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Everything posted by Outlet6957

  1. Thanks for the speedy reply. I'll delete it and reinstall it and I'll post the snippet of that process.
  2. Did this plugin break with the new unraid update? I just installed it and it wont start at all when I click start. The page refreshes but it still says STOPPED. Nothing in syslog other than Apr 7 14:24:35 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable disable 8088 Apr 7 14:24:37 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart Apr 7 14:25:07 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable enable /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam 8088 Apr 7 14:25:42 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart Apr 7 14:25:52 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd enable disable /mnt/user/Dropbox/Webcam 8088 Apr 7 14:25:56 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart Apr 7 14:26:35 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart Apr 7 14:28:57 TheDeathStar emhttp: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ProFTPd/scripts/rc.ProFTPd buttonstart
  3. So about a month ago I wrote right above that it is loading artwork slowly. I have traced that down to headphones restarting itself every 20-30 seconds with no errors. Anyone find a fix for that?
  4. Got it! Changed action from copy to move within the filebot.sh config.
  5. So I am having an issue. One I get an error message /config/scripts/cleaner.groovy: No such file or directory /config/scripts/cleaner.groovy: No such file or directory And two, my files get moved over but they do not get cleaned up in the original directory. Clean=Y Please help!
  6. Having the same issue kernel: unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 1
  7. Awesome I will post there. I did a memtest for 30 hours last week with no errors.
  8. Can anyone tell me what this means? Mar 5 02:51:47 TheDeathStar kernel: Plex Media Scan[9285]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00002b7f3b3978d8 error 14 in Plex Media Scanner[400000+42e000] Mar 5 02:51:55 TheDeathStar kernel: Plex Media Scan[10322]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00002abf6b3978d8 error 14 in Plex Media Scanner[400000+42e000] Mar 5 02:52:05 TheDeathStar kernel: Plex Media Scan[11358]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00002b822e3978d8 error 14 in Plex Media Scanner[400000+42e000] Mar 5 02:52:23 TheDeathStar kernel: Plex Media Scan[13219]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00002b3426dff8d8 error 14 in Plex Media Scanner[400000+42e000]
  9. Thank you, you helped me organize 73k photos last night. Exiftool is awesome. If you look at my post history, I've been asking for help on how to get this working in unraid.
  10. I have this EXACT same issue. My local musicbrainz server is very fast but the headphones artist loading is extremely slow. No errors in log.
  11. Whenever I add an artist it takes an EXTREMELY long time to load the artwork and information. I even have the musicbrainz docker running to mitigate issues. When I use the phaze headphones PLUGIN it works just fine. What logs can I provide to mitigate issues? I obviously am not interested in running a headphones plugin. I would much rather use your docker. Even my ombi server says "Headphones request are responding extremely slowly" in my log files.
  12. Ok one last request. fdupes is notorious for false positives. Can we add RMlint? It's very robust and would be a very valuable part of your tool pack.
  13. THAT'S ALL IT TOOK? OMG!! I have been asking people how to install this for weeks!! Thank you so much!!
  14. Yes sir, I tried to add the port at the bottom of the docker config but it failed to start after that.
  15. Ken-ji, why is it that everytime I reboot I have to re-authenticate my dropbox with the provided link in the logs?
  16. Can anyone tell me why I am getting this message in my Fix Common Problems plugin? Docker Application binhex-delugevpn, Container Port 58946 not found or changed on installed application. My port number is 58846. Always has been. I never change it. Is this just a false positive?
  17. Thank you again. You're very knowledgeable. I have carried a lot of your insight over to the reddit.com/r/unraid forum
  18. Can anyone get exiftool added to the community applications store? http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ If I can do it myself please explain how? Thank you!
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