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Everything posted by NewDisplayName

  1. Okay, it might be that your install scripts didnt run, because the node is already there... How to manually run the install script once? I wouldnt really like to remove all nodes. From my side it dont seem like he created anything new. The nodes also seem to run just fine, but just without storj monitor.. Can i manuall run the script to install the storj monitor script? If so, how? Would be a waste to start with all 11 nodes from scratch... edit: just to clarify this, i dont use your multi node thingy, im just adding a docker per node storj1 storj2 storj3 ... i accidently deleted my first storj node with 100gb data... and used ur script to do a fresh install, ofc it shows error, bc it has nothing stored, but this node should probably work. How can i get my other nodes working? i tried something by myself but it seems like i have no idea what im doin... root@Unraid-Server:~# docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh zugz/r8mystorj / # StorjMonitor/storjMonitor-install.sh /bin/sh: StorjMonitor/storjMonitor-install.sh: not found / # chmod +x StorjMonitor/storjMonitor-install.sh / # StorjMonitor/storjMonitor-install.sh /bin/sh: StorjMonitor/storjMonitor-install.sh: not found / # cd StorjMonitor /StorjMonitor # chmod +x storjMonitor-install.sh /StorjMonitor # ./storjMonitor-install.sh /bin/sh: ./storjMonitor-install.sh: not found /StorjMonitor # ls README.md bin node_modules package.json storjMonitor-install.sh storjMonitor.bat storjMonitor.js storjMonitor.sh /StorjMonitor # ./storjMonitor.sh [17:48:26] Error connecting to StorjShare Client, are you sure its running? [17:48:26] Error: connect ECONNREFUSED /StorjMonitor # sh storjMonitor-install.sh > [email protected] install /StorjMonitor/node_modules/weak > node-gyp rebuild gyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable. gyp ERR! stack at failNoPython (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/configure.js:401:14) gyp ERR! stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/lib/configure.js:330:11 gyp ERR! stack at F (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/which.js:69:16) gyp ERR! stack at E (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/which.js:81:29) gyp ERR! stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/which.js:90:16 gyp ERR! stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/node_modules/isexe/index.js:44:5 gyp ERR! stack at /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/node_modules/isexe/access.js:8:5 gyp ERR! stack at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:123:15) gyp ERR! System Linux 4.14.34-unRAID gyp ERR! command "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "rebuild" gyp ERR! cwd /StorjMonitor/node_modules/weak gyp ERR! node -v v6.7.0 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v3.3.1 gyp ERR! not ok [email protected] /StorjMonitor +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] | `-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] +-- [email protected] `-- [email protected] npm ERR! Linux 4.14.34-unRAID npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" npm ERR! node v6.7.0 npm ERR! npm v3.10.3 npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! [email protected] install: `node-gyp rebuild` npm ERR! Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script 'node-gyp rebuild'. npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed. npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the weak package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node-gyp rebuild npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with: npm ERR! npm bugs weak npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls weak npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /StorjMonitor/npm-debug.log
  2. If i use host this container uses (only) the Standard ports, even when i add new -> add port 4005, it still uses 4000-4003 Only in bridge i can select my ports and this container use it... I dont understand whats happening. What did i do? I stopped old storj and installed new storj in same directory. -> its not working on any of my nodes (11), the first i can run in host, but all others i need to run in bridge (i dont like one docker for multiple nodes) and in host i cant change the ports (i dont know why this happens) Doesnt matter if i use host or bridge, none of the nodes seem to be able to report to storj monitor. If host is needed, why i cant change the ports? And also, the first node, which is in host, should work, but it fails to send data to storjstat, like all other nodes. This node is running for months: (and currently in Host mode) ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┬─────────┬──────────┬──────────┬─────────┬───────────────┬─────────┬──────────┬───────────┬──────────────┐ │ Node │ Status │ Uptime │ Restarts │ Peers │ Allocs │ Delta │ Port │ Shared │ Bridges │ ├─────────────────────────────────────────────┼─────────┼──────────┼──────────┼─────────┼───────────────┼─────────┼──────────┼───────────┼──────────────┤ │ 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 │ running │ 2m 27s │ 0 │ 120 │ 0 │ -109ms │ 4000 │ 52.34GB │ connected │ │ → /storj/share │ │ │ │ │ 0 received │ │ (TCP) │ (26%) │ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────┴─────────┴──────────┴──────────┴─────────┴───────────────┴─────────┴──────────┴───────────┴──────────────┘ * starting daemon in foreground{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:48.841Z"}* starting node with config at /storj/config.json{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:49.094Z"}[12:25:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:25:49] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:30:33.688Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:30:51.931Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:32:03.657Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:32:21.563Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:32:25.463Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:33:50.235Z"}{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:37:46.575Z"}{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:40:49.179Z"}[12:40:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:40:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:55:49.281Z"}[12:55:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:55:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T13:10:49.380Z"}[13:10:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[13:10:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T13:25:49.485Z"}[13:25:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[13:25:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T13:31:36.720Z"}{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T13:40:49.583Z"}[13:40:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[13:40:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T13:55:49.685Z"}[13:55:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[13:55:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Error
  3. I just changed host to briged, bc i dont want that many uselss IPs in my network... also i wonder, i dont see anything from storjstat in the directory? Okay, i changed back to host, now the node is atleast reachable from outside (i dont know why its no longer working in bridge mode) Still, storjmonitor throws: * starting daemon in foreground{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:48.841Z"}* starting node with config at /storj/config.json{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:25:49.094Z"}[12:25:49] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:25:49] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
  4. Hmm, id ont get it. I copied conf files, startet new storj + cli, and get * starting daemon in foreground{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start node with config at path /storj/config.json","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:02:33.433Z"}* starting node with config at /storj/config.json{"level":"info","message":"got status query","timestamp":"2018-04-24T12:02:33.750Z"}[12:02:33] 1d065de2cb7e749bcb6415f4b4f555e8b475a5d0 | Submit to Storjstat[12:02:34] ERROR {"error":"Invalid farmer data (spaceUsedBytes)"}
  5. hey, thanks for the update. dont wonder, ill try and report back asap, but im currently in egypt and come monday back. thanks!! edit: am i right, i can just put files and config from old docker into new?
