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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. You can use nginx stream module https://docs.nginx.com/nginx/admin-guide/load-balancer/tcp-udp-load-balancer/ You can have port 443 to go letsencrypt, which will proxy vpn connections to your pivpn through the stream module
  2. You can use multiple site config files, it's just that one of them has to be named default If you validate through http,you don't need to use 443 for https on le. Switch it to any other port you like. Then you'll have to use the port number with the domain url to access your rp For emby, your issue may have been that emby isn't using a base url. You can try the subdomain method for it
  3. DMZ means opening up every single port. No firewall. Don't do it. Forward a single port (443) if you're using dns validation or 80 and 443 if using http validation, to letsencrypt on unraid and reverse proxy everything else. Configure the built in fail2ban for additional security like against ddos and brute force attempts (recidive does wonders)
  4. You have a corrupt database. Google how to restore plex database from a backup. You may have an app (like plexemail) that connects to the plex database, or maybe you accessed the plex database with an sqlite editor while plex was running and the database got corrupted.
  5. You can try proxying it from either the root location or from a subdomain to test if it is indeed a base url issue
  6. Different IP shouldn't cause any issue. Your problem is likely due to your proxied app not using a base url
  7. The second option. Also keep in mind that one user account can be used simultaneously by multiple clients if you allow that in the settings. My phone, tablet and laptop all use the same user account
  8. There is a PR just merged, it will be in next Friday's image, and will let you append php.ini via editing a file in the config folder If you want to see how the sausage is made: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-baseimage-nginx-armhf/pull/18/files
  9. According to the log, the server is up and running. Check your connection and/or the plex media server log in the config folder
  10. In the container settings, you can map any path you like. If you map /mnt/user/Downloads on the host to /blah in the container, select /blah in jdownloader gui settings as the download location and your downloads will end up at /mnt/user/Downloads on the host
  11. It was a connection error to letsencrypt servers. Hopefully it was a temporary outage. If you continue having that problem, look into your internet connection, something in your network might be blocking the request (pihole?)
  12. Ok, so I looked through my nginx config for wordpress. For a basic install, I literally just dropped the wordpress install files into the www folder created the database in a separate mariadb container, and browsed to the wp-admin/install.php to install. That was it. Initially, I didn't have to change anything in the nginx/wordpress site config. For reverse proxy through a separate letsencrypt/nginx container, I added the following: letsencrypt site config: location / { proxy_pass; proxy_read_timeout 90; proxy_connect_timeout 90; proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port 443; proxy_set_header Host $host; } and add the following to wordpress wp-config.php: if ( (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'])) || (!empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ) { $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; } In the first one, change the to your unraid ip and nginx/wordpress http port. The second one makes sure that wordpress serves https over the http port. Then in the wordpress gui (accessing locally through the unraid ip and nginx port) login to the admin interface, go to settings and change the server address to your custom domain address so wordpress redirects all requests to that external address. That was it For pretty permalinks, I had to add this to the nginx/wordpress container's site-config: if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^.*$ /index.php last; } Later on, you may want to change some settings in the php.ini for certain . Currently there is no easy way, but we have a PR in process that will make it super easy. It should be merged within a week or two.
  13. So what you're saying is, if you forward the ports directly to your sbs server, it works, but if it's proxied through letsencrypt it doesn't? Then you should modify your proxy settings. If I understand correctly, before any changes, port 80 was "ported to the sbs server", I'm assuming that means forwarded to the sbs on the router, so it wasn't reverse proxied when it worked
  14. I don't quite follow what changes you made. When you forward port 80 to your unraid server for validation, you don't need to make any changes to your nginx site config. Letsencrypt puts up its own webserver listening on port 80 during validation. Nginx doesn't need to listen on 80
  15. You still have HTTPVAL in there. You need to remove that and add VALIDATION instead and set it to http You also need to change network mode to bridge instead of host. It is now trying to bind port 80 but unraid is using it
  16. Hmm, not sure. It's complaining about not being able to reach a host, perhaps the netdata one. Is that container running?
  17. Hmm, it's working fine here. What settings are you using?
  18. Yes, it has php7. I'll post my config tomorrow
  19. Post your site config. Make sure the ip you defined is correct and valid (no localhost or, etc.)
  20. Apache vs nginx is totally up to you. We currently don't have plans of updating the apache container so you can try moving it over to nginx and see if it works. With regards to Joomla, not sure as I haven't tried it. But I do run wordpress and it works fine
  21. Huh, you're right. I still get an error when listing (./preclear_disk.sh: line 236: strings: command not found) but the actual preclear works Thanks
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