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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please always stop the container, then edit the ini file and then start the container again. If you simply restart the container your changes will be discarded. This is common practice. I also wrote that multiple times on the last few pages. 😅 Reason is that the container saves the current config and savegame when stopping the dedicated server (this is by the way not the only dedicated server that does this).
  2. Definitely, don‘t do that since this is not how it should look like.
  3. Your config looks strange it should be a single line. Please stop the container, delete the config file, start the container, stop the container and see what the file looks like. As said the config needs to be in one line. Something really strange is happening over there.
  4. Screenshots from what you did. Do you stop the container and then edit the files? This is working for me and for other too. 😉
  5. Yes, but you have to leave the double quotation marks "" in there so that the game knows there are no passwords, you can leave the AdminPassword in btw since this is only the password for the in game console that you can issue admin commands. So to speak it should look something like: ...,AdminPassword="adminDocker",ServerPassword="",Pub... Yes. After that you should be able to direct connect with the IP from your Unraid server and the PORT.
  6. What container? Palworld? Set the parameter Update Public IP to true and make sure that you forward the correct port and protocol in your router. If it is reachable from outside then it is working. Keep in mind if you have a dynamic public IP then you have to restart the container if the IP changes. Please also read this comment about that it takes a few minutes so that the server is actually visible and how to search it in game:
  7. Just as I wrote: Remove the parameter from GAME_PARAMS Edit the configuration file (read the description from the container) and remove the password (but don't remove the double quotation marks from the password) from the configuration file. Please also note that you have to first stop the container before editing the configuration otherwise your changes will be discarded and reset.
  8. The I assume it's the same for this container, maybe some dependencies are outdated or the Kernel module (driver) is not 100% compatible with the container. Please wait for a newer Unraid version so that we can test this a bit more in depth, for the time being please don't use VA-API.
  9. What game? Palworld? If we are talking about Palworld then you have to remove the password from the configuration (but don't remove the double quotation marks) and the entry that is specified in the GAME_PARAMS in the Docker template. Please make sure to first stop the container before editing the config, otherwise your changes will be discarded. After that start the container and you can connect through direct connect.
  10. Is HW transcoding working in other applications? I assume it‘s because you are using a 13th gen CPU. I just tried it and on 10th gen everything is working so far.
  11. Depends on how you've set it up, but that is out of this scope from this thread since I only can give support for my game servers and if there is something not working. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an network expert I just have a FTTH connection which then is connected to my OPNSense box. This is also a pretty horrible setup in my opinion... but as said above that complicates the port forwards most likely and this is nothing I can help you with. Sorry...
  12. I assume you are talking about the backups that the container takes correct? Please check the path in the template, are you using /mnt/cache/... for the game files? If yes make sure that the files are not moved over from the cache to the Array in the Share settings, this is most likely the case what happens here. I'm not sure how native backups are working since you can now also do it natively I think.
  13. This entire post also applies to you: (basically one above this post)
  14. Are you sure? What does the logs say? Please don't change the ports, as you can see on the last 4 pages it is working in it's base configuration. Such tools won't detect most game servers and they are useless for checking if the port is open since you are dealing with a game server and not a http/https server and nothing is responding to http/https requests. No. Without that little information I can't help, have you read that here: The server needs a bit to be up and running and then you have to wait a bit in the server list itself. Please start over with a fresh template/game files directory.
  15. Please read this (2nd paragraph) : This is a copy paste error and oversight from me, already removed that. If you want to change the port you have to change it in the config and follow the directions in the template. I would also not recommend to change the ports since this won't do anything, please start over with a fresh template/game files directory. However your server seems to be running fine. If you however want to test direct connect then you have to do that:
  16. What errors do you get? Do you see it in the communty browser list in game (since does not advertise it in the Steam Server browser). A bit… 😂 Please double check your port forwarding. Did you change anything in the config? Did you yet try to connect with your local IP and PORT, if you do that you should get an error that says that no password was given, if this is working it is properly installed and waiting for connections (this is currently a bug in the game and will be fixed by the developers, you have to connect to the community servers). What I see from the log output your server seems to be running fine.
  17. If it was listed once then it was working just fine and maybe you had to be a little bit more patient when searching the game. It can take up to five minutes so that the server is fully startet and in the in game server list you have to also click the community server button a few times. Please forward the unraid server IP in your router with the port and protocol which is listed in the template. That‘s all. From what I see your server is just running fine. Also see this post here:
  18. Please double check your port forwarding including the protocoll and that your public IP is set correctly. I assume you removed the public IP from the screenshot since nothing is displayed there. If you can see it in the community server browser and you get that error that means that the game can‘t connect to the server properly. Please note that the IP won‘t work, it has to be your real public IP. …and please disable validation, this will do nothing on a connection error. 😂
  19. This is definitely not normal since it is working here fine. Please check to what path the game files are set in the Docker template. If using /mnt/cache/… then male sure that the files stay on the cache and are not moved over to the Array in the Share settings.
  20. Did you restart the container after taking a snapshot? The main reason why they don't show up after a scheduled task is because it runs in console mode and luckyBackup was never intended to be used in a Docker container and that's why you have to restart the container once so that it picks up all the new backups.
  21. I looked also into that because I was also interested in that a few years back, it is most of the times possible (but not always) but adds a lot of complexity and you are basically on your own. In my opinion it is not a good idea to proxy a game server... However you can tunnel a game server through a root server with a SSH tunnel and change the public IP address to the IP from the root server but that is also pretty complex and I wouldn't recommend that either.
  22. Yeah, the Steam client doesn't work with UE5 games so far AFAIK <- but I could be very wrong about that. I've made a post how I search my server here: With that I'm able to find it every time. You can also try to set it up from scratch, wait for the first start, then stop it, change the server name in the config (only the servername), start the container and try to find that in the server list.
  23. May I ask why you would even do that? That won't work since a game server (at least most of them) doesn't use the http nor https protocol which SWAG relies on and is basically what a ARGO tunnel is designed for. However I even don't think that would work because you would need to know the exit node, so to speak the IP from the tunnel so that the dedicated server even can connect to the main server and if you extend that all a bit further that can't work because we are working with ports here and the ARGO tunnel (at least to my knowledge) is working with hostnames. Sure you can proxy a game server with streaming ports but that increases complexity and I even won't touch something like that because I really see not much of a benefit (besides that you mask your IP) and only downsides.
  24. You won't see it there either. If you want to test direct connection you have to stop the container, edit the config file and make sure the password is empty (don't remove the double quotation marks), remove the entry from GAME_PARAMS in the Docker container template and after that you can start the container again <- it should be started already since you've changed the tempalte. If you've done all of that you can connect to the container via the direct connection in game with your SERVERIP:GAMEPORT Please also keep in mind if you want to make changes to the config always stop the container in the first place, then change the config and after that it is safe to start it again. If you don't stop it in the first place your changes will be discarded and overwritten with the old ones.
  25. To what path in the Docker template are the game files set? If they are set to /mnt/cache/... then please make sure that the files stay on the cache and are not moved to the Array by the mover in the Share settings. Are you sure you have enough driver space available and you don't run out of RAM? This is just normal an my server sits on the same screen like yours, this is actually a display issue and as long as the container doesn't restart everything is fine. If it is properly running it consumes about 1-3GB of RAM
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