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Everything posted by ich777

  1. You can set up AMP in a LXC container (I have a container for that if interested) and set up AMP in there. If interested send me a PM.
  2. Not for this, RCON commands are unencrypted and unsafe, don't expose the RCON port to the Internet. The container can check your public IP on each startup automatically, please read the variables in the Docker template.
  3. How is the file referenced in the vpn file itsef? The path to the files inside the container is /vpn/... How did you copy over the files or create the files? This is nothing to worry about. This indicates that something is very wrong, how does the template look like in terms of paths for the files? Are you really sure that the container can access the path where the files are actually located? Maybe try to change the path from /mnt/cache/... to /mnt/user/... in the template. You don't need the vpn.conf file, it checks just if it is in place if it didn't find any other vpn.ovpn and no vpn.auth file. No, you are the first that reports that issue, what is strange to me is that it can't access it at all because it runs as root (because it has to) and it should have write permissions. Please try what I recommended with the path in the template above. You run that container on Unraid right?
  4. Non of my containers are running privileged (at least that I can think of) because it's most of the times not needed anyways. Really, how did that happen? Do you know through what service/container/whatever you where hacked? Social Engineering,...? Yes, but as @Mainfrezzer & @Kilrah already pointed out DNS resolution will return you public IP. I think Couldflare has also a paid tier where you can entirely hide your IP and tunnel it through their servers so only the IP from Cloudflare is shown but you then have to forward the ports in the Cloudflare Admin Panel and as said, that's a paid option AFAIK and I don't think that's cheap.
  5. This was discussed a few times. Why would you do that? This will complicate your setup very much since you have to use streaming ports, it will maybe work but I can't guarantee it and it is not worth the effort/time in my opinion and you have to expose a port anyways, even if you do it through a reverse proxy. Please keep in mind that game servers most of the times use their own protocol and are not answering to http and https requests as like a reverse proxy is intended to do. If you simply try to reverse proxy the dedicated server (like Plex or some other web application) the client can't understand what the Server is trying to say because these are completely different protocols. Imagine it that way that you have two people that are trying to talk to each other (one is the server and one the client), both of them speak English natively and you now introduce a third person as a translator (the reverse proxy) that speaks German to translate between those two native English speaking people, I hope this makes it a bit more clear what a reverse proxy does for a game server (at least most of the game servers). What do you mean with that? My containers all run the dedicated servers inside with lower privileges and it should not be a security implication. As a final word, I would not recommend even trying to reverse proxy a game server with streaming ports since this over complicates the setup and you will most likely run into trouble, just forward the port that is specified in the template and you are good to go.
  6. Can not do anything about it, the description will change only after you reboot the entire server. Not necessary anymore. You have to wrap messages with spaces in between in double quotes, someone already wrote a script over here, but please also red the next few posts because you can create a yaml file that has your credentials in it that will greatly simplify the script: Especially this post where I link to the repository where it is explained how to use a yaml (please keep in mind on Unraid it needs to be on a persistent storage!) :
  7. Glad that you've figured it out, I just remembered to go through your Diagnostics but seems not to be necessary anymore...
  8. I also beleive Google geolocation service can do that too if they really want to they cpuld map the public IP that your WIFI is on and the location data from your phone. If course these are all assumptions. 😂
  9. Sorry but I don't accept any container requests anymore since I have now almost 200 applications in the CA App and I can't maintain more, however there are other community developers out there which continue my work with game server like @Nodiaque & @Jamxx maybe one of them can help.
  10. I'm not 100% sure, they changed that didn't they? Even if they didn't change that, the world state and everything in the chests and everything that you've built is saved on the server. But Valheim is a exception, usually player data is also stored on the server and not the client <- for security measurements like cheating and so on. Not at all, there might be games that are saved locally but most save the states from the players on the server like: Palworld, Minecraft, Sons of the Forest, The Forest,... (these are the ones that came first into mind). Usually Minecraft is pretty easy to run, you only need a good single core performance CPU since it is not very good with using multiple threads and if the world needs to be generated it can be a quite large performance hit since this is quite heavy on the CPU however if players only building like you would do it normally in Minecraft the performance hit will be negligible, of course always depens on how many players are on the server if really complicated Redstone circuits are set up and so on... You can always try and see how it goes, but expect some game servers to need quite some RAM. Hope that helps.
