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Everything posted by ich777

  1. May I ask where you are located in the world? Did you wait while you where upgrading Unraid itself that your server said it is now safe to reboot? Please go to your plugin page and see if you have a Plugin Error tab and if the Nvidia Driver plugin is in there. Do you have any AdBlocking or Unifi network gear on your network somewhere? Please open up a Unraid terminal, issue this command and post the output here: wget -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/ich777/unraid-nvidia-driver/releases/tags/6.1.74-Unraid | jq -r '.assets[].name' | grep "nvidia" | grep -E -v '\.md5$' | sort -V | tail -1
  2. If you got further issues feel free to create a new post, I'm here to help.
  3. Unraid 6.12.8 doesn‘t support ARC GPUs, you have to wait for the next beta/RC release with a Kernel newer than 6.1.x
  4. Do you hve a AdBlocker or Unifi network hear on your network who are maybe blocking the GitHub API? If you have a active internet connection on boot then it should be safe to reboot because the plugin will pull down the new driver on boot but please be aware that the boot can take a bit longer sonce it downloads the driver on boot (about 200MB).
  5. Examples and the parameters are mentioned in the second post of this thread. There are always extra steps necessary for Docker, regardless if you are using AMD, Intel or Nvidia. If you want to pass a device through you always have to specify extra parameters.
  6. A issue with the CA App feed, should be resolved in a few hours. Please ignore that message for now.
  7. Is it in general not working or did you already set up a container? If it is in general not working have you yet tried the fourth recommended post on top of this thread?
  8. I don't understand what you are saying here, you can run AdGuard and the server at the same time, your question was about the port forwarding or am I wrong?
  9. You can host a server but only for your LAN since if you can‘t forward the ports in your router, nobody will be able to join from outside your network.
  10. The issue is if a crash happens it won't be logged because the syslog is not persistent between reboots. @KaitsuN6 do you maybe have a monitor attached to your NAS where you can take a picture when the crash happens or enable the syslog server and post that here?
  11. Wrong support thread, I don't have a Enshrouded container. Please click on the container icon and select support.
  12. Bleeding edge on Linux is never a good idea… As said wait a few weeks and you will maybe see a new RC with a recent Kernel.
  13. I think the Kernel doesn‘t support your 14700, you have to wait for a new RC/beta version with a higher Kernel than 6.1.x
  14. Ich frage mich was das bringen soll für eine durchgereichte GPU... Das hat dann nichts mehr mit dem Host zu tuhen, aber du spielst hier auch mit Server hardware rum und das ist einfach ein Einsatzzwerck für die die Hardware die du hast nicht gemacht wurde.
  15. I think that I'm not qualified enough to tell since I'm not part of the Unraid team.
  16. Tesla und GRID Karten unterstützen sleep nicht vollständig und das Verhalten das du siehst ist ganz normal wenn du denn die Karte in den sleep versetzt. Wurde auch schon ein paar mal im Nvidia Driver Support thread gefragt. Ich glaube es wäre für alle Beteiligten besser du äußerst dich gleich, aber du scheinst ja gerne in Rätseln zu sprechen was ich hier so lese...
  17. Are you sure that the server didn't crash at least once while it was in the process of saving the game. My container consumes now almost 40GB of RAM with 9 to 10 concurrent players on it (just asking because of a maybe OOM error). With a new save the container is working properly I assume correct? I would strongly recommend that you enable the Backup function so that you have at least backups of your saves so that you can try which one was working and which one was faulty. At least it seems to me that this indicates a corrupt savegame since the last user who reported this was saying that with a new savegame the container is working as it should.
  18. Is this the USB drive you are talking about I assume: MACROSILICON USB3 Video This plugin is only meant for DVB usage (webcams too) and not for HDMI capture cards.
  19. I don‘t understand? SOON™!? BTW if you want to mark someone you have to click on his username too since otherwise he gets no notification like: @Gee1
  20. Delete the container, delete everything in the palworld directory except for the „Pal“ folder and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. If that doesn't help then it is maybe a faulty savegame. On what hardware do you run the container (CPU, RAM)?
  21. Yes I can but why do you need it? Is it necessary because you want to convert media while downloading?
  22. After a little bit of back and forth with @sonic6 I think this is simply a bad Docker template either the maintainer has to fill out a path by default for the host and container or he has to fill out the container path and mark the path as required so the user is forced to fill in the path or delete the path. That‘s my opinion on that.
  23. Webn der keinen Ordner erstellt dann hst du ein größeres Problem, ich vermute aber du siehst auf Unraid nach oder? Der pfad wird im LXC Container angelegt und nicht auf Unraid.
  24. But please make sure that you kill nvidia-persistenced before starting a VM, otherwise you will most likely crash your server.
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