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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I don't see any indication that this tuner is supported by the Linux Kernel sorry... Is this a USB Tuner or PCI based Tuner? I don't think that this tuner is supported at all on Linux at least not through LibreELEC and TBS-OS so to speak no chance on get it working on Unraid.
  2. A XID error code 79 is a pretty generic error, it means basically everything (thermal issue, gpu firmware issue, computer firmware issue, bus error,…). Most likely it’s an issue with your BIOS, check if there is a BIOS update and that you‘ve enabled Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR support as @alturismo suggested.
  3. Change the Variable: VS_CHANNEL to: unstable This should grab always the latest unstable version, if not, please post the log output.
  4. Sure, you'll find them in the CA App for containers that you have installed or in the first post of this thread. Hope your issue is now solved.
  5. Why not also included that in the post from your screenshot? That would make my and your life easier. Then the answer is simple, just change the path to the gamefiles to /mnt/user/... instead of like it is now /mnt/cache/... The main issue is now that in the template /mnt/cache/... is specified and the mover have probably moved the settings file over to /mnt/user/... (so to speak the Array) and now you have two copies of the configuration (and probably other files) one on the Array and one on the Cache. The container thinks that the files are located on /mnt/cache/... where it can't find the files so it creates new ones and you are editing the file on /mnt/user/... where the changes won't do anything because the files is read from /mnt/cache/... I would recommend that stop the container, then you move the files over to the Array with Unbalanced from the CA App first and then make the change from the path and finally start the container again.
  6. Have you double checked that the appdata share is set to stay on the Cache and is not moved over to the Array (you'll find that in the share settings)?
  7. Can you please post a screenshot from the Docker template please? If you are for example using /mnt/cache/... are you sure the appdata share stays on the Cache and is not moved over to the Array?
  8. Please, as always, post your Diagnostics. If you don‘t see it in lspci then the card is not recognized by the system at all.
  9. But this methode is not listed as recommended… May I ask where you‘ve set the your main path for LXC? You will run into problems when you‘ve set it to /mnt/user/… and if it‘s located on the Array you will get horrible performance from your containers. However you could mount a directory in the container config which is on a BTRFS/ZFS filesystem but as said above I would recommend to put the main path for LXC on such a disk with BTRFS/ZFS because you‘ve get the benefit of filesystem native snapshots if you configure th filesystem type correctly in the LXC settings.
  10. Can you explain a bit more in depth what you‘ve done to change the ports, including a screenshot from the Docker template?
  11. My V-Rising server is running just fine. Could you maybe share a bit more details on your setup? Did you change something in the template? Was BepInEx updated so that it supports the latest version from the game already? You can also download a recent version from BepInEx manually, enable it in the template, stop the container, extract the files from the manually downloaded archive to the main server directory and try to start the container again. If it starts BepInEx is compatible, if not then BepInEx needs to be updated. If the server is not showing up on the server list you have to enable list on EOS in your configuration. EDIT: This was the post that solved it for the user not showing up in the server list:
  12. But it‘s not any different than on Linux itself and since the Eco Server UI is only available on Windows this is actually the way to do it and is AFAIK the recommended way. But modding/configuring is always up to the user, I just provide basic functionallity.
  13. This is not possible. Can you please explain a bit more in depth what you are trying to do? If you want to change the settings in the first place then simply let the container start for the first time fully, stop the container, delete all files in the Storage directory (so to speak your save directory), edit the config to your needs and then start the container again. I would start here, the container is doing everything for you before the configuration stage from the link. Please note that the Eco Server UI is only available for Windows <- so to speak you could configure your server on Windows and then copy the configuration that you've made over to the Configs directory from the container.
  14. Are you sure that it doesn't work when don't have option 3 enabled? Usually nowadays the i915 module detects the correct option on it's own and enables it, can you try to delete the i915.conf file from your boot device, reboot, pull fresh Diagnostics and post them here? Please don't forget that you maybe also have to transcode the Audio too and depending on what application you are using it's handled differently and will reflect that in the CPU usage. What do you use Emby/Jellyfin/Plex? What kind of media do you try to transcode, do the media file have burned in subtitles? From and what format are you transcoding to? Most people don't think about Audio or burned in subtitles and that could negatively impact CPU usage. The more your server is doing the more interrupts you will see, regardless of what we are talking about.
  15. From what I can see you are using the nightly branch correct? Seems like Sonarr nightly is already on but their download server is behind from what I can see since the latest version available there is Have you yet switched to latest and see if that solves your issue? EDIT: I've pushed an update to the container, please update the container itself on the Docker page by forcing an update. Both latest and nightly are fixed.
  16. Wie schon gesagt das kannst du nicht anpassen da wird dir auch niemand sonst helfen können, aber mal im Ernst warum machst du es nicht so wie ich oben geschrieben habe?
  17. I don't think so, personally I run Nextcloud directly on SWAG and it runs very very fast. I would recommend doing that: Create a LXC container with the name NextlcoudPi and don' start it Go to the rootfs directory from the created container and remove everything Extract the tar archive directly into the rootfs (I've download it directly to /root - please note that you have to be in the directory where you want to extract the files in the following example) Start the container Connect with the IP address from the LXC container through your browser to NextcloudPi (ignore the errors about self signed certificates) In my opinion you would be better off using Docker or even installing it yourself in LXC but that is just my opinion.
  18. Add this to your config: lxc.mount.auto=cgroup:rw lxc.mount.entry = /dev/fuse dev/fuse none bind,create=file,optional In the container install these packages: snapd squashfuse fuse After that you should be able to install/run snaps:
  19. (ich nutz keine Mail Benachrichtigungen) Nur so: Nein, du kannst dir aber den Filter bei deinem Provider so einrichten das er nach dem string " - Fehler: " sucht und dann auswertet ob dort 0 oder >0 steht.
  20. Can you give me a link to that .tar.gz file so that I can see what's in there? I haven't looked into that much because other things are more important currently but yes, that adds another layer of complexity.
  21. It should work right out of the box IIRC but keep in mind that I have not much experience with that processor, do you have Diagnostics with Intel GPU Top installed?
  22. Nesting is usually not necessary in privileged containers especially when you are just trying to install snap. I will look into that but I think that you not drop certain caps. Do I get that right that you want to install LXD in LXC? May I ask why?
  23. It's all included but in a next version, you don't have to look for the other dependency.
  24. Jein, du könntest WoL verwenden um deine VM zu starten mittels Homeassistant beispielsweise, wenn du einen physischen Taster willst könntest du einen Smarten Taster (Wlan oder Zigbee) in Homeassistant einbinden und dann dort eine Automation erstellen die dir die VM wenn du den physischen Taster drückst startet mittels WoL von Homeassistant heraus. Das wäre nur eine von vielen Möglichkeiten. WoL App am Handy wäre noch eine andere Möglichkeit, aber da Homeassistant eine schöne Weboberfläche hat ist das für mich kein Thema.
  25. I'm not sure. @Squid I can change the container so that it doesn't share the same base image or do you want to put that on your Todo list and extend CA?
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