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Posts posted by blurb2m

  1. On 10/25/2020 at 5:56 AM, ich777 said:

    That's also a game that I want to have a dedicated server, Satisfactory and Astroneer...

    As far as I know the dedicated servers aren't released yet and if they release it for windows it's very unlikely that it works (in the case of Astroneer the dedicated server have been released for windows only at the time and it's nearly impossible to run it on linux)

    Hey @ich777, have you given this any further look lately? 

  2. Hey everyone.

    Until 6.9, I could easily go 90 days or more without a hiccup or cause for a reboot.

    Since upgrading to 6.9 and now onto 6.9.2, it seems to last anywhere from 24 hours to a week before being completely unresponsive to web, ssh, etc and requiring a reboot via hardware button.

    I usually forget my diagnostics but including them this time from the start!

    All help appreciated.



  3. Just now, trurl said:

    Have you tried it without the Mover Tuning plugin installed?

    I haven't. I don't think I realized that it was a plug-in, I must have had it for awhile. Uninstalled and trying to run now.

    That did it! It is now moving off cachepooltwo. Awesome.

    Thanks for the help!

  4. I have a cache pool setup with 2 SSDs and that is setup for docker appdata, etc. That one is working perfectly. I setup a second "Cachepooltwo" and I have it configured with a few shares, but it does not move the data off the cache onto the array when I invoke the mover.

    These are the shares I have setup:
    all_media - user cache pool: "yes" - select cache pool: "Cachepooltwo" - Included disk(s): "All"

    downloads - SAME SETTINGS AS ABOVE.

    Cachepooltwo is a 2TB nvme drive and it is sitting at 1.5TB full of all_media folders and download folders.

    - Downloads write to here and then it transfers the completed downloads to Plex's all_media folder on the cache drive.


    Kicking off the mover never shows any disk activity with Cachepooltwo. I thought I remembered this working soon after upgrading to 6.9 but I'm not sure if it has since 6.9.1.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  5. Updated to the latest this morning and I cannot load the history page. Getting these errors on the container logs:


    2020-03-09 09:24:00 - ERROR :: CP Server Thread-13 : WebUI :: /home : Uncaught ReferenceError: page is not defined. (home:1016)
    2020-03-09 09:24:00 - ERROR :: CP Server Thread-13 : WebUI :: /home : Uncaught ReferenceError: page is not defined. (home:1016)
    2020-03-09 09:24:02 - ERROR :: CP Server Thread-13 : WebUI :: /history : Uncaught ReferenceError: page is not defined. (history_table.js:84)

  6. Changed Load XMP setting to XMP 2.0 Profile 1 (3200) and voltage to 1.35.

    Voltage auto-set when I changed to XMP 2.0 Profile 1.

    Unraid froze about halfway through bootup.

    Stopped at:
    sev command 0x4 timed out, disabling PSP

    SEV: failed to get status. Error: 0x0


    So, I think when I changed to AUTO it had not updated yet the other day to show 2133 and 1.20v. It has been stable for a day at those lower clock settings.

    Not sure of what else to change to get it to run 4 sticks at 3200. 


    What my limited knowledge has gathered so far:

    2 sticks @ 3200 and 1.35V = stable

    4 sticks @ 3200 and 1.35V = unstable

    4 sticks @ 2133 and 1.20V = stable.


  7. On 1/8/2019 at 2:23 AM, Benson said:

    In your 2nd BIOS pic. bottom, it show (1066MHz) and match DMI txt show 1067 MT/s. ( That is 2133 )


    Some report also say DMI info. not always correct.


    Regard your stick haven't JEDEC 2400, 2666 middle profile.

    Would being quad channel make it report 2133? Should I move 2nd set to different slots?

  8. BLUF: How to understand dmidecode to see if RAM is running at full clock speeds. (output of dmidecode --type 17 attached)


    Server has been running smoothly with 2x16GB sticks of GSkill Ripjaws (F4-3200C15D-32GVR) in dual channel mode with XMP Profile 1.

    ASRock X399 Taichi | TR4 2950X

    Windows VM was eating up a ton of RAM for Blue Iris NVR, so I decided to buy 2 more sticks. Popped them in the slots according to the x399 Taichi motherboard chart (D2,C2,B2,A2).

    BIOS is showing Quad Channel now and it was freezing like crazy on POST, so I went in and switched the Memory profile to "Auto" and it seems stable and showed DDR4-3200 for the speed.

    Does the information attached (txt) support what BIOS is reporting? Is there a better setting I should be using?


    Any help is greatly appreciated!





