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Everything posted by jang430

  1. Hi. Are there special instructions to get the Unifi controller to work? It cannot find my AP. A windows based controller finds it immediately. A little background- My Unraid box is behind a Sophos firewall. But desktops (hosting the windows based controller) can ping the unraid box, and access it without problems. I didn't put in any rules for internet network. I receive this message: No Devices have been discovered. Any ideas?
  2. Hi all, do you know if I can access this via Microsoft RDP? Or Turbo VNC? Neither works for me. I'm using port 7070 and 7071. I tried both, says connection established, but will eventually say connection lost.
  3. Gigabyte GA-880GM-UD2H version 1, and AMD Athlon II X4 640. In unraid info, it shows disabled. There is only 1 option in bios, enable virtualization, which is chosen.
  4. I am using both sabnzbd and deluge. All those downloaded by sabnzbd are also moved to /data/complete/tv, by category. Sonarr's drone factory is set to watch this folder. deluge downloads are set to move to this folder too when completed. There are some deluge downloads that complete, and move to this folder properly. I feel there are others that is partially downloaded, but the file is shown as complete, and moved to /data/complete/tv folder, which in turn is moved by drone factory to /media (being watched by Kodi).
  5. Hello CHBMB, it's supposed to move from /data/deluge to /data/complete/tv only when it completes downloading. After which, drone factory moves it to /media, the final destination. My kodi has /media mounted as the source for TV. The thing is, when it appears at kodi, it's playback of some files are oftentimes garbled. When I go and look for the physical file in /media array, it isn't playable too. This leads me to think that the file was transferred to /data/complete/tv even before it was completed. Don't know why this happens. Also there are several files that pause just when it started, or halfway. Upon restart, it will once again start downloading. I think it has something to do with this behavior and some files are considered complete even before they are downloaded full. These are then moved to /data/complete/tv
  6. My preference in deluge is: In docker Deluge /data= /mnt/cache/.downloads/ In Deluge docker app Download folders: Download to: /data/deluge aka /mnt/cache/.downloads/deluge (docker mount point) I previously set move completed to: /data/complete/tv before I found out about labels. I have since then unticked the check box, but /data/complete/tv is still greyed out, but is present. Does this even happen? How do I remove it so as to be sure it's not happening? I have ratio set to 1.5, to stop. Deluge doesn't seem to have stop, but have paused? And Pause happens when it's successfully shared the ratio? But I see torrents in /data/complete/tv, and yet, they can't be played. I assume it's download wrongly? A lot of torrents not Labels: tv goes to /data/complete/tv Sonarr's drone factory is set to /data/complete/tv Sonarr's final media location is /media or /mnt/user/Media/TV/ Hope this helps others understand, so can provide help. Thanks
  7. Hello, I have Sonarr, and Deluge. Sonarr looks for torrents, and passes it to Deluge. I have Deluge download it to a temp folder, eg. /data/deluge. I also have Sonarr categorize it as tv, therefore, when it goes to Deluge, it's labeled as tv. I have tv moved to /data/complete/tv. Whenever My Sonarr's drone factory is set to this folder, /data/complete/tv. I also have Deluge set to upload a ratio of 1.5. Whenever I go out and return, I'd always see some files being shown as 100%, Paused, or sometimes, error. When I go to /data/complete/tv folder, the file can't be played. When I restart the docker container, oftentimes, it will download all over again. My understanding is once's it's completed, it's moved over to /data/complete/tv, therefore, the file is perfectly playable. Oftentimes, it isn't. My suspicion is it didn't completely download. Although some files are working. What about those errors? I would run a force recheck, then it will start download again, then give an error once again after a while. Upon restart of docker container, those error files, or sometimes 100% Paused torrents will download all over again. Hope someone can explain this strange behavior. Thanks
  8. danioj, Thanks for the advice. After killing some process, was able to access web already. jonathanm, Thanks. So really have to look around the processes and see the offensive ones.
  9. Thanks. But I'm afraid I literally prepared, drank and finished a cup of tea, and it still isn't there I don't see any unmenu for unraid 6 yet. So no need to issue command to restart interface? I mean I will kill the offending process, of course. That is if I can find it.
  10. Hi. I tried to install binhex's sonarr while I still have a few docker apps running in the background. Sab, Sickbeard, Couchpotato. All of a while, the reloading sign on browser stopped with no new activity. Reloading the web ui url of unraid is no longer working. All my apps are still running. Is there a way to restart the web ui without restarting unraid? Once I restart docker, it will automatically do a parity check. Is thie the convention? How do I disable parity check on startup selectively?
  11. I installed Plex using Plex Media Updater. It went smoothly. Now, it shows that Plex is running. When I access the management page, ipaddress:32400, it shows "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." <MediaContainer size="9" friendlyName="Tower" machineIdentifier="00a108ffd9445bdf741391e0f8be0b4d68191fa6" myPlex="1" myPlexMappingState="unknown" myPlexSigninState="unknown" myPlexUsername="" platform="Linux" platformVersion=" (#1 SMP Wed Mar 20 12:54:40 PDT 2013)" requestParametersInCookie="1" sync="1" transcoderActiveVideoSessions="0" transcoderAudio="1" transcoderVideo="1" transcoderVideoBitrates="64,96,208,320,720,1500,2000,3000,4000,8000,10000,12000,20000" transcoderVideoQualities="0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" transcoderVideoResolutions="128,128,160,240,320,480,768,720,720,1080,1080,1080,1080" updatedAt="1391877658" version=""> <Directory count="1" key="channels" title="channels"/> <Directory count="1" key="clients" title="clients"/> <Directory count="1" key="library" title="library"/> <Directory count="1" key="playQueues" title="playQueues"/> <Directory count="1" key="playlists" title="playlists"/> <Directory count="1" key="search" title="search"/> <Directory count="1" key="servers" title="servers"/> <Directory count="1" key="system" title="system"/> <Directory count="1" key="transcode" title="transcode"/> </MediaContainer> I installed Library to /mnt/disk1/plex and temp to /mnt/disk1/plex/temp. Please help.
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