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Everything posted by Altheran

  1. Hi, I am getting this recuring problem every few days where the Main,Shares,Settings,Plugins tab can be accessed, not the dashboard, not the docker tabs. Let say everything becomes unresponsive. The Restart button is unresponsive. Web CLI is unresponsive. But I got a MB with IPMI. I managed to go take a look to the KVM redirection before forcing a powerdown. I could page Up/Down to take screenshots of what seems like a general protection fault Call trace. I new call trace appeared while taking a first screenshot attempt. So I joined the 2nd that looks identical. Tried to htop and everything got event worse, So i am joining my stitched screenshots, If someone could help me find the culprit ? thanks !
  2. I just saw that the docker file was not found. Then my appdata share was not there anymore ... But My cache drive is still in my main tab, no errors ... Strying to stop the array to start it back and it takes forever. Forces a reboot. The cache drive wasn'T there anymore .... lsblk, no 2TB Drive ... Went to bios, not there. Shutdown the server, shut off the PSU, reslotted the M.2 drive, And now it'S back ! Very strange, I'll keep an eye on it for the next days.
  3. I just saw that the docker file was not found. Then my appdata share was not there anymore ... But My cache drive is still in my main tab, no erreors ... Strying to stop the array to start it back and it takes forever.
  4. Hi, I woke up this morning this this error in the Docker Tab, wanted to let you know providing diagnostics before restarting it all. Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (Connection refused) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 682 Couldn't create socket: [111] Connection refused Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 866 Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (Connection refused) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 682 Couldn't create socket: [111] Connection refused Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 932 untheran-diagnostics-20210201-0813.zip
  5. Also had my PLEX db corrupting for the last week. I bit the bullet as I also wanted to upgrade the SSD to enable thumbnails. I went to XFS this time as there seems to be an history of these kind of events over btrfs.
  6. @saarg So, Any idea on how to "Custom IP" Tautulli?
  7. I'm browsing from my personal PC ( Everything is on a regular LAN on UNRAID server has a single ETH interface on All my containers (Except UniFi controler and Krusader wich are on host) are on custom : eth0 networks. Each has a dedicated IP. They ALL work, except for Tautulli... Tautulli has I know about the MACVLAN stuf, wich is also why I didnt wrap my head around having a Wireguard server to remote manage my server / dockers It is also why I have ALL my dockers on custom eth, so they can talk to each other.
  8. Hi all, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make this work in Unraid with a "custom" network Type. All my Containers use distinct IPs, so they can route beween each other if some need to (host to host = ok, bridge to bridge = ok, custom to custom = ok, but Never managed to get differing network types to route to each other, the simplest was to go Custom IPs all the way) Can't get access to the webUI if I use a config like in the screenshot. I reinstalled the whole image from scratch and removed the existing config folder, I took a look at the logs at first it listens on Tried modifying parameters relating to the webservice listening interface , to no avail. Right now it looks like : [General] http_basic_auth = 0 http_root = "" http_proxy = 0 launch_browser = 1 http_username = admin https_create_cert = 1 http_host = enable_https = 0 api_enabled = 1 https_ip = https_domain = localhost http_password = admin interface = default http_port = 8181 So, anyone has tautulli working in UNRaid with a custom IP ? Thanks for the help !
  9. So just to be sure, is wireguard baked in-kernel for Unraid, or does the plugin run in userspace?
  10. Woops, I Tried to remove the video in the quote, didn't work?
  11. This is specifically what they ASK in big RED letters not to ask or talk about ... -_-'
  12. https://forums.plex.tv/t/hardware-accelerated-decode-nvidia-for-linux/233510/231 https://forums.plex.tv/t/much-faster-hopefully-smaller-mostly-and-better-pms-builds-preview-1-15-0-573-123756e9a/308294/343 Read the threads starting from 2weeks ish ago.
  13. OMG ! It's Christmas again !! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS !! Now only NVDEC Missing, hopefully soon !
  14. Heads up, NVDEC Incoming on PLEX https://forums.plex.tv/t/hardware-accelerated-decode-nvidia-for-linux/233510/231 https://forums.plex.tv/t/much-faster-hopefully-smaller-mostly-and-better-pms-builds-preview-1-15-0-573-123756e9a/308294/343 Read the threads starting from 2weeks ish ago.
  15. Welp, didn't get the sarcasm .. Why do people on the internets think sacasm is easily understood when no emotions are conveyed over text -_-' ( <- unless emojis ...) Didn't install anything, just asked how to. But if not ready, I will wait
  16. @CHBMB I am super confused right now, Isn't the link I referenced an Unraid pluggin ? Aren't Unraid pluggin an "input plugin location and apply" sort of install? If now, how do we install? And your following comments following mine are telling that you released it and forgot to tell then just after, you say it is not. Sooooo, Wich is it ? ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thanks again for all the effort put into this ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
  17. @CHBMB I See there is a commit not long ago, no issues open and no comment on being any issues still, is it Working ? https://github.com/CHBMB/Unraid-NVIDIA-Plugin Just to make sure, what url should we put in the Plugin field ?
  18. Keeping this one on top ! Let's keep it alive and well guys !
  19. They add drivers on feature request Go and put in the latest NVidia Ones you can !!!! XD All the PLEX Guys are screaming to include GPU Drivers to pass trough their Docker containers!!!
  20. What can be encoded by hw is being by hw, what can be decoded by hw gets decoded by hw. Either by no capacity left of by drivers/support being absent. So if by whatever reason you can't decode in hardware, cpu will do it. If your GPU gets maxed, cpu will pickup what he can. Still a huge gain as encoding is a harder work than decoding. Decoding HEVC being the big decoding gain that I would love to do.
  21. I am very interested in finding a solution to that whole ''No nvidia drivers to pass GPU to docker containers''. Shouldnt it be relativelly easy to install Nvidia Drivers from : https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/system/nvidia-driver/ https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/system/nvidia-kernel/ With a process looking like ? : https://wiki.unraid.net/index.php/Building_a_custom_kernel I know nothing, Im a total Linux Noob and try my hardest to find command by command guides. Even if the packages have to be reinstalled at every UNRAID upgrade or reboot even ! (It doesnt reboot often), couldn't it be scripted ? Because to me, it looks like there will one of 3 solutions to this : - UNRAID Devs will include the next compatible GPU Drivers in their next release .... - A Working pluggin will be made by the community (some existing work here https://github.com/CHBMB/Unraid-NVIDIA-Plugin : Props to @CHBMB ) but no commits in the last 3 months . It would be cool if the Devs would collaborate with him the get that thorn off their back ... - Some userscript to install the required package ? ... I just want to keep the discussion hot, the more present on the forum, the higher is the exposure of this issue to the devs.
  22. Also, the dream setup right now would be a Quatro P200 (400ish$). Around 13 Transcodes from 4K .265 to 1080p .264 Around 23 Transcodes from 1080p .265 to 1080p .265 On decode/encode Right now the Nvidia Linux Drivers only support Encode, but they are saying it's coming ... All that's missing is a way to install and keep up to date these drivers directly in Unraid so it can be given acces to the Plex container ....
  23. Exactly, decoding HEVC to encode in H264 is expansive because the Decode part is very heavy in software ...
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