  9. Sorry for my slow replies. I truly appreciate your help @johnnie.black !

    Is there a guide for removing just the MPT BIOS or does that require erasing everything and a new flash? I used the efi version on my gaming rig to flash FW and BIOS.


    Side note: This 2950x doesn't care what I throw at it! 4k HDR HEVC transcode? Sure no problem!

  10. It settled out at around 15 days with no docker or VMs running and there was no way I was going to wait that long.

    So I tinkered for a bit and I changed the PCIe x16 Switch to Gen 2. That drastically shot my rates up.

    800MB/s read on the array and 90-120MB/s write to the rebuild disk. (rebuild came down to 16.5 hours)


    Still a bit iffy when the system boots whether the LSI will initialize or not. Sometimes it freezes at "Initializing..."

    One or two reboots and it will finish that in about 30 seconds, identify the disks connected and boot into Unraid.

    Wondering if I should remove the MPT BIOS or just leave it be.

  11. I'm hoping that the highly intelligent folks on this thread will able to assist. 


    I just installed my first HBA (LSI 9211-8i) flashed to IT mode. X399 Threadripper 2950x with (2) 8x and (2) 16x PCIe slots. HBA is on an 8x slot with GTX 1050 on a 16x slot next to it. 

    I'm getting 9 days 15 hours ETA on my rebuild of a 8TB disk. 

    Read speeds on the array seem to be capped around 57MB/s. Writes are at 8.2MB/s.

    8TB Seagate IW Parity Drive (MB port)

    2x 500GB EVO 950/960 Cache drives (MB port)

    4x 8TB WD Red data drives

    3x 3TB WD Red data drives

    I'm not too familiar with IOMMU groups to know what I'm doing or looking for...



    - Can I stop the parity sync/rebuild to check my BIOS settings?

    - Do I need to look at anything in the IOMMU groups?



    Not sure if anyone has played with the x399 Taichi with the 2950x but here is my BIOS/AMD PBS config


    I am trying to find any information I can on the PCIe Slot Configuration and the different modes.
    x399 Taichi
    Threadripper 2950x
    32GB GSkill 3200 (B-Die) RAM Dual Channel
    I have a GTX 1050 in Slot 1
    LSI 9211-8i in Slot 2 (Card is x8 PCIe 2.0
    BIOS Config: Advanced/AMD PBS
    PCIe x16 Switch - Auto
    Promontory PCIe Switch - Auto
    NVMe RAID mode - Disabled
    PCIe Slot1 Configuration  - x16 Mode
    PCIe Slot2 Configuration - x8 Mode
    PCIe Slot4 Configuration - x16 Mode
    PCIe Slot5 Configuration - x8 Mode
    What is the x4x4 Mode on Slot2?
  12. On 2/25/2018 at 6:52 AM, Big Wig said:

    Same here but looking in logs and I'm finding this.



    Please set the environment variable TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "accept" in order to accept the license agreement.
    Alternatively, create a file named ".ts3server_license_accepted" in the working directory or start the server with the command line parameter "license_accepted=1".
    To view the license agreement set TS3SERVER_LICENSE to "view" in order to print the license to the console.
    Alternatively view the file "LICENSE" in your favorite text viewer yourself."


    Trying to figure where to do the change.




    @Big Wig

    This was the first problem I was having setting TS back up yesterday.

    Edit your docker for teamspeak and click the "Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device"

    Config type: Variable



    Value: accept


    But now we are having a permissions issue, so I'd say add the variable and you will have to wait for another update to fix the next issue.

  13. @sgt_spike oh! change that LE docker setting where it says "only subdomains" to "true". you only want to generate certs for bacnet

    that should definitely help, if not you do have another issue about a missing variable.


    hmm your settings look different, mine has Email, Domain Name, subdomain(s), only subdomains


    change Domain Name: "duckdns.org" (without quotes)

    click the button at the bottom that says "Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device"

    Config type: Variable

    Name: Subdomain(s)


    Value: bacnet

    Description: Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie www,ftp,cloud,


    This should tell LE which certs to generate and not try to generate them for the duckdns main domain since you don't own that.

  14. Just now, sgt_spike said:

    Yes it does


    My duckdns docker has my subdomain listed under SUBDOMAINS (your's would be bacnet) and the token is from the duckdns webpage.

    That is the only 2 edits I have ever made to duckdns docker.

    Within the LE docker settings I have my host port set to 9443 and that forwards to 443 inside the container.

    In my router, I have a port forward that forwards 443 WAN to <unRAID IP>:9443


    So from the outside it looks like:

    subdomain.duckdns.org:443 -> router forwards this to <unRAID IP>:9443 -> to inside LE docker 443


    Hope this helps.

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