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Everything posted by lzrdking71

  1. Is it possible to modify the scripts and create everything on /mnt/disks? I apologize for all the questions, I am just trying to learn and work through this. I have skimmed through about the first 38 pages or so of this topic so forgive me if the info is in there somewhere.
  2. Is the only downside of not setting /user-->/mnt/user just that hardlinks don't work or does it cause other issues w/ mergerfs? I am struggling on how to work around my current setup. I would still be using mappings in my dockers like /downloads or /media for my dockers. It would be like the process below I believe. torrent gets download (located in a /mnt/disks/ unassigned device location) torrent gets copied to mergerfs folder (cache only share?) copied torrent gets uploaded whilst orig is seeding delete seed whenever I want to keep select content local and then upload other content to gdrive. It was my understanding that you shouldn't torrent off the array and that setting that up on unassigned devices was preferred which is why I went that route originally.
  3. I have managed to get rid of the extra folder but for whatever reason now I have the following: /mnt/user/local/gdrive_media_vfs/movies /mnt/user/local/gdrive_media_vfs/tv /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs/ (no /movies and no /tv subfolders) just a mountcheck 0 B file /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media_vfs/movies /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media_vfs/tv
  4. @DZMMI'm not sure.....lol. At this point I'm not exactly sure if what I am seeing is how it should be or wrong? What should be in the /mount_rclone/ folder and what should be in the /local_rclone and /mount_mergerfrs/ folders if I have /tv and /movies? I appreciate the help I was banging my head into the wall until very late last night trying to figure this out.
  5. I have not run the upload script? I deleted the extra gdrive_media_vfs folder from the /local location and it disappeared from the other two locations and did not re-appear after running the mount script again. Is this how it should be? It doesn't look like /mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs has the /tv or /movie folders now?
  6. I went through and did: fusermount -uz /mnt/user/mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs fusermount -uz /mnt/user/mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media_vfs looked at the folders and removed the remaining gdrive_media_vfs folder from /local, /mount_mergerfs, and /mount_rclone made the script modification you suggested and added MountFolders=\{"movies,tv"} re- ran the script and now I again have the extra /gdrive_media_vfs in all of the folders I listed I removed it from above + the added movies folder
  7. @DZMM I am having the same issue I think @HonkyKONG22 was having. /local/gdrive_media_vfs /gdrive_media_vfs /tv /mount_mergerfs/gdrive_media_vfs /gdrive_media_vfs /tv /mount_rclone/gdrive_media_vfs /gdrive_media_vfs /tv Any help would be appreciated. I can't figure out why I have the extra gdrive_media_vfs folder. log.txt rclone_config.txt mount script.txt
  8. @binhex, all is working again after the update. You are awesome, thanks for all your hard work!
  9. @binhex It looks like this is happening again https://github.com/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn/issues/104 2020-08-29 17:10:49,842 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Cannot determine external IP address, performing tests before setting to ''... [info] Show name servers defined for container IP in the rutorrent settings/bittorent shows I am using Airvpn as my vpn provider and the latest docker container available to unraid. You helped fix it before, hopefully an easy fix again.
  10. @Pducharme I was just curious if you have given the new 2010 bios asus released for the WS-X570-ACE a whirl?
  11. If it is that far out then some time before the 5.8 kernel is included into Unraid, I would think adding the patches that prevent a Unraid system crash to the 5.7 kernel would be a really good thing. I wasn’t aware of the issue or workaround until creating and starting the vm and experiencing the crash which I am sure is and will be the case with many current and future Unraid users.
  12. I appreciate you looking into it so quickly (really wow), it looks like that first reddit post I linked was updated just today to reflect those upstream changes to 5.8. I personally work around it currently by passing through a usb headset to the VM for sound because I didn't feel comfortable running a custom kernel even though it looks like many have with success. It isn't ideal but it works. I am sure there are a lot of people who would find these patches useful with the popularity of the new Ryzen processors and X570 motherboards. Thank you for your time.
  13. @limetech Link talking about the patch: https://www.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/eba5mh/workaround_patch_for_passing_through_usb_and/ A couple custom kernels from the forums which have implemented it and discuss it: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/86026-kernel-680-rc5-w-navi-reset-v2-vega-reset-k10temp-ryzen-patches-x570-onboard-audio-fix https://forums.unraid.net/topic/82625-kernelcustom-kernel-build-with-treaks-20200307-v683558419108naviveganfsv4r8125zen2/
  14. Is the AMD onboard audio/usb controller flr patch included in this beta for x570 motherboards? Will it be included in a future beta if it isn't? Currently, if on board audio is passed through to a VM on 6.8.3 w/ a non patched kernel Unraid will experience a full system crash.
  15. I haven't had any issues with the usb boot either on this asus board. Only issue I am having is some print_req_error: I/O error's on a unassigned device plugged into a 9207-8i that I think are related to the drive spinning down. I am hoping to get that sorted or I may have to us the U.2 port for my unassigned devices connections.
  16. @dlandon@jonathanm I am just piecing things together but would this work? hdparm -S0 $(ls /dev/sd*|grep '[a-z]$') >/dev/null 2>&1 Disclaimer, I am not experienced with this at all......it was cobbled together with things I found in the forum so take this as a question and not as a solution to anyone reading this. If it does, now I need to figure out how to add it to user scripts. Thanks for your time in advance if someone decides to help figure this out. Looks like I may have answered my own question. It may be what was posted above that shows as a dead link......not sure. Update: No more errors after adding to the drive script as indicated in the above link .
  17. @PducharmeWhich USB port did you use for the flash drive since USB 2.0 is preferred and the Asus Pro WS Ace X570 doesn't have one on the back panel? I have the same board and am using it with Unraid.
  18. @eafxJust wanted to say thank you for the solution.
  19. @binhex It is working great. Thank you.👍
  20. Also experiencing this exact behavior on unraid w/ rtorrentvpn and airvpn which I think is causing "Tracker: [Failure reason \"Invalid IP announced (\"]" w/ one of my trackers. 019-06-29 17:16:11,668 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output: [warn] Cannot determine external IP address, exhausted retries setting to lo '' https://github.com/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn/issues/104
  21. Is there a possibility that push and clientbuffer modules could be added to the znc docker container? I think these modules would be of great benefit to many. I have attached current pull requests from the project github for reference. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-znc/pull/18 and https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-znc/pull/23 Thanks for everything you do for the community.
  22. Is this what you are suggesting needs to happen or am I misunderstanding.
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