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Everything posted by ich777

  1. The Coral Driver plugin is only for PCI based devices (I'll add a note to the plugin)
  2. Is it now working? I don't understand your post entirely... You can configure it how you want, the example above was just how it could be done.
  3. Ich verstehe nicht ganz? Wie groß ist denn den LAN Cache bzw. welche größe hast du denn angegeben? Ein löschen von nur spezifischen Daten/Spielen ist nicht möglich da der LAN Cache alles cached was durchläuft und wenn er voll läuft werden die ältesten Chunks gelöscht.
  4. Please read the Release notes: It was necessary to change the rcon binary to a different one that actually is up to date and is working. The new command line usage will show something like: rcon -a YOURIP:PORT -p PASSWORD command (Please note that if you command consists of multiple words you have to wrap it in double quotes) The description from the plugin will update after you restart your Unraid server.
  5. I don't think that a normal upgrade should prevent the boot, but you'll never know. ...what is the exact issue with that? This is just the Docker image for Plex because it can't start, if you fix the issue in the template and recreat the container the orphaned image will be used again for Plex (you could also delete a orphaned image and it will be pulled again from DockerHub if needed).
  6. No, I've tried this in the past for Valheim but it does not work reliably. But since it's Early Access (like most almost all things today) you have to deal with that... Sorry...
  7. Sorry but you are still on 6.11.5, why? Please upgrade to 6.12.6 and install the latest Nvidia drivers there since you are on driver version: 535.54.03 and the latest one is 550.40.07 (...no I won't compile the new drivers for such an old Unraid version). However the problems you are experiencing can be caused because you are using it for a VM and Docker containers, it will of course work in most situations but not always. Please upgrade to Unraid 6.12.6 and see if the issue persists.
  8. I already saw your posts in the GPU Statistics plugin support thread. Does it work in your container or does it simply not show up? As always without attached Diagnostics I can't help.
  9. Yes I know but the change to a new or better speaking a version that is working was necessary.
  10. I really don‘t know what the issue can be, can you just to double check the official Jellyfin container and see if it is working there? Was DV working before on your old card?
  11. I see no indication in your Diagnostics that it shouldn't work. And was it working with the card that you used before? This could also be an issue with the container itself that you are using.
  12. Can you please post your Diagnostics? The Tesla P100 series should work. I have no idea what is going on on your system.
  13. What's the exact issue? Is it the second card? It is working as far as I can see but without Diagnostics I can't say much.
  14. I don't understand, no you actually can join with a password. You shouldn't be able to join when a password is set in the configuration, are you sure you are editing the correct file?
  15. Maybe it is writing something in the /tmp directory or somewhere else... Really can't tell for sure, you are the first reporting this issue.
  16. Please stop the container, then delete everything in the gamefiles directory except for the Pal directory (this is where you save files are located) and then start the container again.
  17. Project Zomboid is a pretty small container usually, maybe something is writing in the image itself, please do a force update on the Docker page and see if that makes a difference but before doing that please check if your docker mounts are correct in the template.
  18. Not that I'm aware of since by default Palworld does not have a console output. If you want to issue commands you can use RCON <- I have a plugin for that in the CA App (you have to also enable RCON in the Palworld configuration first because it is disabled by default). BTW you are in the wrong support thread, click on the container icon on your Docker page and select Support
  19. No support with this: Feb 7 13:36:48 JJ-SILVERSTONE emhttpd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/backgroundScript.sh "/tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/unlock nvidia/script" >/dev/null 2>&1 You know that Nvidia now upped the simultaneous transcodes to 8 silently with the newest driver that you can't install because you are still on Unraid 6.12.3 where Unraid 6.12.6 is already available. The latest driver on Unraid 6.12.3 is not the latest driver which is available on Unraid 6.12.6 which you will need for the new Super series.
  20. @googol I responded in the Issue in the unraid/webgui repository.
  21. Open the config from the container you want to edit, you'll find the exact path by clicking on the container icon -> Show Config and in the following popup the first line shows the path. Edit the path with whatever you want and create a second entry for your second NIC: # Network configuration for second NIC lxc.net.1.type = veth lxc.net.1.flags = up lxc.net.1.link = eth1 lxc.net.1.name = eth1 lxc.net.1.hwaddr=AVALIDMACADDRESS This example is for veth only! lxc.net.1.link is the physical link on your Unraid server, lxc.net.1.name is the interface name in your LXC container. Please also make sure that you add a valid MAC address to the second NIC. Hope that helps. BTW, I would strongly recommend to upgrade, 6.11.5 is outdated.
  22. It should be the case for all but keep in mind some game servers have a fixed save interval and do not save when you gracefully shutdown the server. You usually just need to stop the container, maybe for some games it would be wise to issue a save command first through RCON and then stop the container but the containers in general are designed in that way so that they gracefully shutdown the application inside the container. They all have their own shutdown routine and only a few containers (mostly WINE based containers) can‘t be stopped gracefully, but as said, only a few. BTW why should they be not stopped gracefully? A shutdown will also restart the container because I use --restart=unless-stopped However if you stop the container right after the shutdown it should be fine since my containers updating steam cmd, then they are looking for updates for the game itself and then finally start the dedicated server.
  23. ? You mean your Server IP correct? RFC1918 is the range for private addresses. I try this tomorrow, it‘s getting late over here…
  24. Yes, this is indeed a normal startup from the dedicated server. Please only use your Steam credentials when they are not hidden away in the Show more section and are marked with a red asterisk. Do you try your Public or your Server IP? Did you change anything in the template?
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