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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I think this is caused because both containers are using the master or better speaking latest branch and CS:GO was deprecated in favour to CS2. However, it is safe to ignore that since it is actually CS:GO what was deprecated.
  2. I'm not sure what you are talking about: My CSSource container is not discontinued, it's available as usual. I think you are talking about CS:GO correct? In the case for CS:GO you would need to pull an old depot AFAIK, but I haven't looked into that yet. There may be a few tutorials out there and they should be compatible with my containers too, just take the CS2 container and customize it.
  3. Exactly, the application inside the container updates itself. Not possible in my container, at least not easily since it's not designed to also downgrade. Just a quick warning you could run into serious issues downgrading from the "new" Supernova to something lower than v115, I tested that and lost many Mails in the downgrade process. BTW, I assume you are talking about Thunderbird.
  4. Yes I think so. Please also let me know what they said over there.
  5. But this is then only the map without anything else since you have to set up your own missions AFAIK. Do you get anything in the log from the container itself?
  6. This is a bit too less information, did you change anything in the Docker template? What ports did you forward? Please double check if the protocol is correct. How does the NAT look like for Terraria in your router? With what IP do your friends try to connect? Do you have other services available that are accessible from outside?
  7. I assume this is Zandronum correct? Usually you just load the WAD file or the pk3 file, however I'm far from an expert on Zandronum since I did this dedicated server on request. It is working just fine if you simply load a WAD file.
  8. I will try this in the next few days (and I hope I don't forget about that), my schedule is a bit complicated currently.
  9. Go to your Docker page and edit the container in the template you should see this: If set to false = non root | if set to true = root There is also a indication on the bottom from the WebUI from the container where it says "luckyBackup - superuser mode" I think.
  10. I will test this ASAP but it can take a few days because I barely can't keep up and I'm not super happy about the .profile workaround.
  11. Can you please answer my question too? Are you also in America/New_York or are you in a different time zone? Both of you are using luckyBackup as non root correct?
  12. What timezone are you in and is specified? There is already a discussion over here: With @cybrnook & @Mattaton there but I would really like to continue that conversation here since this is the correct support thread. However I haven't got yet time to look into that.
  13. Yes. That's odd, I really don't know why yours is not showing up but mine is (I only set up one server with a different port than the default one), maybe the developers have a limitation so that only one server shows up in the server list for one public IP <- this is of course an assumption... But from what I see from your screenshots everything seems correct. However I tried also to connect and it is working as expected.
  14. I've set it up like that: It is listed on the server list and working as expected, are you sure that you've created UDP ports in the template and not TCP ports (by default they are TCP)? Please also open up the log and see if you can spot these line which tells you the port: It should list the port that you've specified in the GAME_PARAMS. BTW, please be aware that some users reported to me that if you play for a longer period of time on the server that it crashes often, but I'm not too sure if that isn't already fixed by the developers.
  15. I will look into that in the next few days.
  16. This should not matter since it‘s a environment variable and it is available for all users, I‘ll look into that tomorrow, it‘s getting late over here.
  17. Have you yet tried to create a Variable in the Docker template itself with the Key: TZ and as Value: America/New_York This should basically do the same system wide.
  18. Can you describe a bit further what you are trying to achieve? You can pass over TZ as a variable to the container (which it should do by default), I tested this back with 6.10 I think and it was working fine with the correct timezone. Depends on where you put those files, they should all go into /luckybackup in the container and not in /root (if you are running luckyBackup as root).
  19. Do you have any AdBlocking/Geoblocking or Unifi devices on your network? Are you sure that your server has exclusive access to the Internet? Usually this means that your server can't grab the latest release from GitHub.
  20. I would recommend using a whole block device, so to speak a whole disk instead of a image (FileIO) since write speeds will be much higher on a physical block device, this would be my only advice.
  21. @Unraidmule this is the correct support thread, I've changed the link in the GitHub repository, however if you are using Unraid this button should take you also here: However, I've just made the new version available, TBH I really don't know why it wasn't working but really appreciate the heads up and it should work just fine for the next updates, just restart the container and it will pick up the new version. I also pushed a update to the container but that fix won't affect you since it's only something for new installations, so to speak you don't have to immediately update the container but you of course can.
  22. Thanks for the jeads up, will look into that. However I think this is the wrong support thread for the container.
  23. Schau mal hier, die Karte sollte generell Unterstütz werden. Das Problem ist jedoch das sie nicht unter den Geräten auftaucht bei dir: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13d0:2282 Techsan Electronics Co., Ltd. TechniSat DVB-PC TV Star 2 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 004 Device 002: ID 18a5:0250 Verbatim, Ltd STORE N GO Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Das Problem ist da eher die Verbindung zum Server und nicht das sie nicht erkannt wird, dafür kann Linux nichts. Es ist einfach so wie wenn die nicht angeschlossen ist, du siehst oben es wird nur die TechniSat erkannt aber keine TeVii und das hat nichts mit einem Treiber zu tuhen, sicher das sie richtig und alles (Netzteil usw) angeschlossen ist und das Kabel okay ist?
  24. Das Problem ist immer der Hersteller, es gibt noch immer so viele Hersteller die keine Treiber für Linux bereitstellen bzw. sich eigentlich hauptsächlich auf die Community verlassen (bestes Beispiel Realtek). DigitalDevices war schon immer ein Vorreiter bei Linux Treiber Support usw. aus meiner Sicht aber das ist auch kein Wunder da die sich auf Head Stations spezialisiert haben und dort wird meisten Linux verwendet. BTW DigitalDevices hat aber auch vor einigen Jahren damit aufgehört ihre Karten der ersten generation zu Unterstützen. Also die gängigsten Karten mit denen was funktioniert sind eben DigitalDevices, Hauppauge, TBS Wie gesagt bei Hauppauge is das auch so ein Thema, wie alt sind die Karten.
  25. Das sind 2 USB Karten? Ich sehe aber eine als PCIe und diese wird erkannt: 03:00.0 Multimedia controller [0480]: Philips Semiconductors SAA7160 [1131:7160] (rev 03) Subsystem: Device [1ae4:0700] Kernel driver in use: SAA716x Budget Kernel modules: saa716x_tbs_dvb Sorry auf Linux sind die Module die Treiber, leider kann ich dir da nicht viel helfen da die Dokumentation dazu lückenhaft ist bzw. wie schon gesagt sehr veraltet. Leider läuft eben nicht alles was auf Windows läuft auf Linux... Es würde auch kleine ITX Motherboards geben mit integrierter CPU wie zB mit einem Intel N100 die das locker stemmen würden und auch Zukunftssicherer wären als ein MiniPC die auch vom Verbrauch her vermutlich ungefähr das gleiche brauchen würden. Wie gesagt eine wird erkannt und ich sehe auch nur eine bzw. zeigt der Server nur eine an in deiner Geräteliste. Ich würde dir auf jeden fall das LibreELEC Paket empfehlen wenn du einen Mix aus verschiedenen Karten hast (momentan hast du das TBS Paket gewählt), Neustart nicht vergessen wenn du die Pakete wechselst. Wie gesagt, ich hab hier DigitalDevices Karten verbaut und die laufen schon wirklich mittlerweile 10 Jahre+, der TBS Tuner wäre eben evtl. eine Alternative und noch besser wenn jetzt schon die eine Karte mit den TBS Treibern erkannt wird dann hast du dann auch wieder drei Tuner.
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