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Posts posted by PSYCHOPATHiO

  1. 7 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Does it work on 6.10.3?


    I have a Nvidia T400 here and it runs fine on both 6.11.0-rc4 and also on 6.10.3 with the latest driver installed.

    I have been having issues on the system anyway from system temps, to strange behaviour in shares conflicting with the LDAP & some other issues I was noticing and can't figure where to start fixing them, so I just wiped my system clean.


    I'm restoring the VMs & Dockers but need to reinstall everything else & configure my system correctly.

    My system was installed i think mid 2017 and many changes have been made with lots of hardware configs, this will show if I got motherboard issues or otherwise. will update once im done, which will take some time 😅


    EDIT: reset the bios, removed any extra usb devices, same issue aaaaaah... I'll probably rey placing in a different pcie slot or switching the GPU for another.


    EDIT: I think changing the GPU from PCIe slot 1 to the second one may have fixed the issue. I will update this post if anything changes.

    • Like 1
  2. @ich777 I have the bios page of all motherboards I own in bookmarks, bios is always fresh & I must test the system stability specially for the servers.

    I reverted the system back to the stable unraid build 6.10.3 & I will try to figure out what wrong. could be a motherboard dying or motherboard related issue.



    nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize. Check syslog for more details.


    anyway thanks for plugin and all the work you put in.

    • Like 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, ich777 said:


    What is the output from nvidia-smi? Please also post a screenshot form the plugin page.


    Do you have C-States enabled in your BIOS? On what BIOS version are you? make also sure that you enable Above 4G Decoding.


    Is this the first time you are installing the driver?


    C-state is disabled, 4G Decoding is disabled by default but will enable it later today.

    I had the plugin installed since it was release long time ago but I tried removing the plugin and driver several times & reinstalling it with multiple reboots.


    nvidia-smi shows "No devices were found", The message changed from the previous message as the post above now it just shows No devices were found.



  4. 4 hours ago, Leadin said:

    Good Morning, I'm having an issue with this. Tried going through step by step a few times and searching but through the issue but maybe I'm missing something. I'm on 6.10.3 and have a 780ti card. Looking through the list I confirmed the latest drivers that operate this card that are supported in the list are v470.129.06 - I've selected and tried to install them multiple times but they don't seem to work. 


    I've confirmed the card is functional in another machine and it does appear in my hardware list on my server. Only thing I can come up with it either I've missed something or the card is incompatible with my mobo. Attached are diagnostics and screengrab of what I'm seeing. 


    Main reason for doing this is to use hardware encoding on Plex. The dual Xeon CPU setup starts to struggle transcoding 4K and bottlenecks on any more than one so I was hoping the Nvidia encoding would help. 


    Any help would be appreciated. 


    urhomeserver-diagnostics-20220903-1108.zip 113.81 kB · 1 download

    Same issue here on the since installing 6.11.0-RCx

  5. Just a note, The app hasn't been updated for a while so if you check your logs you will find 2 lines of command, you can execute using the console to update it.


    yarn add --dev prisma@latest

    yarn add @prisma/client@latest



    I would like to thank @SmartPhoneLover for bringing the docker to unraid, can't live without it now :)

  6. For any further server customization you need to look at the official default homeserver.yaml config file where you can choose what you want to change from the default setting included in the generated homeserver.yaml file.




    for users interested in integrating LDAP here is the format:


     - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProvider"
         enabled: true
         mode: "search"     
         uri: "ldap://domain:389"
         start_tls: false
         base: "OU=home,DC=example,dc=com"
            uid: "saMAccountName"
            mail: "mail"
            name: "givenName"
         bind_dn: "cn=ldap,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com"
         bind_password: "password"
         #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"


  7. Everything was working fine till the previous version of unraid 6.9, but with the last update I no longer can monitor my temps on both servers "specs in signature".






    EDIT: I found /etc/sensors.d/sensors.conf & removed old saved senors and fixed it but if i save the sensors via the unraid GUI the temps disapear again

    tried multiple times, if I clear the sensors.conf file & detect I see all temps, but once configured and I click on apply all the sensors disapear. untill i clear the seconsors.cof file again.

  8. On 6/20/2022 at 1:59 PM, ich777 said:

    Keep in mind this is a "test" release and I would encourage you to not use it on productive systems because these releases can lead to data loss <- for real...


    Just saying... ;)

    look at my name :)

    I have an offline backup so my main production server is my test server as well.

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 hours ago, DreadPirateRoberts said:

    Same issue with me, will post in Linguafoeda's thread on Github to let them know

    this was quick https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-qbittorrent/issues/181


    "It's an issue we're aware of, it's been fixed in the upstream base image so the next build of the qbittorrent image will have the fix. In the meantime just roll back to the previous image release if you need the umask functionality."

  10. @Linguafoeda I had an issue with my unraid a couple of days ago & I thought it was the USB & after 12 hours of work and ivestigation a member noted that there might be an issue with the USB port I was useing... it was



    I had wiped all my system & restored it and finally the system was back online.... @ the same time qbittorrent updated & I messed up my system thinking it was  something in my config eventually I realized it was the docker it self that changed 🙄

    The PAIN.


    Thank you for the quick help.

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