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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. Do you require secure connections in plex? If so, go into ombi settings, under ombi, check "Ignore any certificate errors" and tick the ssl in plex configuration Without ssl checked, plex will reject connections. With ssl checked, ombi will reject connections because the host ip won't match the domain on plex cert
  2. Well, docker-compose is really an alternative to dockerman that unraid developed. They are competing managers. And docker compose is really just a script. Perhaps it's better to add docker-compose to the nerd pack plugin?
  3. Plex server is reporting that as its local ip. That's normal. Just change that to the host ip of your unraid in ombi settings, make sure the port is 32400 and untick ssl
  4. Nice. I noticed that the new mover in 6.5.0 is different than it was and in how it worked. There were some annoyances such as 1) It doesn't report when it's done and 2) it thinks it's done when things are moved to the ram, but it may still take a long time to write those bits to the array especially if one has a large amount or ram. Would this plugin help with either of those? Thanks
  5. That or put those two lines into the go file
  6. Thanks, this is great. When you say you added it, do you mean it was already added in 6.5.0 or it will be in the next stable? Because on 6.5.0 the custom network I created doesn't show up in the drop down (although I didn't restart the server yet). Thanks
  7. Hmm, the port forwarding seems to be correct. Is the IP on duckdns correct? If so, try restarting your router. And if that doesn't work, try setting the config folder location to /mnt/cache or /mnt/disk instead of /mnt/user
  8. While you're setting up the site, when it asks for the database info, enter your host (unraid) ip adress and the port you mapped 3306 to
  9. @bonienl I love that unraid now contains a lot of networking functionality especially with regards to docker. Being able to assign separate IPs to containers via macvlan and such is very cool. However, my request is for something much simpler. As you know, by default (with the bridge option) docker containers are put on the default "bridge" network. They are allowed to connect to the host and each other via internal IPs, but not via dns. But the user defined bridge networks also allow for connections via dns, using the container name as the hostname (ie. http://sonarr). Unraid currently does not manage these networks (in fact deletes them unless the option for not deleting is selected in advanced docker settings). It would be nice if unraid supported creating a basic user defined bridge network and presented it as a drop down option for network type in the container settings. My real motivation behind this is that at linuxserver.io we are trying to create a repo of reverse proxy configs for our letsencrypt image and being able to define the proxy targets as "http://containername" works as a standard way unlike the current method of using "http://unraidip:port" which is different for every user. Thanks
  10. Do you need help with connecting to mariadb or are you looking for a web based software solution that does remote mysql queries?
  11. This is the problem: Domain: <myDomain>.com Type: unauthorized Detail: Invalid response from http://<myDomain>.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/rJ8VKGkOO2WhCIj6JJkgTrQCRrLU_Lno-XuWe6pU10U [222.164.xxx.xxx]: 404 When letsencrypt tries to connect to your domain at port 80, it doesn't reach the right container. Either there is a problem with the port forwarding, or there's something else that's listening on port 80. Oy can post your port forward and dns settings here if you want us to take a look
  12. Could be an issue with the site config, or port forwarding. Are you sure you're not accidentally forwarding 443 to unraid gui? Post your site config and we'll take a look
  13. Googling subdomain reverse proxy, nginx site config and htpasswd will get you tons of guides. None of those are specific to docker or unraid, they are all universal concepts to do with nginx. Some people also posted guides or their site configs on this forum. There are examples in the default site config for both subfolder and subdomain methods. Check out the example for subdomain, pay attention to the description that says "no base url" and use the same settings for ombi
  14. I'm guessing unraid keeps putting in the subdomains field because it is in the template? Then instead of deleting it, try setting it to either blank, or if that doesn't work set it to just a comma
  15. That doesn't look like the log of the latest image. Make sure you pull the latest linuxserver/letsencrypt If that doesn't work, try backing up your default site config, then nuke the container, image and config folder and start over because something is messed up on your system
  16. It is stable, no need to use the preview build Can you post your renewal config file? It's under the config folder etc letsencrypt
  17. You should perhaps ask in the ombi forums or discord. Mine requires approval from admin
  18. That's the port plex's cloud servers use to connect to your local plex server. They try over 32400, can't connect, hence the missing direct connection Since you are now serving plex over port 443 (via proxy), perhaps you need to tell plex to use that in the gui settings? Again, I never proxied plex so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.
  19. Ddclient updates ip on cloudflare If you do dns validation, all renewals will also validate through dns, not through ports
  20. It was a separate question. Can't answer your question fully because I haven't reverse proxied plex, let alone two of them. At first look, it seems that the /web location is shared between both plex servers and all requests are forwarded to one and not the other. You might be better off proxying them via subdomains at the root so you don't have to worry about proxying additional subfolders like web. Change your URL in letsencrypt settings to yoursubdomain.duckdns.org, set only_subdomains to false (should have been that way from the start, but I guess you followed an external guide rather than the description in the container settings, it is specifically spelled out there). Then you can set the subdomains to plex1,plex2 In the default site config, use the first server block for plex1.yoursubdomain.duckdns.org and the second one for plex2
  21. Just get your own domain and point the name servers to cloudflare. It's free and works great. Then you can use whatever port you like
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