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Everything posted by ich777

  1. If it is not working then it seems it's a port forwarding issue, I hope you did forward your UNRAIDIP:8211 and as the protocol UDP correct? Only UDP not both! I think it's a port forwarding issue, I don't use pfSense anymore because for home usage OPNsense is more user friendly and not that enterprise oriented. However if NAT reflection is not set up properly you won't be able to connect from inside your LAN with your Public IP.
  2. I really don't know your setup but I'm pretty sure I don't have a listen port variable in there...
  3. Yes, why not... And here is the exporter data:
  4. I just now tried it and it is working flawlessly over here...
  5. I would recommend that you wait a bit longer. 😉
  6. Cool, the third time? 😅 This is not the first time that I see your apps in the feed on top. I find it a bit frustrating when I look for recently added apps and see (at least) twice a year all of your apps on top. 😂 It almost seems looks like you try to push your apps but how am I to say that. 😉
  7. I think if you look one or two pages back you will get the answer too sonce this question comes up every two pages I think. 🤪
  8. Because it is using the 6687 module. In the repositories as you‘ve already discovered. Yes. If you want to use newer Kernel versions yes. But I have to say that‘s up to you since I only compile the plugin packages only for official Unraid Kernel versions and no you can‘t find them publicly yet.
  9. This was discussed multiple times here , please take a look at this post (last two paragraph) :
  10. Have you yet tried to install the NCT plugin from the CA App?: It supports even some 67xx chips.
  11. No, why should it be different, it‘s the same game… What does not work exactly? And are you sure that RCON is working and enabled correctly? Have you yet tried to connect through RCON through my plugin from the command line? You enable it usually in the config, stop the container, edit the config and set RCON to true and after that start the container again.
  12. Please note that I‘ve updated the plugin a few hours back and the command structure changed, please issue rcon -h from the command line once to see how to use it now.
  13. Currently there are 8 users on my server and it consumes about 35GB of RAM. Even 32GB of total system memory are not much… …and yes, that was an OOM error and that‘s why it was killed, I would recommend that you restart the whole server because most certainly other things got killed too.
  14. Sorry to say but most certainly something on your side… 😕 Don‘t know what happened there but on what hardware do you run the container? Did you change something in the template?
  15. Depends if Hair Pin NAT is working correctly on your setup. Have you yet tried it with: UNRAIDIP:PORT from what I see in your screenshot it should be: If it is working with your LAN IP then other should be able to connect from outside too if the port forwarding is setup correct (which it seems like) and that only means that Hair Pin NAT (also known as NAT Reflection) is not working properly but that shouldn't matter as long as you connect with your LAN IP from your LAN and others with your Public IP or your domain name (if you have set up a domain name for your Public IP, if yes then it would be as simply to connect as typing in: yourdomain.org:8211).
  16. Please don‘t provide Steam credentials in the template if they are hidden away and only add them if they are marked as required with the red astersisk. Start over again, delete the container, delete the folder for Palworld that lives ins your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App without entering your Steam credentials.
  17. This is wrong, you have to use your server IP not the internal IP from Docker, you are also missing a command at the end like showplayers or info. If RCON is reachable from outside so to speak your public IP this is bad… haven‘t you read the description from the port entry for RCON?
  18. Uninstall the plugin, reboot, reinstall it, create the file from your linked README.md and then reboot again and post your Diagnostics please if it isn't working afterwards. I really can not help much with QNAP since I don't have any QNAP device.
  19. So is it now working? If not please post the command that you try to connect but without the password.
  20. Please read that post here: Please don't forget to activate RCON, it is disabled by default. Please also keep in mind that if you are running the container not in the default bridge it will not work, at least not like in the linked post.
  21. It is supported AFAIK by the newest driver. For further troubleshooting your Diagnostics are needed.
  22. No. I only provide packages for official Unraid version, you should look here which Kernels are supported: Click Look at my repository the compile.sh is in there but it's up to you how you compile it.
  23. Did you first stop the container, then edit the ini file and then start the container again? If you simply edit the ini and then restart the container your changes will be discarded. This is CG-NAT (Carrier Grade Network Address Translation).
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