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Everything posted by rctneil

  1. Just updated. Thanks. It looks like your popup windows need 'overscroll-behavior' set on them so that if you try to scroll whilst one is active, the background site doesn't scroll. Just makes for a nicer UX. Also, any ETA on custom case icons? I'm desperate to get my Dalek icon in there.
  2. Now the dashboard really has become sooooo much more useful in 6.7, could a new "Controls" collapsable panel be added with buttons for Power Down, Reboot etc. Just a little control panel widget on the dashboard would be super handy.
  3. I too, wondered what you meant by uni-spaced but I see now! I would use the term "mono spaced" myself though. And yes, totally agree!
  4. I have to agree on this with @John_M A new version shouldn't interfere with current stable versions. One way of solving it would be to let plugins have a sort of manifest or settings file. In there the appropriate icons can be set. If Limetech feel a new version requires a new interface and would prefer plugins to adopt it then, a new entry would be created in that file to accomodate the new style. Then each version fo Unraid only uses the icon it was assigned for.
  5. Absolutely! Can't agree more.
  6. Ok, I can understand that and obviously i'm not forcing anyone to change anything but just want to ensure that it's known that in my own case here, that I was looking for this particular setting and actually chose to go to "Display Settings" to locate it. UI's should accommodate where people may actually look for a particular setting as well as actually being logically organised. Having this option in both preference panes may be a good solution but at the end of the day it's up to you guys. Just putting my opinion out there. Thanks!
  7. I actually think it's on the wrong page. It's more of a display option in my opinion which is why I went there to look for it.
  8. Thanks! I was looking under "Display Settings". Sorry about that.
  9. As the new Dashboard is amazing, I would prefer it if Unraid would take me to that by default when I access the web UI. Is there an option to do this?
  10. I was actually going to mention that. Having custom icon functionality for everyone would most likely be the better choice, but I do appreciate the offer for a fellow Whovian!
  11. It's not the end of the world if not. Many thanks for taking a look though!
  12. Purely aesthetic. I just feel it would create a bit of consistency. I'm a stickler for things being consistent across a web interface.
  13. Thanks, I realise it wasn't actually installed. I meant to emphasise the fact that it "looks" like it is installed as it shows up in the list of installed plugins etc. I have rebooted the system several times since 6.7rc2 was installed but it's still happening. Any ideas as to how I can get this working? Is there a local copy of the plugin somewhere that's corrupted that needs removing or something else?
  14. @Squid I'm running 6.7rc2 which may be the issue, Each time I try to install FCP, I get this log: plugin: installing: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/master/plugins/fix.common.problems.plg plugin: downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/master/plugins/fix.common.problems.plg plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/master/plugins/fix.common.problems.plg ... done +============================================================================== | Installing new package /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/fix.common.problems-2019.01.19-x86_64-1.txz +============================================================================== Verifying package fix.common.problems-2019.01.19-x86_64-1.txz. Unable to install /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/fix.common.problems-2019.01.19-x86_64-1.txz: tar archive is corrupt (tar returned error code 2) ---------------------------------------------------- fix.common.problems has been installed. Copyright 2016, Andrew Zawadzki Version: 2019.01.19 ---------------------------------------------------- plugin: installed It looks like it's installed but there's no actual page for it. Any ideas?
  15. Since updating to 6.7rc2, my plugins tab never stops loading. Any idea how I can resolve this?
  16. rctneil


    Being a web dev, it's rather frustrating that the whole of the Unraid interface is not responsive. Is this something that's being considered etc? It would be a fantastic and extremely useful addition. I would also be very very happy to help contribute towards this, if it's a path you were interested in taking.
  17. Great to hear! As soon as I saw the preview image of the new dashboard the other day, I instantly went and created myself a new Dalek icon that would work perfectly there and when installed it today was a bit gutted I couldn't select my own! Oh well. I look forward to it in the future! Thanks for your work!
  18. On the Dashboard, in the Array and Cache sections, there is a text string the shows the current usage, could a small bar chart be added there to show the total utilization?
  19. Hi, Loving 6.7 so far. Had a problem after I upgraded. My system couldn't find device bond0. Using a thread on here by another member, I took a backup of my config folder, recreated the USB and overwrote the config. All up and running now! Is there a way to change the Icon on the dashboard to something custom? My server name is "Dalek" so obviously a nice icon of a Dalek right there would be perfect. Just allowing a custom selection of an svg file would be great! Thanks
  20. I understand that the "on" state for buttons has always been blue but why not, in the new design style, use orange to keep everything consistent?
  21. Hi, I just used a plugin to backup my AppData and Flash Drive. I was watching the log as it was doing AppData and it showed it backing up a folder called Trash. Why are things i've deleted still being stored? How can I clear this out? Thanks, Neil
  22. Hey, I have a backup config that backs up my Photographs folder from my array onto an external disk connected to my server. However a lot of the time right now it's just sat saying "Photographs: Verifying backend data ..." What is it actually doing? Will it actually finish? Is something wrong?
  23. Finished successfully a couple of hours ago!!! Once again, thanks for your help.
  24. The status seems to be updating correctly now. Although it has started the post read from the beginning. Oh well. Thanks so much for your help. Kind regards, Neil
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