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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ich würde mal abwarten, das wurde alles vermutlich durch einen Leak beschleunigt und hat intern vermutlich jetzt die ganze timeline durcheinander geworfen und mal ganz ehrlich ich vermute das es jetzt die Umstellung auch beschleunigt. Ich weiß nicht ob du dir den Podcast angesehen hast aber der ist von November/Dezember also vermute ich das es schon lange in der pipeline war bei Limetech. Leaks sind nicht immer gut für Nutzer, hat jetzt die Umstellung natürlich beschleunigt und auch die wagen spekulationen. Lol, das ist aber echt eine arge Vermutung. Du hast dir vermutlich den Podcast nicht angesehen wenn ich das so lese oder? Sie wollen expandieren und für so etwas braucht man cash flow und ich hätte noch nichts gehört das es Unraid schlecht geht vor allem weil sie jetzt immer neue Mitarbeiter aufgenommen haben wenn du die Blog posts verfolgt hast.
  2. From your desktop I assume? Please try to reboot and install the plugin again, I really don't see a reason why it shouldn't work on your Unraid server. Do you have maybe custom DNS servers set or something like that on your server? I really don't know what could cause this on your system/network... There is enough space on your USB Flash drive correct? The driver is about 210MB in size.
  3. Oh sorry, I can't support such complicated setups and see no real reason to do that at all.
  4. Glad that you've figured it out. Conan Exiles should work OOB if you change nothing in the template, I would always recommend to start by changing nothing in the template and modify it from there.
  5. Sorry but I can't help you here since you have to discover which path is right for you on your own. It maybe be not nct6775.656, it can be anything. The setting in the BIOS doesn't matter, with that you override the fan profile from the BIOS, please go again to the linked Arch documentation and read again what you have to do to select the different modes. Basically what you have to do is: Set the FAN mode to manual (not in the BIOS) Set the FAN speed to whatever you like (I assume a value of 120 in your case) Put the commands in a user script and let them run at reboot
  6. This is from an Unraid terminal correct? Then it should be no issue for the plugin to grab the driver. How much space do you have left on your USB Boot device? Can you download this file (doesn't matter if you do this from a Unraid terminal or from your desktop). If yes how fast? I must have to do something with your Internet connection since the user a few posts above was able to install the plugin just fine after a reboot. Some ISPs have sometimes issues with the connection to GitHub and get really slow download speeds but since the API is working and the plugin can grab the correct package to download I really don't know what's going on...
  7. Please open up a terminal from Unraid and execute this command: wget -qO- https://api.github.com/repos/ich777/unraid-nvidia-driver/releases/tags/6.1.74-Unraid | jq -r '.assets[].name' | grep "nvidia" | grep -E -v '\.md5$' | sort -V | tail -1 after you've run it please post the result here. I'm still going through your Diagnostics but everything seems fine.
  8. I try to help where I can. Thanks for your help btw...
  9. Which ones? It is easy in general, only a few containers need extra steps like Ark-SE You can usually run all other container without changing anything in the template itself. I think the description in most of my containers at the variable should tell what to do. I don't understand. You don't have to enter Steam Credentials, they are only needed when they are marked with the red asterisk in the template and not hidden away at the "Show more..." section. Just open up a Unraid terminal and execute this command, then restart the container and it should work (you have to do this after each reboot of the Unraid server). I don't understand... what do you mean with that? I assume you are using Unraid correct? Always depends if there is a saltwater aquarium. In general I have to say you can follow almost any tutorial for the dedicated server you want to set up, my containers only automate the download and the start from the dedicated server itself, configuring and modding is always up to the user. For each dedicated server there is a guide out ther like for Ark-SE here (you can skip the Installation and start from the dedicated server since these things are what my container does).
  10. Glad to hear that it's working again. Only a few users and only sometimes are having this issue but I haven't found the cause...
  11. You basically should be always be able to control your fans with a script, you first have to make sure that you set the fan to manual mode (because otherwise it will apply the fan speed only for a short while) and then you can change the values from 0 to 255 (most of the times a minimum speed is set too, so to speak 0 is actually not 0 in most cases). But the paths are basically the same as in the Arch wiki but as said you have to change it a bit according to your hardware. Hope that helps.
  12. I'm not sure anymore, I know for sure back then when I had my Jellyfin template in the CA App that I needed to mark it as required because you could actually create the container without issues. Sure, I'll agree on that. No worries.
  13. I'm not sure if my translation site translated everything correctly but you should be able to manually set fan speeds with a script, however you have to do that on your own since this is in most of the times a bit of trail and error. It would be best to start here at the ASUS section but keep in mind that you maybe have a bit different path to your fan controller since on my system it's like that: /sys/devices/platform/nct6775.656/hwmon/hwmon4/ however if you figured out which path is for which fan you can write your script. Hope that helps.
