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Everything posted by Outlet6957

  1. Python 3 wont uninstall. Every other package uninstalls if I have it selected to Off. However python 3 doesn't do anything when I hit apply. It refreshes the page and it says ON again even though I hit off.
  2. Is there a reason the"fuzzy image searching functionality is not included in the docker? I see exif data and content scans only.
  3. Hey, sorry nobody has replied to you. I've become very interested in the topic of the "best backup" solution for unRAID. Duplicati on the surface seems pretty awesome. However, a lot of users including myself had nothing but errors. It still needs a lot of heavy development. I wrote a guide on combining RCLONE+BORG. Borg does a really great job at creating your repos while utilzing compression, deduplication, encryption, pruning etc. And you would then use RCLONE to push that BORG repo up to your offsite storage. The guide is here https://www.reddit.com/r/unRAID/comments/9md2hh/tutorial_rclone_borg_for_your_awesome_backup_needs/ Lately though, I stumbled across Duplicacy. This piece of software is pretty awesome as it's faster than BORG in some benchmarks AND it uploads to the cloud or locally without the need of using RCLONE. @walle wrote a pretty cool guide here. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/73796-solved-install-duplicacy-install-binary/?tab=comments#comment-687737&searchlight=1 Let me know if you have any specific questions.
  4. Hey DMacias72, Can we add hashbackup to the nerdpack? http://www.hashbackup.com/home/quickstart Thanks!
  5. That makes sense! Thank you.
  6. Ah looks like you're trying to do the same thing as me. I QOSed the GDrive IP addresses but they change so often, I have even done the enter subnet with a /16 but even that host IP changes. 443 is a catch all which like you said is no good. I wonder if there is a docker instead of a plugin that lets you change the IP that rclone uses.
  7. Is there a way to assign a different IP address to rclone? I want to QOS my traffic for it. This is different from the --bwlimit flag. I tried --bind but got an error.
  8. Awesome, I always wondered if you kept them up to date. I have seen updates regularly though. I was having a ton of issues with Duplicati and switched over to Borg + RClone which is working pretty nice. I appreciate what you do, I asked you to add exiftool a few years ago and you did and that was awesome man. I was high on percocet post surgery trying to build a server and organize my photos (photographer) due to boredom and being bed ridden lol. That exiftool really really helped me. You're doing great things! Thanks dmacias
  9. Hey Dev, First off thanks for what you do. Your tool really helps us noobs out. Second, how often do you update your plugins. I was looking for the latest version of borg backup. Thanks in advance.
  10. Binhex, Is there anyway I can change the docker containers local IP. Right now it is the same IP as my unRAID system, I would like to change it for QOS. I changed it earlier today and the web interface wouldn't load, however the log gave no errors.
  11. For some reason, autoremoveplus plugin doesn't remove torrents unless I manually click APPLY within the plugin each time. It's like it doesn't monitor torrents when I am not actively logged in. Anyone else have this issue?
  12. Sorry for being a moron, thank you for your help as always. Do you ever sleep ? lol
  13. Just updated to newest push and I get a 2018-04-05 11:14:21,415 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Response code 000 from curl != 2xx [warn] Exit code 7 from curl != 0 [info] 6 retries left [info] Retrying in 10 secs... Any ideas? ========= Update, when I try to curl the IP address name servers that are in the settings for PIA they return a "Connection refused". I didn't have this issue prior to the update...not sure if its a Deluge thing or a PIA thing.
  14. Where does Filebot get it's information to name the files properly? If that is a internet data pull....id like that to be behind a proxy.
  15. Hey Coppit, Is there anyway to use a proxy with this? I need to use a proxy in order for it to poll the web for data. Thanks in advance.
  16. Yeah I sent him an xmas gift today. I like that it doesn't update all the time. Updates make me nervous because it could break the kill switch which is no bueno.
  17. Isn't he a master at his containers? I am fascinated. I have a network background and I am very impressed with this.
  18. Perfect, I'll hook it up here when I get off shift. I appreciate you.
  19. Haha no sir. You're so awesome dude. I as well as the community really appreciate the work you're doing here. The killswitch thing is amazing and has changed the docker game so much! Can I buy you some starbucks? If so can you PM me your info?
  20. Dude you're a monster! Thank you so freaking much. Perfect on 443!!!!!!!
  21. Hello binhex, I am currently using PIA for my VPN service. The issue I have is, the country I am in will not let my VPN traffic pass on whatever port is being used by the docker container. I would like to use TCP port 80 to pass traffic. Do you have any idea how to do so? Thank you
  22. Hello, I love this plugin. I did have a question....whenver I had cron tabs running via /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/ I got an email after each cron task was completed. When I run the same job via this GUI, I do not get an email alert with success or fail. Any ideas?
  23. Is there anyway to run this with a HTTPS or SOCKS5 proxy?
  24. My final issue is my FTP user is setup as so in the description ftpuser /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam However my home directory takes me to the ProFTP setup EDIT ah it's the correct directory with a ProFTPd folder inside of it
  25. Oh wow I got it working! I enabled the built in FTP server from unRAID first and then installed the plugin. Service started right up!
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