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Everything posted by ich777

  1. My server is working just fine on the bridge (about 9 to 11 players on it on a daily basis and have no issues whatsoever with the bridge - this is the server idling after a container restart) : It will work either way if you are using the default bridge, if you are using a custom bridge, if using the br0 or another interface and if you are using the host network.
  2. The answer is simply no, the bridge is also working fine.
  3. This is completely wrong, nothing is using that port... Are you sure that you've forwarded the correct port with the correct protocol, UDP in this case and yes, you only need 8211 UDP. Please don't forward other ports! It's not necessary, I only list ports which are necessary! Are you sure that your friends have the correct public IP which is also reflected in the log from the container? If it times out then it is not reachable from outside. What is the exact message? Do they see a loading screen or not? If they see a loading screen for about 30 seconds then chances are high that the public IP in your config is not correct or that the port forwarding is not working properly. BTW if you have a domain name assigned to that IP for example yourdomain.com then they simply can connect with yourdomain.com:8211
  4. Please read this post: You should really look first in the CA App since @Nodiaque already made a container for the game.
  5. Exactly the Query port is used to query the server and the Query port returns the Game port and all other things like Map, Server Name,… I don‘t see a reason why that should be wrong. That‘s not entirely true, he actually managed to find it in game, I think he had not set the checkbox Show Password protected Servers IIRC.
  6. Are you sure that IPv6 is set up correctly in your network? It seems like your system can‘t communicate with DockerHub and that‘s the reason why it fails to download the container. Are other containers working? I do nothing different than other maintainers and host the containers on DockerHub.
  7. Where you able to confirm that, I don‘t see any change on my system.
  8. No. On my server it consumes at times now 20GB+ Sure, you can limit the size that the container can use, bit be aware if the container reaches that limit it will crash and restart, that will ultimatily lead to corrupt save files in the long term. Are you sure that your RAM in your system is okay and that you weren‘t running out of RAM already?
  9. Stop the container, open the logs and post the output here.
  10. Please read this post: You have of course give to container a different name and change the location for the game files for the second container.
  11. How do you try to connect exactly? What error message do you get? On which branch are you on the client, so to speak your PC?
  12. I'm not sure how it will work with volumes because I only use bind mounts, have you yet tried to create a bind mount? Can you try to set these environment variables too: SERVER_NAME=Your SRV Name SRV_PWD=YOURSRVPWD SRV_ADMIN_PWD=YOURADMINPWD It should not happen that it gets overwritten but I had it several times that if these variables are not set the container is not working correctly, at least not if you are not running Unraid.
  13. No, that's fine. Read the description. Exactly this is the issue. Have you yet tried to stop it, then edit the config and then start the container again? <- This was discussed at least 20 times in this thread... It is common practice to first stop the container, edit the config and finally start the container again.
  14. Sorry but that can't work, is your local computer and since you are running the container on your server... Can you see where I'm going with that? You have to use the IP from your Unraid server and then the port. Eg: or or whatever your Unraid IP is.
  15. Do you try to connect from inside your LAN? With what IP do you try to connect? Sometimes it doesn't work with your Public IP when your Hair Pin NAT is not set up/working properly.
  16. And what is the exact issue, I need more information on this? How do you try to connect (direct connection,...)? What is the exact error message? Did you change anything in the template or in the config, if yes, please post screenshots.
  17. Nur der erste Balken und der zweite gehört zum RAM (wobei du den 2. Balken außer acht lassen kannst, das ist nur die Anzeige für den ZFS ARC Cache). Der Docker Balken zeigt nur an das dein Docker Image oder dein Docker Verzeichnis zu 70% voll ist.
  18. Sorry but I disagree about that, sure security is good but too much security can be also be bad sometimes and cause a lot of issues. If one has set up everything as it should be then this should not cause much issues at all. But of course, this is only my opinion and everyone has another opinion as always... Glad to hear that.
  19. This would be my recommendation... because this: is in my opinion overkill for a game server.
  20. Yes, just as I thought, the bar that you see is the status from RC6 but it seems that your CPU does not report how much power is actually used, see for comparison my system:
  21. Sorry, but there was no update from Palworld AFAIK at least not this week. To what is your appdata share set in terms if the files moved to the Array or not? Did you enable the backup function from the container? Can you please post screenshots from your container template? Can you please post the full log output? This line is definitely not normal.
  22. Sorry but no, you‘ll have to wait for Linux mod support. What you can do in the meantime is that you set up a VM and install the dedicated server there but I‘m not too sure if the Windows and Linux save files are compatible.
  23. Bridge is just fine. There is not much benefit, at lest from my perspective, using host or even br0 or ethX other than complicating the setup (for most new users or not that experienced users) in most cases.
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