  14. This is very, well not specific. In general I don't support modding however the command that you are using is for a mod that is installed locally from what I know from other game servers, from what I found from other tutorials it should be something like: "-mod=1559212036;1564026768;" if it's workshop content. I found also something about cfggameplay.json but don't ask me how to use that, maybe this site will help.
  15. Thanks for the report, I will look into that. Please update the container itself with "force update" on the Docker page and it should run now perfectly fine.
  16. Es fängt mal so an wie du den Stick erstellt hast…? Wie hast du denn den stick erstellt? Was war den vorher auf dem Stick? Ich kann deine Bilder leider nicht richtig auf machen, poste die doch nächste mal gleich hier in den thread mit STRG+C oder zieh sie in die textbox dann sind sie direkt hier im forum. Hast du denn schon mal den Booteintrag des Sticks ausgewählt? BTW im BIOS solltest du das standard bootgerät auch einstellen können.
  17. Diagnostics please? In your case, please remove the plugin, reboot your server and reinstall the plugin.
  18. Can you please provide your Diagnostics? On what Unraid version are you? Have you yet tried to reboot your server? Do you have any Unifi network gear or AdBlocking on your network? May I ask where are you located in the world?
  19. War mein Fehler, hab es dann editiert in der zwischenzeit als ich es mir nochmal durchgelesen hab. Ich glaub das ich da noch human bin... Brauche eben auch viele um zu testen und zum kompilieren.
  20. Dann wäre es aber fast besser in meinen Augen das du dir das LXC plugin installierst auf Unriad und wiederum dort drin Docker mit Portainer oder CasaOS dort rum experimentierst weil du hast dort ebenfalls keine Limitationen. Ich find Proxmox gerade für das Homelab zu aufgeblasen (zumindest für die sachen die du gelistet hast) und ich sehe keinen Vorteil Unraid auf Proxmox zu virtualisieren, eher sehe ich nur Nachteile die bei der Virtualisierung und Gerätedurchreichung entstehen wie ich sie schon vielmals gesehen hab. Um weiter bei dem Thema aus zu holen, ich habe auf meinem server 65 Docker installiert davon laufen mindestens 41 ständig, dann hab ich noch eine build VM die Unraid virtualisiert zum bauen der verschiedensten plugin pakete, eine Debian und Windows test VM die ich eigentlich nie benutze, 4 LXC container wobei in einem Homeassistant läuft, in einer PiHole/Unbound/DoH/LANCache/keepalived, in einer läuft AMP auch mid Docker drin installiert und in der letzten läuft ein pures Debian mit Docker die ich verwende um Docker container zu bauen und auf DockerHub und in die GitHub Container Registry hoch zu laden. Es kann aber auch sein das ich den Proxmox Ansatz echt falsch verstanden hab und ich auch nicht wirklich verstehe warum du das für HomeAssistant brauchst, läuft das jetzt als VM oder irgend eine art Container? Ich weiß nicht, ich bin stark gegen eine virtualisieren von einer Firewall speziell auf Unraid, wenn das system mal down ist dann hast du kein Internet, sicher du hast immer irgendwo einen single point of failure (zumindest meistens im Homelab) aber ich muss auch sagen ich bin starker verfechter von dedizierten kleinen boxen die die Aufgabe einer Firewall stemmen. Sind aber nur meine zwei Euro Cent zu dem Thema. EDIT: Meine switch empfehlung wäre noch immer MikroTik, haben auch gerade einen neuen managed Switch raus gebracht. Ich glaub den bekommst so um die Euro 210,- wenn ich mich nicht täusche.
  21. No worries, same as before but slightly different because this archive is named differently: Place the two attached files somewhere on your server Open up a Unraid terminal Navigate to the folder where you've placed the files Issue the command: installpkg corefreq_INTEL-goldmont-x86_64-1.txzcorefreq_INTEL-develop-x86_64-1.txz Go to the plugin page and try to retest and see if it now loads fine After that please provide the output from: corefreq-cli -s -n -m -n -M -n -u for @CyrIng. corefreq_INTEL-goldmont-x86_64-1.txz corefreq_INTEL-goldmont-x86_64-1.txz.md5
  22. I can‘t remember quiet exactly since I created the container a long time ago but I think the config consists of two files one is the options.ini where you actually specify how the save file is named and then the servertest.ini with the specific configuration for the server. So to speak I think you could change the name for the save in options.ini Other than that the container should work OOB eith the files it creates. Anyways I‘m glad that it is now all working.
  23. I think that‘s only a Nvidia feature yes.
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