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Everything posted by Fredrick

  1. Good point, but I definetely moved from "/mnt/user/Media/Filmer/Voksenfilmer" to "/mnt/user/Media/Filmer/VC1 Filmer". I very rarely user /mnt/diskX.
  2. Help! Lately when I've moved files between windows in Krusader they just disappear from origin without being moved to destination. Just happend to about 25 of my remuxed movies and I'd hate to have to repeat that process (in addition to identifying the movies). Anyone noticed this and have a fix? Edit: This is a move from within the same share where all files are located on the array. Edit2: It's 64 movies
  3. The importer of lidarr expects the file to be in the same location as reported by the download client. When using docker this can get tricky due to the volume mappings. Make sure both lidarr and your download client has the same volume mapping for /downloads/. If this is not clear, post your volume mappings for the download client aswell
  4. Basically install unrar via the nerdpack plugin, then run command on completion: unrar x "%F/*.r*" "%F/"
  5. Hi guys, does anyone know how I can set this up to extract completed torrents? I'm used to the "run upon completion" from Windows where I'd use unrar CLI for this, but in a Docker container I dont have a clue where to start. Thanks
  6. Please report back I'd also be interested in other torrent clients, but as far as I can tell Deluge is the best option. Considering running it on a VM to at least have the option for remote desktop if I need to other things than just monitoring torrents.
  7. I dont have UDP for 58946, otherwise this looks the same as mine. This could be a part of the VPN? Where did you get "" from in the interface setting? Is this the IP of your USG? Seems I got it working simply by changing the port from 58846 to some other port on the incoming port
  8. Hey guys, I'm struggling getting connectable. Both porttest.net and canyouseeme says I'm invisible, in addition to the trackers that I'm using. So my Deluge-settings looks like this: My router (Unifi USG with UPNP disabled) like this: *Note this type of port-forwarding works for other services like Letsencrypt/Plex. And my docker: I'm running latest Unraid with latest docker (non-vpn). I've also tried moving the docker to br0 with a static, separate IP, without any luck. I'd love some pointers on where I'm going wrong.
  9. My tip is just to take one software at a time and test it as you go along. Adding multiple services will result in various errors that can be a headache. The different configs for different services are a result of googling (at least for me). Any reason why this docker is still on 1.6.1 when 1.7 came out 15.12.17?
  10. Thanks for the feedback. It's been like this for an hour, so I thought it could be something with my setup I'll check back later!
  11. I've installed this docker, and it started succesfully. However, I cant seem to search for any artist at all. UI says "Failed to load search results, please try again.", log file shows a 502 error. 18-1-8 12:47:08.9|Warn|HttpClient|HTTP Error - Res: [GET] https://api.lidarr.audio/api/v0/search/?type=artist&query=pink floyd: 502.BadGateway
  12. But that means you have it on Y-axis 1, how does that work when its using temperature? Spin seems to be "30" when its spinning, did you just multiply it to make it look like this?
  13. Well, in conclusion I fucked my previous Plex container good, so I made the switch without moving any config/database Was a bit of a pain, worst thing is loosing watched status I guess. A rescan takes time, but not too bad.
  14. How do you get the disk spin state to plot like this? Seems like you have three Y-axis? I'm trying to plot a thermostat like this where temp/humidity are Y1 and Y2, but I want the on/off state of heater to be plotted like your spin state here
  15. #ORGANIZR UPSTREAM upstream organizr-upstream { #This is the local ip and port to Organizr server; keepalive 32; } And in the main server block: #Custom Organizr error pages error_page 400 401 402 403 404 500 502 /error.php?error=$status; #Authentication location /auth-admin { internal; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Content-Length ""; } location /auth-user { internal; proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Content-Length ""; } #ORGANIZR CONTAINER location / { proxy_pass http://organizr-upstream; include /config/nginx/proxy.conf; }
  16. Gonna answer myself here. I booted in safe-mode and removed the previous backup using midnight commander. It gives you actual progress information, so its easier to see if things are stuck. Each Plex-backup was between 250.000-320.000 files/directories (with 15.000 items in my library..), so deleting each one took a lot of time. This seems very inefficient of Plex, but is also outside the scope of this discussion I guess. Also note this has nothing to do with this plugin, but is a result of how Plex stores cache/metadata/media for its library.
