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Everything posted by stormense

  1. Not here, no new ssl generated. Unraid: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-delugevpn/ no new ssl folder But downloaded a new ovpn file from Air VPN and then it worked with the old sll folder I backed up .
  2. Answer my self : On Air VPN website go to The Client Arena and generate ovpn-file, in my case AirVPN_Sweden_UDP-443.ovpn, and put it here: /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn/openvpn The client start but not the WebUI: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
  3. Cant get air vpn to work with Unraid. I think is the port forwarding and how I put it in editing.
  4. cd dev/drils was not working for med but cd /dev/dri # ls by-path/ card0 renderD128 works and rest of the guide help me. Now I have HW transcoding on my I5 6500. Take two days to figure out what was wrong.
  5. No server find on Apple TV, Samsung TV and Shield. Works in Web Browser and Xbox One. The problem was I linked my Plex account to my Google account. Now I have log out from all and log in on my Google account instead and it works on all devices except Apple TV 4.
  6. Ops, find this in other forum an if I download a file and save it in a specific directory the directory is first with the -P flag. wget -P /mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend/data/ webblink/epg/guide-sweden.xml.gz
  7. Want to use CA to download a gz file, extract it to TVheadend and change name. I try this Linux command but it fail: The first string execute this error: wget webblink /mnt/user/appdata/tvheadend/data/: Scheme missing.
  8. Maybe the username and password to web UI here? admin rutorrent
  9. Easy to get rid off: Use UblockOrigin
  10. Hm, some ting is wrong with the latest update. And on my machine. First I lost the connection to TvHeadOn when sanning channels then after some our Unraid crash and must do a cold reboot. Motherboard:Gigabyte B85M-DS3H Processor:Intel® Core™ i5-4690K Memory:16 GB
  11. I don't now why but after last update it takes about 5-20 minutes to log in and everything is slow. I must have done something wrong. But I fix it, delete and reinstall but takes one day to scan iptv channels again. How do I get EPG to work. Searching in three days now but the info I get is not a step to step. I grab my epg from: epg.SOME-SITE.com/epg/epg.xml.gz. Can't get TVheadend to reed it.
  12. I fix it with the plugin User Scripts (A plugin to act as a simple front end for any user scripts to allow you to run them without entering the command line) I gonna update my first post.
  13. Ok @Squid: move the crone job to dynamix folder and fix the syntax. But I can't run my test job in terminal and its fine but not with crone. 55 * * * * rsync -a /mnt/user/UBU/test_bakup_2/ /mnt/disks/ 57 * * * * rsync -a /mnt/user/UBU/test_bakup_1/ /mnt/disks/ (Yes I try with: /usr/bin/rsync -a)
  14. Done some test with two test folders and no luck. Make the file with Nano in: /boot/config/plugins/cronjobs and call it backup.cron and then wrote update_cron in terminal. 55 * * * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/test_bakup_2/ /mnt/disks/ /dev/null 58 * * * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/test_bakup_1/ /mnt/disks/ /dev/null 4 our from scratch and no succés. I think I do it from Windows because I cant find a simple guide to do this for a beginner.
  15. I search for it but only find people how talk about the rsync plugin. Here some easy step in command line: First I mounted my Synology rsync share to Unraid (NFS or SMB don't matter) Here the Synology NFS premissions settings: And here the Unraid mounting settings (/mnt/disks/ip to Synology_NetBackup: Then the command window in Unraid an wrote: rsync OPTIONS (-av) SOURCE (my Unraid Shared folder to sync) DESTINATION (my shared rsync folder on Synology + the name of the shared folder at the end) rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/my_WWW/ /mnt/disks/ Done! But how can a make a crone job (newer done a crone job) to do it with multiple shared maps an on every night? I can do this but I don't now where to put the file och what else... # * 1 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/MapInShare/ /mnt/disks/ # ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59) # │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23) # │ │ ┌───────────── day of month (1 - 31) # │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12) # │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday; # │ │ │ │ │ 7 is also Sunday on some systems) # │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ │ │ # * * * * * # Run dayly cron jobs at 0:30: 30 0 * * 0 rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/s-Dokument/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 1:00: * 1 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/my_WWW/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 1:30: 30 1 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/Android_OnePlus/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 2:00: * 2 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/s-Andra_Dokument/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 2:30: 30 2 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/s-photo/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 3:00: * 3 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/video/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 3:30: 30 3 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/TV-Share/ /mnt/disks/ # # Run dayly cron jobs at 4:00: 0 4 * * * rsync -av /mnt/user/UBU/Annso/ /mnt/disks/ Then I got a tips from #Squid to do it with a plugin called Userscript. Here what I do: Yes, it work an no need to read the rest below Thank you !!!
  16. In Unraid no problem with no password but if I put in one in key 3 I got this: # mysql -u root -p Enter password: mypassword ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) # And when try to create a database with root user with no password I get this error: MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'kodi' IDENTIFIED BY 'kodi'; ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation CREATE USER failed for 'kodi'@'%'
  17. How to connect? Try putty an ip+port but no luck. Look at Video and there was a console window but not in my setup. I'm confuse.
  18. Yes, change from Holland to Sweden in /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-rtorrentvpn/openvpn works.
  19. Unraid user Is it more people with PIA VPN how not get any WebUi after latest update of this container? If I understand other answer in this thread - it's something wrong with the port forward. Deleted the docker and reinstall but cant get the WebUi .
  20. CA Cleanup Appdata plugin and the system freeze. Power of and power on, Parity-Check. started. Then som folders missing. Even folders in folders on my Share. When Parity-Check. done I stop the array and started it. Parity-Check started. Still missing folders. I reboot the machine and still missing folders. System Devices unRaid.txt
  21. Yes I use dlandon Zoneminder: Tanks, it works, was hide under advance settings. Now the cash disk don't run out of space. Here a video on my success
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