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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Your public IP is gathered from ipv4.icanhazip.com on the first start and/or if the Public IP check in the template is enabled. (The public IP check is in my container since the release from the container since connections from community servers won't work properly if the public IP is not in place) Because you've terminated the container or at least you've stopped it, there is nothing I can do about that message, that message is always displayed when you stop or restart the container. Is something not working or what is the exact issue now? If the container is not restarting it is usually running and waiting for connections.
  2. Are you really sure that the files where they should belong and that everything is set up as it should be since I just changed a setting on my server in the ini and it is just working fine and applied the setting that I've changed. Something is certainly wrong. Did you also stop the container when invoking the mover? You could also try to change the path to /mnt/user/appdata/... but you have to make sure that you just have one copy of the ini file.
  3. I don't see a iGPU in your lspci output, did you change something in terms of hardware or did you made any changes in the BIOS or upgraded the BIOS? Please keep in mind that you have to enable Multi Monitor support in the BIOS to keep the iGPU active if you have a dGPU installed <- at least that's the case for most motherboards.
  4. I would always recommend stopping the container in the first place, then change whatever you like and then start it up again. There a few dedicated server which are the same as Palworld and they actually save the current config again when shutting down the game server <- which is basically done on a restart. Not all game servers are the same and they all of course are using different Engines.
  5. I will look into that but my day just started so you have to wait a bit until I got home from work.
  6. Your Diagnostics are missing from the post which are needed for troubleshooting.
  7. Do you have other services reachable from outside? I can try this later today on my server when I got home from work if you want me to do that. Please also double check your port forward and if the protocol is correct.
  8. Sorry no, this is not the same problem. Please read this here:
  9. @Liii111111 just look in the template and you will see it, it is almost all described in the Docker template at the description from the variables/port values. Please don't use both at protocol, only UDP is needed.
  10. Did you yet tried it from outside your network if you can connect? Most of the times Hair Pin NAT is not working or configured correctly on some routers/firewalls. Please also double check your port forwarding and if the protocol is correct.
  11. Please see this post if it's the same on your System: However it should always pull the latest config file from my repository if it's not found and the default world name for my container is "Palworld Docker" not "Default Palworld Server", something really strange is going on over there...
  12. Please read this post and see if it's the same on your system:
  13. Sorry but this Kernel version is not supported by Unraid nor is it used in any Unraid version. I just compile the plugin packages for Kernel versions that ship with Unraid. If you are using a custom Unraid Kernel then you are on your own, however you could also compile the module yourself.
  14. I think you don't have to or am I wrong about that? Usually was enough back in the days. Is this now a requirement?
  15. Sorry, I don't accept any container requests anymore because I now have almost 200 applications on the CA App to maintain and I barely can keep up with that (I'm supposed to have a life somewhere in between and of course a job that earns me money... ). Sorry about the bad news...
  16. You don't have to do anything, it downloads the game files automatically, after that it starts the server. As said above you maybe have to edit the config file. The container does basically everything for you and you have to do nothing, but please read my last post for you again about the borked in game server list and how to edit the config.
  17. Sorry, I have really bad news for you... It works just fine over here. What I did was head over to the CA App, search for Satisfactory and clicked install: After that I had to wait a bit and I was greeted with a running server, attached my log here: satisfactory.log I really do think that in your case it has something to do with the permissions. Do you have a lancache or something like that installed? Maybe that's preventing it from downloading. Sorry but I'm not that familiar with TrueNAS nor did I ever use or ran it. Something seems to be missing between those two lines since it should download the files in between there (see log from above). As said I really only can think of a permission issue, I don't know if that helps but try to set a a Variable with the Key: UID and the value from your apps UID and a Variable with the Key: GID with the value from your GID from TrueNAS (I found an article here but not sure if that helps).
  18. Are you on Unraid? If yes, simply go to the APPS tab, search for Palworld and install the container, that's it. If you want to customize the server name you have to edit the config (you'll find the path in the description of the container), just make sure that you stop the container in the first place before editing the config file because if you don't stop it in the first place your changes to the config will be discarded. If you want to know how to not create a community server (because the server list is completely broken because of that many Community Servers) please read this post: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/79530-support-ich777-gameserver-dockers/?do=findComment&comment=1356390
  19. Is the server still running? What do the logs say? To what path are the Game Files set in the Docker template? If you are using /mnt/cache/appdata/... make sure that the appdata stays on the cache and is not moved over to the Array. Do you have CA Backup installed and is it maybe running daily? Keep in mind that CA Backup usually stops the container when creating a backup.
  20. Why do you run the container privileged? Please disable that ASAP! This is a huge security risk and I really don't know why most people enable it, with that you are granting practically everyone inside the container full control over the host. You mean the appdata share? Please double check if it is not moved to the Array. I had another user with the same issue and after recreating the container it was working. Please remove the container, after that remove the folder for palworld that was created in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App (please let the container start fully for the first time and don't restart it unless it pulled down all game files and started the dedicated server for the first time).
  21. Can you give me a bit more details, on what hardware do you run the container. Do you run the container on Unraid? If yes what version from Unraid are you running? To what is the Game Files path set? If you are using /mnt/cache/appdata/... make sure that the files stay on the cache and are not moved to the Array by the Mover.
  22. Please report that in the community forums on Steam, in the official Discord and also with the Report Bug button in game.
  23. Nope, it is just working fine. You are using TrueNAS correct? I'm not sure if you have to do a chmod again on your directory where you actually download the game files. Is this a new installation or a existing one? Are files in the actual directory or not? Please note that the ENV variables also contains the UID and GID which are by default 99 and 100 which maybe are not matching your UID and GID.
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