked wirth the red asterisk. This usually means that the game is segfaulting. On what hardware do you try to run the container? Please also disable validation, this will do nothing in your case. Are you sure that the directory mappings are correct? If you are using /mnt/cache/appdata/… make sure that the appdata share stays on the cache and is not moved to the Array.
  17. This is a known issue, please don‘t use BepInEx it seems to be outdated from where I pull it. Stop the container, download BepInEx, extract it to the server directoryamd finally start the container again with BepInEx enabled. If that also doesn‘t work then I can‘t help.
  18. And what is the issue? Any message in game?
  19. No issue over here with OPNsense. You only have to forward the one UDP port in the template, nothing more is needed and as said above is working fine here on OPNsense. Are you sure that these ports are not outbount? I think there is something missconfigured ober there.
  20. Why did you added Steam credentials? They are only needed if they are not hidden away under the "Show more settings..." and marked with a asterisk. Please start over by, deleting the container, deleting the folder that was created for the container for palworld and pull a fresh copy from the CA App (without providing Steam credentials in the template).
  21. You maybe have to wait for the next beta release from Unraid with a newer Kernel, that's my only advice that I can give you currently.
  22. I don't know but at least from what I know you have to put in the claim, not sure if this has changed. However it is described in the variable from the PLEX_CLAIM in your screenshot what to do. Can you maybe try the official container from Plex and see if that is working?
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