  17. Did you find a solution to this? I've got the same symptoms, load going through the roof, unresponsive http UI, poor performance on IO. How did you get iostat installed? I've since tried to delete the original backups, but that resulted in a full freeze like @Harro and @cowboytronic. Is the only way to format the affected drives?
  18. Anyone got a quick rundown of how to swith from LinuxIO to Binhex?
  19. Sorry bout this second bump, but I'm still stuck, and cant find much about this at all. There are about 1 million reads and writes to my cache drive per 24h that I cant "account" for. Some is obviously just normal docker traffic, but this is extremely excessive. The load seems to have calmed down after a reboot, but I still suspect this will go to 100% after some uptime.. As it seems the shfs process is associated with user shares, I tried to "move" (just changed the docker settings) docker.img from /mnt/user/system to /mnt/cache/system, and likewise change all container paths to /mnt/cache/appdata instead of the usual /mnt/user/appdata. This did not work, and I saw the same shfs activity. I also tried copying (through ssh with docker stopped) docker.img to an unassigned drive, but the process was unable to complete. I also tried the following fuser command to see the various accesses, and shfs is not the only thing accessing my drives, I've got a lot of nginx for some reason. My /mnt/disks/HP_LOGICAL_VOLUME is my unassigned drive, but why every PID possible is accessing /mnt/disks I dont know..
  20. Anyone have ideas here? I tested some more with shutting down containers, and the load/activity seems to correspond with how many files are accessed by Docker containers. It doesnt stop until all containers are shut down, but it does get (slightly) better for each container stopped. I've tried with/without cache dir plugin enabled (also tried removing it). The past 12 hours I've had about 1.5million writes to my cache drive, without actually doing much of it intentionally.. Most of my searching on the issue points to some older Unraid versions, so not sure how applicable it is. I was on 6.4 rc9 when I posted the diagnostics, went back to 6.3.5, but still have the same issue.
  21. Hi, I've run into a problem with a process shfs that has a lot of files open, and it wont calm down. There are currently 146 files open, most of them are in /cache/appdata. I had this yesterday aswell, and was unable to kill the process or to shut down the system in any reasonable way. Had to hold the button unfortunately, and the parity check just finished OK. I'm seeing i/o-wait times for my drives skyrocketing and this creates for very poor performance of my server overall. I dont have any Reiser formatted drives. The process goes away if I disable Docker, but comes right back again. No container has access to all the files that the process has open, so I dont know what can cause this. Diagnostics attached. tower-diagnostics-20171017-1538.zip EDIT: The problem got worse until everything stalled, had to pull the plug again. I've stopped containers one by one now, and it continues until all containers are stopped. Plex is the worst (has the biggest appdata folder/most items in appdata). I tried uninstalling Open Files plugin, but still stuck with the same error.
  22. Hey guys, Anyone have ideas for getting a table view similar to "top" in terminal? I'd like to see which processes are hogging my resources or is active Could procstat plugin do this? I've tried, but can't seem to set it up correctly.
  23. I'm trying to clean up in my torrents and delete older stuff using "Remove torrent -> Remove with data", however whenever I do this I loose connection with the webui, and when it reloads I have deleted just 3-4 torrents out of the hundred i selected. Even if I select just a single torrent the webui crashes. Any ideas?
  24. Hey guys, I'm currently on v. with Linuxio's image, but I've read several people recommending this image instead. As I'm running into a couple of issues with my PMS right now, I thought I'd make the switch. Are there any guides on how to best make this switch? Or is it pretty pointless? Thanks!
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