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Everything posted by jang430

  1. Hi @uldise Saw your instructions: Installed Collabora from CA DockerHub. I have xxxcloud.duckdns.org so I can access my Nextcloud. It's working. I have xxxoffice.duckdns.org, don't know where or how to use this yet. This is how my Docker tab currently looks. Maybe you can help shed some light how to get Collabora working. What port settings should be set? I also went into nextcloud, In settings, collabora online, I had https://xxxoffice.duckdns.org in Collabora Online Server. I'm running linuxserver.io's letsencrypt and nextcloud docker. To be able to use letsencrypt with nextcloud, I had to go change some conf files from linuxserver.io. Do I need to do this here? Thanks.
  2. OK. So far, I've installed Collabora docker successfully. It asked for domain, and I gave the subdomain I created for Nextcloud, and not for Collabora. Is this correct? After doing this, I went into Nextcloud, and downloaded Collabora App. Then I went to Apps, Office & Text, Collabora Online App, and went to Admin, Collabora Online, and specified the subdomain I created for collabora. I still see the screenshot below:
  3. I only see it after clicking get more results from docker-hub. Will install now. Don't know next step though. I followed gridrunner's instructions, and created proxynet as Network Type for the docker. Shall I also put this on proxynet So they all see each other?
  4. Hi. I opened terminal, and did those commands earlier 🙂 Was a risk for me. Now I'm thinking if it broke my Unraid, I won't be able to fix it. I don't have Apache Docker. I do have letsencrypt docker. I thought that will have an Apache server. So I followed instructions from Collabora website, https://nextcloud.com/collaboraonline/, and followed the Video. It says he has Apache, so he skipped that step. I thought I have it too. So I guess I don't. How did you guys got Collabora working with your Nextcloud? What's the best way to proceed? @uldise, I saw on another post that you got Collabora installed by enabling docker-hub search. I do not see Collabora by CA.
  5. is that the same as Apache? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi. Trying to get Collabora working with Nextcloud. Encountered some error. Maybe someone got it working? Don't know what the error's about.
  7. But when will you be needing xxxx.myfirewall.co/collabora? This is only for SSL right? In reality, we access files via nextcloud.
  8. @uldise, in that case, my current subdomain linked to letsencrypt is just 1, e.g. xxxx.myfirewall.co, and this currently points to nextcloud. This subdomain is provided by my firewall. To get Collabora SSL using letsencrypt, do I need another subdomain? e.g. office.myfirewall.co? As my firewall's built-in DDNS no longer provide a secondary subdomain. Can you confirm if this is correct? Any suggestions if I'm only limited to single subdomain that is already used by nextcloud?
  9. Hi. Just want to confirm. I'm experiencing a problem that I cannot open/ edit spreadsheet, and word processing docs. I believe Collabora requires SSL? I was able to install Collabora inside my Nextcloud. Do I need to install Collabora Docker also? Is this what this step is about? Thanks!
  10. While opening an odt file (with collabora installed), I encounter the following error. Any ideas? I am accessing this from inside the network, and not from the internet. Where can I find server log? Inside nextcloud? Or in docker logs?
  11. @nuhll, thanks for the reply. I need some further clarification. 1. There seems to be an error when I ran spreadsheet, word processing apps. Isn't this because of lacking SSL certification?
  12. Question about radarr & deluge configuration, both by linuxserver.io. I have managed to get radarr searching for torrents via magnetdl.com, and it picks it up. It brings the torrent to radarr. By default, my radarr downloads to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/temp, supposedly, I used to have it moved to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/complete when complete, but I have found out that this is not necessary. After download, I set deluge to maintain a ratio of 0.015, from what I understand, it stops after this. I indeed see it paused, and the file is picked up by radarr as downloaded, and moved to my /media folder. My question is not so much about downloading, but deleting the paused torrent. I selected in radarr to delete completed downloads. The download stopped (paused), it was moved to /media folder, but still, a copy is left in /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/temp.
  13. Hi. I have a few questions about using Nextcloud, hope someone can clarify: 1. To use Nextcloud outside own internal network, you need Letsencrypt? 2. I see all using NGINX with Letsencrypt. I myself has gotten it to work, with lots of help from here. Can Nextcloud/ Letsencrypt and Sophos XG Home Firewall work? Anyone has any pointers? Just a few things I'd like to share: Sophos XG has it's own DDNS server, e.g. xg.myfirewall.co-- this leads to my firewall. It comes free. I was told WAF is reverse proxy. Sophos XG home firewall provides free subscription, including WAF. It's because of this that I intend to use WAF to replace NGINX. Hope to hear some feedback, or instructions. I don't know whether to ask instructions here, or Sophos XG forum, Letsencrypt or even NGINX forum.