  11. Yes why not? Sure there are multiple ways to do that but this is out of scope for this thread, but here are a few examples: VPN: VPN provider that provides you a (semi-)static public IP and that allows ports to be opened, I think there are providers out there which support that but I'm not too sure about that. Then you have to set up a VPN container which is basically the gateway for all the containers that you want to "protect" and that you have to route through that VPN container (you can look for example into my OpenVPN container, it should be even possible through Wireguard). VPS: You can do this in two different ways: - The first more complicated way is to set up a revers SSH tunnel that you tunnel through the TCP and UDP ports <- the latter can be quite complicated - The second more easy way is to run the container directly on the VPS. Don't focus too much on game servers when doing your research, there are a few posts already in the forums for http and https traffic and how to route counter traffic through a VPN. I assume there are also other ways to do that but these are the ones that I can think of. BTW if you are not comfortable sharing your IP, I'm not really sure if it wouldn't be better to not host game servers on your server, you know that there are third party server browsers for available games out there (even if you specified to not list them eg Palworld) that would list your server too even with your public IP. Try to search your servername there, I'm sure you'll find it including your public IP. Please keep in mind, as you start to host something (not only limited to game servers), your public IP will be public available somewhere, be it on Google through their search engine or whatever.
  12. Dedicated game servers in general? This is true for most games but not for all because not every developer provides their own dedicated public servers <- so to speak no official servers provided by the developers (don't quote me on that but games that came into mind are Astroneer & Valheim). Sure you can host it locally yourself on your PC and invite friends but what if your friends want to play when you got no time to start your PC because real life... that's where such a dedicated server come into play. Your friends can basically join whenever they want. There is also the risk, if we are talking about a survival game, if the server owner wipes the save without you knowing and probably ruined hours/days/weeks of gameplay. This also depends in my opinion, sure for Palworld you need plenty of RAM and a good CPU since it seems like the game is not really optimized but for something like Astroneer or CounterStrike2 you don't need that much hardware and the experience can be better or on par on a server that you have at home since most hosting providers also run consumer hardware or even share resources for your game server with other people. Of course you can customize it how you like it. It's basically yours and you can do whatever you want with it without any fees (besides that what you pay for electricity, Internet,... to run your server). Depends, for some people it's a feature to own their data and that they know the are in control, for some people it's a feature to run multiple dedicated game servers on their server because it is cheaper than running multiple game servers on a hosting provider, setting up clusters for ARK for example where you can travel between worlds and so on, run mods that need their on specific extra port to view the map in real time and so on... Of course not for everyone everything listed is a feature, it always depends and if you don't want to run a game server that's also fine.
  13. Can you please post your Diagnostics? This is the log from the Initiator as far as a can tell correct? Could it be the case that your NIC is reconnecting at times? Please also check if you have a old config somewhere on your Initiator. Just to double check, the IQN matches the one on the Target correct?
  14. Not possible with my container, it was never designed to be accessible directly, you can either connect to it through RCON (maybe with my plugin) or directly through the game itself.
  15. Please look at this post: EDIT: You mean you deleted the old port entry and created a new one correct?
  16. I really don‘t understand, my container checks for updates on every start from the dedicated server itself. Most of my containers are self maintaining and need to be updated very rarely itself since they pull imupdates on their own. If it doesn‘t pull the latest update automatically because of some AdBlocking or other related issue on your system please stop the container, delete everything from the palworld directory except for the „Pal“ directory and start the container afterwards. This post is almost the same as @Spectral Force‘s post because he is simply correct in everything he says in his post.
  17. Please look on disk1 and disk2 if there are two config files. I would strongly recommend do only use one disk for that specific share since it makes troubleshooting so hard and it just can be something like that? Did you maybe change the format from the config ini? I just tried it (again) and changing the Servername/Password/AdminPassword is working just fine, sorry I don't have more time to play and test in game since if these settings stick the others will usually too.
  18. Are you also sure that the config file doesn't exist two times on your Unraid machine one time on the Cache and one time on the Array? <- You have to physically go to the cache path on your server and look if there is also a file that maybe looks different, it would not be the first time that I would see that... I assume your appdata share is set to use the Cache but primary is the Array correct? What do the logs say?
  19. And are you sure that this is a valid amount? What about the server name or the password do these settings apply?
  20. How do you know? What other settings did you change?
  21. Because they are reset in the config or what is exactly the issue? It is really hard for me to troubleshoot with that little information.
  22. @sanbje This can be done woth the user.sh Create a file on the host with whatever command line parameters needed, mount that script into the container to /opt/scripts/user.sh and it will be executed each time the container starts as root.
  23. Maybe but maybe try to first set it to an empty password in the config, play a bit, then shut down the server, after that change the config to include a password, start the server again and then try to connect with the password. I can‘t reproduce this behavior on my server… sorry…
  24. From what I read he would also need .NET runtime or am I mistaken?
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