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Dazog last won the day on April 7 2018

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  1. 6.1 is due in Dec and is LTS, would make sense to stay on 5.19 then jump to 6.1 since 6.0 will go EOL shortly after 6.1 is out.
  2. Solid Release. Next .1 update can you grab Docker 20.10.20? It fixes multiple CVE's TY!
  3. @binhex any chance you are going to push the 3.6.1 sabnzbd to docker hub?
  4. Just in time for 6.10 final : https://github.com/intel/Intel-Linux-Processor-Microcode-Data-Files/releases/tag/microcode-20220510 ;)
  5. Ha NVidia FINALLY fixed the Mellanox 4 LX flashing bug from November in this update. Thanx again @ich777
  6. before final can we have docker (moby) updated for a CVE and linux firmware updated for the new amd microcode and nvidia gpu firmware support. Thnx
  7. Can Linux firmware be updated before Final again... https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Zen-1-To-Zen-3-2022-AMD-ucode New microcode for all us Zen to Zen 3 users. Also for NVidia users: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NVIDIA-Ampere-Firmware-Blobs Thnx
  8. Any chance for a beta or nightly also? TIA
  9. 5.16 is EOL next week when 5.17 Drops
  10. Smart tools 7.3 dropped. Too late to be snuck into 6.10 or is more of a 6.11 thing
  11. Firefox 99b2 works fine. Appears its a chrome issue. I run my browser in the middle of my screen in a 2560x1440p window. But the total resolution of the panel is 5120x1440p
  12. No issues with rc2 on github a change was made for ultrawide after rc2 : https://github.com/limetech/webgui/commit/e43b4d652df190011c54f3aa6a00a02bb0baa2bc Also in release notes: webgui: Limit popup window width on ultrawide monitors Also 4k is 16:9 my monitor is 32:9
  13. Updating Dockers on Ultrawide monitors is broken in RC3. This is what I see when my browser is in 2560x1440p:
  14. Before Final could Docker be updated to at least 20.10.11 To mitigate CVE: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-41190
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