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Everything posted by digiblur

  1. With my dive into the Home Automation scene my appetite for additional containers to use on the unRaid server has grown. All of the templates point to a docker container that I was able to import from the dockerhub and adjust the settings for the unRaid environment. I thought I would share these with everyone to save you a bit of work installing these. The list will grow as I have several others to add, but instead of waiting here are the current list: https://github.com/digiblur/unraid-docker-templates digiblur's unRaid-Docker-Templates Template files for various Docker Containers for use with Lime Technology, Inc. unRaid Server The docker containers referenced in this repo point to Docker Containers maintained by other individuals. These templates were created to make it easy for the average unRaid user to quickly install the containers without researching the various container variables and requirements. UNMS - Ubiquiti Network Management System https://unms.com/ Docker container maintained at - https://github.com/oznu/docker-unms Speedtest - Self hosted HTML5 Speedtest site Docker container maintained at - https://github.com/adolfintel/speedtest/tree/docker No Flash, No Java, No Websocket, No BS. This is a very lightweight Speedtest implemented in Javascript, using XMLHttpRequest and Web Workers. Great for troubleshooting bandwidth, ping and jitter issues through a reverse proxy with unRaid. TasmoAdmin TasmoAdmin (previously SonWEB) is an administrative Website for Home Automation Devices flashed with Sonoff-Tasmota. Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJUhRyi3-BQ Docker container maintained at - https://github.com/reloxx13/TasmoAdmin HA-Dockermon - HomeAssistant Docker Container Monitor A simple Node service which checks the status of a Docker Container and returns a RESTful response. It can also be used to issue start, stop, and restart commands. The primary purpose of this service is to interface with Home Assistant. Build automations/notifications for all of your docker containers and much more! Docker container maintained at - https://github.com/philhawthorne/ha-dockermon Custom HomeAssistant component to automatically add all the container "switches" to HA - https://github.com/HalfDecent/HA-Custom_components/tree/master/hadockermon SmartThings MQTT Bridge System to share and control SmartThings device states in MQTT. Setup is geared towards HomeAssistant but you can use any system that supports MQTT Docker container maintained at - https://github.com/stjohnjohnson/smartthings-mqtt-bridge Additional setup walk-through - https://community.home-assistant.io/t/anyone-integrated-smartthings-into-hassio-yet/25324
  2. Is there a procedure for submitting some Docker container templates for inclusion into the CA plugin? There are a few containers I've pulled over from Dockerhub and had to add various paths and variables based on the docker hub documentation for the container. It would make it easier for other users looking to use the same containers to have most of the work done for them. Thanks! EDIT: A couple more clicks and I found it... nevermind!
  3. Yes, for some reason this container logs every single dns request to the container log and keeps it. Stop your entire docker service and turn on the log rotation and limits in the unRaid docker settings. It will keep the problem at bay.
  4. How did you do the nextcloud config in Duplicati? I have nextcloud setup already and it should work as the files are under the threshold size of nextcloud. I'd didn't see an option though in Duplicati to connect it or are you doing some sort of local backup and the Nextcloud app on the computer picks it up?
  5. Gotcha, I must have missed them. Glad people got it going. I haven't done mine outward facing yet so it's only viewable on my internal network for now, but I do plan on doing it via this link: https://docs.minio.io/docs/setup-nginx-proxy-with-minio But it should be pretty secure with those two decently long keys and possibly pointing fail2ban at the logs. Not to mention the project is on github for everyone to dig through and fix any security issues.
  6. I can post some screenshots of the options I added to the container screen after importing it from docker hub.
  7. You can just use the official docker container from minio and import it into unRaid. You'll have to manually set a few things here and there to get the container going but it isn't that hard if you read the Minio docker quick start guide to see what parms it wants. Let me know if you need a hand.
  8. Anyone seen br0 go missing inside the container? I bashed into the container and it is indeed gone, I saw eth0 was there so I flipped it from br0 to eth0 and PiHole kicked back in without any issues so far.
  9. I believe the video states to put this on another IP address so you won't have this port 80 conflict issue.
  10. Will have to give that one a shot again. Maybe I missed a /Ombi somewhere. Might just try it with /ombi as the location first and go from there. Thanks for the confirmation.
  11. Anyone get this going with let's encrypt. I tried 3 or 4 different types of settings in the nginx proxy default file but I get mixed results from a gray screen that stays blank to a white screen with the text of loading. No issues with v2 and a reverse proxy.
  12. Will have to give that a shot with the other options I need to override.
  13. Has this container been updated to allow you to pick a better encryption method? Last time I used it my client app complained about several weak security options in the app and I didn't see an easy way to change them.
  14. Definitely not a bad idea. Have 24 gig in my box and rarely see over 1/3 used even with Plex RAM transcoding going on. Might have to play around with the mounts and get that inter folder to be in ram too. Nothing wrong with actually using ram for those temp files.
  15. Excellent job on the template/build etc. I run Pi-Hole on a separate raspberry pi, been thinking of re-purposing that Pi and do this container. I got it installed and running with no issues. Pointed a couple devices at it and all is well, I can see it doing its thing. Question... I see things have changed based on the layout of the first post, do we still need to do those CRON jobs or was that modified too? If not, is there not a way to map the logs outside of the container and to the appdata folder?
  16. Been playing with the current HA dockers and it seems to work well.... looking to bridge me SmartThings hub in using this documentation but it looks like I need another docker. https://home-assistant.io/blog/2016/02/09/Smarter-Smart-Things-with-MQTT-and-Home-Assistant/ https://github.com/stjohnjohnson/smartthings-mqtt-bridge Any tips?
  17. Same here. Fixed it after I changed the value, added the 80 port forward to my internal http port on the container. I did check to make sure I redirect to https but I will probably close 80 again in a bit until it breaks again.
  18. The redirect-gateway isn't since I wanted all traffic to pass through the VPN. Will put it back to default and give it a shot. EDIT: I don't see any row in red on the logs. Side note: I noticed the tls-crypt default is no, but the description says the default is yes.
  19. Using a IP for my unRaid box. is my gateway, along with is my DNS. When I connect, I can hit and use my unRaid box fine, but I can't access anything else on the LAN or go out via the WAN. Pinging from the Android device to any working address on 192.168.1.x does not work. I tried changing the OpenVPN server IP to just to make sure it wasn't conflicting with the two other 10.0.0.x subnets I have on my router but that didn't change anything. I'm thinking it is something I'm overlooking in the routing. Redirect-gateway is set to - redirect-gateway def1 Push LAN subnet to clients is set to Yes
  20. Oh nice! I missed that with the TLS-crypt turned on. Looks great!
  21. Nice work! Had to do the easyrsa downgrade but all is well. Nice to see the cipher already set to a strong one. Only thing I will be adding is the TLS auth option. Would be a great feature to build into the GUI. https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Hardening
  22. It is OpenVPN, not sure what you are getting at. If I installed it twice and had the same certs and keys that would mean I have the same keys/certs as the next guy. Oof... Will test this in the morning and fix the cipher version issues.
  23. Explain more on what you mean by this. Also , so if I install it twice there will be two different sets of keys/certs?
  24. No, that's the simple part. I'm used to doing this step and creating my own certs (that warm and fuzzy feeling of making the connection unique to you). https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#pki
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