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Everything posted by jang430

  1. I believe all. That screenshot was taken earlier. They all go up and down Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  2. Please do. No other options for now. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  3. Sorry, I stand corrected. After a few minutes, revving up returned What is a good value? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  4. Changing the non recoverable to 405 works. I want to emphasize this is the original value that we removed, and tried to replace. How come putting it back worked? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  5. Got this: Value '200.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold' in section '138_FAN_1' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value Value '200.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold' in section '205_FAN_2' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value Value '200.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold' in section '272_FAN_3' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value Value '200.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold' in section '406_FAN_A' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value So by changing back to default numbers, no error in the top 2 digits. The Lower non recoverable number has error.
  6. Thanks johnnie.black, I was able to make some changes. Got this reply after commiting: "Value '250.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Critical_Threshold' in section '138_FAN_1' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value Value '200.000000' for key 'Lower_Critical_Threshold' in section '138_FAN_1' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value Value '150.000000' for key 'Lower_Non_Recoverable_Threshold' in section '138_FAN_1' cannot be encoded accurately, try another value" Any ideas?
  7. Hi. My sensors show Is it supposed to show so little information? I thought there will be default values for me to just replace?
  8. Thank you Diggewuff for patiently helping me check. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  9. Great. Thanks Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  10. So I need to put in values lower than those in thresholds to prevent it from shooting up once it hits the existing lower threshold right? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  11. Sorry Johnnie.black, saarg, the instructions didn't register as I am not in front of the screen. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks for the screenshot wgstarks. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  13. Sorry, what does get value, set value mean? I only want to adjust Fan 1/2/3/4. So does the first 00 mean to set Fans 1/2/3/4? The second digits the speed? The 00 01 have been used several times, I am losing context. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  14. Using Supermicro X9SCM-F. Not really fan speeds. There were modes to select, optimal, standard or something. I am out, so don't recall choices. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  15. Can you give an example how to do that? I already went into my bios and set it to quiet or something, but other than that, there is nothing else I can do. And yet, it keeps on revving up and down. Can you give actual commands i can try? Will test it. Where did you execute the command? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  16. Any idea how to set thresholds? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  17. Hi. Are you talking about the fan control page of IPMI tools for my motherboard? It is off, and disabled. Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  18. In my case, what will be my threshold? What is the command line? Can you give a sample format? Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
  19. Hi, yes, I see nothing. Reason I changed port is because I've installed in the default port before, and it showed up blank. I have several other dockers running, working perfectly. I changed port because I'm afraid there might be orphaned containers left. But I also gave it a quick check, and no orphaned containers left. I also deleted the old docker container and created the docker container from scratch. Meaning, I didn't re-use the "my-lazylibrarian" instead, I deleted that, and created another one. I've gotten lazy librarian to work before, using binhex-lazylibrarian. I wanted to try this out, hence I deleted the old one.
  20. Hi dmacias, johnnie.black, may I know what command to execute and where? What numbers should I put on the command? Does it persist even after restart? What do you mean by "I think the x9 would only allow fan control with all fans low, med, high." May I know if not like that, how does the other newer boards handle fan control? Thank you.
  21. Hi. Can I request some help running this app? Installed, and reinstalled several times already, but everytime I start, I don't get to the web interface. I tried changing port number already as well. I also tried deleting the container itself. I'm attaching screenshot of logs.
  22. Hi! Any update whether fan control will be enabled on Supermicro? X9scm-F. What are the other Supermicro users using? Can I use this tool to edit my lowest thresholds? Via command line? Any list of commands to execute?
  23. Also not plugin. Deleted them as well. I have 1 question regarding your suggestion, for my future reference. You mentioned delete the entire docker.img. By doing so, isn't it I have to configure each docker app all over again? Or will the configuration be retained in the container templates/ my-appnamehere?
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