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Everything posted by aptalca

  1. I've been using subzero since its release and it's a God send. I believe it is now in the plex channel store so it is as close as it gets to official. I'll talk to the lsio team and we will look into adding unrar support
  2. You don't want host mode. You can't forward to different ports with that. You probably didn't enter the url prefix variable in unraid properly. Post a screenshot of your container settings page. Use the ip of your unraid machine, not the hostname
  3. The email is for a cert that is no longer used. You likely reinstalled this container and deleted the old appdata without revoking the old certs. Nothing to worry about. Letsencrypt lets you get multiple certs for the same domain without revoking the old ones (albeit with limits on number and frequency)
  4. You did not set up your php processor (php-fpm) in your config so nginx doesn't know what to do with it. It just serves it as is
  5. In my personal opinion, htpasswd with a fail2ban rule that prevents brute force attempts by banning after so many tries On my company server, I even have a recidive rule set up so if any fail2ban rule does 3 10min bans in a 3hr period, they get banned for a week
  6. Not for the admin user, but works on the vpn client users
  7. It wasn't a complaint or criticism. Just an observation. It wasn't what I was looking for based on what I was used to from the earlier versions. Now that I know, it's perfectly fine (and it would have been fine if I were a new user) [emoji6]
  8. Also keep in mind that if you get power cuts back to back where your server auto starts when the ups battery is already low, and you get another power cut, your server may not have enough time to shut down safely. I like to start the server manually (or through ipmi) after making sure the ups battery has enough juice for another power cut
  9. Then you can cifs mount an unraid share in the vm and map that same folder to the docker container
  10. Is the vm on unraid? You can probably do a 9p share in the vm, save into that folder and map that for this container
  11. Ah, I see. The add button has turned into a download icon.
  12. I'm missing the add button in the icons views. Is it just me?
  13. This container only supports one domain. You could redirect the org to the com, though, if they are pointing to the same web folder
  14. This is the thread for nginx, not letsencrypt Regarding the issue, it is likely due to incorrect forwarding of your domain. Make sure the A record is correct.
  15. Wow that is pretty ridiculous. Can you bypass it and use your own router? That's what I did with Verizon. I turned my Verizon modem into a simple bridge and my router behind it gets the dhcp lease directly from verizon
  16. Geoip is an nginx module and is included in this image. You may have to enable it in the nginx config or site config, that I'm not sure as I haven't used it myself
  17. I'm glad you're picking this up [emoji1] I'll put a link to this thread in my template thread
  18. Unraid gui under settings / scheduler I couldn't find it either and someone told me
  19. That's what I thought. Thanks so much. I guess switching to another disk would require manually moving the existing files to the new disk first.
  20. Squid, quick question for confirmation. . . I have been using the backup plugin for a long time and it was always set to backup to a share, on a specific disk, disk 3. Now disk 3 is getting full, and I'm thinking about changing the target location to "user" instead. Anything I should worry about? The share in question does not use a cache disk, and the same location is available through the /mnt/user path. It should just pickup all the existing files and append, right? Thanks
  21. This thread links to stable builds for arm but you can at least see the full version numbers in the links (I'm assuming the version numbers are the same for arm and x86-64): https://forums.plex.tv/discussion/221444/unofficial-armhf-arm64-multiarch-debian-package-e-g-rpi-2-3-bpi-odroid#latest
  22. You should ask the radarr devs on their github
  23. Unused memory is wasted memory. Why are you trying to limit it? These days the OSes are smart enough to reallocate resources where necessary (except for VMs, they reserve their memory and not share)
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