  14. Question about radarr, I am able to post process (get movies recognized, and tagged as downloaded) after snatching a movie using sabnzbd. When I use Torrent, deluge, the movie doesn't get recognized as downloaded even though it is. I'd like to clarify when using deluge. I have torrent files snatched, and tagged as "radarr." In my deluge, downloading files are temporarily being downloaded to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/temp, and when movie tagged as "radarr" is completed, it is moved to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads (in my radarr, the "/downloads" is pointing to this folder). Is it because radarr snatched the torrent file to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/temp, it monitors that location for completed movies, and when I move completed movies to /mnt/cache/downloads/complete, hence it doesn't see the completed movie? No post processing being done? If above scenario is true, I have a follow-up question. If I allow it to download to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/complete directly, and the movie is still downloading, won't radarr just move it to my Media share even when downloading isn't finished yet? Then I'll have partially downloaded movie only. FYI, my Sabnzbd also downloads completed movies to the same /mnt/cache/downloads/complete folder, and so does my sonarr. Hope someone can clarify.
  15. The instructions here got mine working. Thank you @matthope
  16. @sparklyballs, thanks for pointing me to the log file, and pointing out that any password less than 4 characters is considered none. @saarg, thanks for the patience. So to change the password, mysqladmin is the way to go. Furthermore, after changing the password, mariadb docker container has to be restarted once again. I overlooked this. Thanks to you! Will setup the next few steps ?
  17. I newly created a mariadb container, leaving the default root password at 0. Tried to execute mysql -uroot -p, and entering the password 0 gives me ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
  18. exactly, I placed a password that's very familiar to me, and it didn't work when I execute mysql -uroot -p. I then tried to change the password on the mariadb docker container, then restarted mariadb docker container, and used the new password with mysql -uroot -p, still, it doesn't work. Will there be a problem if I delete the mariadb docker container totally, and recreated it, and assign a new password instead?
  19. or maybe the better question is, in the mariadb docker container of linuxserver.io, there is this space- Container Variable: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, Is this a valid place to put a root password? It's here that I put my password. And it's the same password that I claim that doesn't work when I execute mysql -uroot -p
  20. Hi. No, that was my initial posts. After @saarg pointed it out, I followed the link, and up to the point above, wherein I cannot login to my mariadb with the password I input on the container when I created the docker container.
  21. @saarg I'm not yet there yet. I'm just at This used to be done automatically via the webui, but it is now recommended to create the database manually. First of all open a terminal within the Mariadb container with docker exec -it mariadb-nextcloud bash then run mysql with mysql -uroot -p and type your root pasword from earlier (I used SECRETPASSWORD) First thing we're going to do is create a MariaDB user for the database. <<----------- The password I'm using for my container doesn't work CREATE USER 'chbmb' IDENTIFIED by 'password';
  22. I tried it again, this time it's working. Although the specific password I used in mariadb docker page is not working. I am 100% sure I typed it correctly. I tried changing it and restarted the docker container of mariadb, still the new password isn't recognized. Any ideas?
  23. Hi! I was following the instructions on link above, namely, the following: docker exec -it mariadb-nextcloud bash then run mysql with mysql -uroot -p and type your root pasword from earlier (I used SECRETPASSWORD) I did all that, and after typing my password, neither a prompt or anything came up. After entering the password, I pressed enter, it went on to the next line, without any prompt, cursor or anything. Is there something I'm missing? Anything I typed after that was also not acknowledged. Every ENTER lets me go to next line, without any prompt, or acknowledgement.
  24. Hi. I installed MariaDB docker container linuxserver.io. Container port for MariaDB is 3306. I placed my desired pasword at MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD. Below is my nextcloud webgui, I used admin as admin account name. Used a password that's 8 characters, alphanumeric. My /data is mapped to /mnt/user/nextcloud/ , which is a share I created. I entered root (it has rights) and the password I used in MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in MariaDB page. is my IP Address for unraid server, or should I leave it as localhost? I am experiencing below error:
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