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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Are you really sure that your client is up to date?
  2. Seems like something is configured wrong, can you provide screenshots from Unraid and from Windows?
  3. Please remove that file and reboot. If you experience the same please post new Diagnostics.
  4. Can you provide Diagnostics please?
  5. You don't have to install it if you haven't installed it yet when everything is working without the plugin.
  6. That's how it works usually, some users don't read that they should wait for the message that it's safe to reboot and reboot instantly, that can cause issues.
  7. Please go to your Docker page within Unraid, click on the Container icon that gives you issues then on Support and post your question there. I'll lock this post
  8. Nope. This was the method before the last update from Palworld, now it's -publiclobby Documentation
  9. Correct. Are you sure you've enabled the correct options, please keep in mind that it maybe takes a bit so that your server shows up in the server list since it can take a while. Please also check if you already have the new parameter in place since the last update changed this here:
  10. Hier sicher nicht... Ja klar Ubuntu ist ziemlich Mainstream und wird auch leider immer ähnlicher Windows im Bezug auf Datenübermittlung und so weiter. Cononical hat auch in letzter Zeit viele Entscheidungen "gegen" die Community getroffen die jetzt nicht unbedingt direkt Ubuntu betreffen da die ja mehrere Projekte haben die teilweise auch Community gestützt sind und macht jetzt vieles closed source, aber ist auch irgendwo klar das ist eine Firma und die müssen irgendwo das Geld her bekommen um deren Mitarbeiter zu bezahlen. Bestes Beispiel war LXD und der Aufschrei der Community war da groß. Ich benutz seit Jahren Debian und bin voll zufrieden damit, ich muss aber auch sagen ich steh es mir nicht so auf rolling Releases und eher auf Stabilität. Arch wäre noch eine gute Ausweichmöglichkeit wenn du auf Rolling releases stehst und immer auf dem neuesten Stand sein willst.
  11. Okay, das wäre mir neu... Klar Cononical (die hinter Ubuntu) haben in letzter Zeit viele fragwürdige Entscheidungen getroffen aber das ist eine andere Geschichte. Ubuntu basiert auf Debian, Debian ist auch GNU Linux, somit ist es Linux, also ich verstehe nicht warum es kein richtiges Linux ist, kannst ja deine Kollegen mal fragen warum die das meinen. Viele Docker container basieren auch auf Ubuntu nebenbei... Das ist auch das wichtigste weil du eigentlich ja die Docker nach außen frei gibst und diese auf dem aktuellsten Stand sein sollten, wobei natürlich auch das Host OS, zumindest Docker, auf dem neuesten Patchlevel sein sollte. Wenn es eine kritische Sicherheitslücke in Docker bzw. eine der Komponenten gibt (wie beispielsweise erst vor kurzem bei runc <- ist eine Komponente von Docker) dann wird auch ein Unraid update released. Wie gesagt, das wichtigste ist das du deine Container up-to-date hältst da die nach außen Verfügbar sind und praktisch vom Host (Unraid) isoliert sind. Stellt dir nur mal vor du müsstest deinen server jeden Tag oder einmal in der Woche neu starten wegen updates, das wäre für die meisten nicht praktikabel und deswegen gibt es Container. Hoffe das erklärt es ein wenig besser.
  12. I really don't like running the Firewall in a VM and always would recommend to use a dedicated "Firewall" box. But that's always up to the user. This is probably because the Nvidia Driver was missing or you haven't had installed the Docker patch, do you maybe have empty paths in your template from these two container, if yes, remove them if you don't need them. After the plugin is installed it should work as expected as long as you use the Nvidia card as the display output. Depending on your Internet speed and network size you can use something like that (it's more than enough for my symmetric 250Mbit/s connection) for OPNsense. There are possibly better and newer boxes out there which cost the same nowadays but I'm very happy with that thing.
  13. The boot process most of the times, buggy hardware support for most PCIe devices, you probably can't use many Docker container because of missing aarch64 support and many more things... ...but don't get me wrong, I'm not against ARM but you should also read the two posts before yours. I really like the ARM approach but it will take some more time that it will finally will be usable hassle free for consumers. With that said, if Risc-V will be adopted widely it could overtake ARM and become it's successor <- of course only if AI doesn't wipe out humanity...
  14. Are you sure you've followed that tutorial and the mods are compatible with Linux? As @Spectral Force pointed out, I only provide basic functionality for the container and modding is always up to the user.
  15. You can still use the depot number I think in the GAME_ID variable I think, never tried that but in theory that should work.
  16. Yes. In your router/firewall. Did have any services reachable from outside? If yes, it's basically the same. Yes. No, just start it. Rustdesk is a client <-> server <-> client application and you secure it with the (I've mistaken said private key) public key <- which is created automatically by the container and displayed in the log. The container sets up the server and the relay and does basically everything for you. You should really read the documentation on the Rustdesk client that will maybe answer some questions. As said the container does combine the server and relay and will display the key that is needed to actually be able to connect to the server and with that you can connect to the different clients which are connected to your server practically like TeamViewer or AnyDesk or something like that.
  17. Just deploy it. I would recommend to read the description, forward the ports in your router/firewall, connect with your private key (that is displayed in container log) to you server, done.
  18. Yes. First of all, this happened because you had no active internet connection after you‘ve restored you USB boot device. Go to /boot/config/plugins-error and move all plg files from there into /boot/config/plugins and reboot, this will reinstall all your plugins that are now in the errors tab, of course only if you have a active internet connection.
  19. @suchamoneypit gui-mode will only work if you install the Nvidia Driver plugin and reboot afterwards.
  20. That's probably the best thing that you've wrote so far...
  21. Did you also change the motherboard? Have you yet tried to delete the network.cfg from /config and reboot? The driver is not installing and only the md5 sum exists on the flash device.
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