  6. Is my problem known? Can i provide any help? But this addon already helped me, i saw my ssds were connected to 3gbs instead of 6gbs..
  7. If backblaze is not database use, then i dont know. Thats probably the worst case for hdds. You believe this marketing sh1t and or working for them, idc.
  8. No, Why? I dont see any difference, or can the windows one make .imgs without any convert? Ill try the Vmware one.
  9. sadly it doenst work for me. It recognize everything (impressive!) But - wont spin up drives after clicking start benchmark (if i spin up manually, it starts) - is not able to do benchmark to the end (it says "abort?") and after some times all disks go to sleep again... edit: i try new version edit2: Nop, still wont spin up, but if i spin up, it works, lets see if it can finish atleast... edit3: what does SAS2116 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Meteor]: Scanning Disk 7 (sdm) at 0 GB (0%) - Speed Gap of 58.98 MB (max allowed is 50 MB), retrying (2) mean? edit4: okay it wont finish this time also, it says it benchmarks disk 8, but 8 is already spun down... so it will never finish..
  10. Nop. I dont think nginx can, out of the box, "just" redirect other traffic then http/https.
  11. Backplaze is the only source i know of when it comes to quality of harddrives. And they CLEARLY showed, that there DONT need to be "SURVEILINCE" or "NAS" on the hdd to make it long lasting/performing. Its just like throwing money out of window.
  12. Perfedct, thanks, you should probably edit the 1. post. Ill try, thank you very much.
  13. Yes, i thought about that, but.. i have dynamic ip. And also, i guess, letsencrypt needs to redo the cert at some time and will check again on 80 and 443, or not!?
  14. I thought about this, i think its possible with user scripts plugin... 1. Shutdown Windows 10, let a task run which does a incre. backup and send it to //unraidserver/Windows 10 VM/ C:\> SNAPSHOT C: X:\C-Drive.sna 2. script turns off Windows 10 VM -Need to write script via user script plugin which detects when a new backup is there (maybe check every 5 min?) -Then stops Windows 10 VM 3. script startet DOS (z.B.), öffnet Windows 10 VM image, spielt image ein -user script starting e.g. DOS, mount .img (Windows 10 VM Image) and uses drive snapshot to restore the backup created in 1.) 4. script startet windows 10 VM - user script plugin needs to start Windows 10 VM (and maybe delete old backup - not sure by now)
  15. I found something PRETTY COOL. This tool let you make images while you in windows, its free and it can run via cmd. http://www.drivesnapshot.de/de/intro.htm So i guess, i could write a batch file which i run on every shutdown (or every X min) to create a image. C:\> SNAPSHOT C: X:\C-Drive.sna BUT How do i get it in the VM? (sadly, its not .img) I would need to shutdown the VM automatic (how?) Then i need to boot something like DOS (or a docker????) [i found https://github.com/jgoerzen/docker-dosemu which is a DOS in a docker] which imports the image and then starts Windows 10 VM. Has anyone any idea how to do this? 1.) How can i automatic disable/enable a VM? 2.) can dos mount the image and then do the incr restore?!
  16. Sorry, i would help you, but i googled yesterday docker tutorial... and i dont find any usefull information on how to create dockers. I dont know where to start.
  17. I guess, i cant use that with a free dns. I really dont like exposing 80 or 443 to the internet...
  18. The big thing about unraid is that you can use cheap consumer hardware instead of "what ever you believe the vendor tells you". Ive tried the cheap archive hdds, perfectly price/TB.
  19. Okay guys, i added 10 more nodes, so you can fugg that cpu limit pretty easy with this solution. Currently i have 11 nodes running (and you need different ports, i checked it). And they also get already some MBs. Would you please add storjmonitor to your docker. Then this would be perfect. I tried running it extra, but i guess, it only works on LOCALHOST... so it needs to be run in docker. https://github.com/calxibe/StorjMonitor seems VERY easy: Linux Clone/Copy this Repo to your local storage. Eg. git clone https://github.com/calxibe/StorjMonitor.git Change into the directory. cd StorjMonitor/ Modify the install Script to executable. chmod +x storjMonitor-install.sh Run the Script! ./storjMonitor-install.sh Enter your API Key from the website into the line 10 in storjMonitor.js (var token = "YOUR-TOKEN-HERE"). Execute the Monitor Script. ./storjMonitor.sh or via seperate screen screen -dmS StorjMonitor ./storjMonitor.sh 1. is the same thing as you probably alreayd do with storj 4. only need to be run on startup of docker 5. can be skipped, or lets say, edited in the config file directly 6. needs to be executed after the storj node startet
  20. Im not sure, but it could be, atm i only have 2 nodes and 4 cores, so this shouldnt break that point. But when i see that other ppls have like 100+ nodes, i guess, its easy to go around that limit....
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