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Everything posted by Tucubanito07

  1. UPDATE: I was able to backup my Macbook Pro. See below on how I have it setup in case someone needs help to get theirs fix. Make sure you connect to the server before the backup shows up available under Time Machine. Click on Go and then go to Connect To Server. Once you have done that successfully you will see the name of the share come up and you can select it and walah. If it does not finish or it stops. It could be a corrupter file or program. What i used to resolve this issue was CleanMyMac X and it worked like a charm for me. If you know of any other software that works please post them for others to try. Hope the way i did it works for anyone else.
  2. Yay awesome. Mine should finish when I get home tonight. I am glad I was able to at least point out what work for me and worked for someone else.
  3. Hopefully it works for you. My computer is at work and is still backing up through OpenVPN. Hopefully when i get home it will finish. If it does then now i know that it was a corrupted file or program that was keeping it from backing up. @rorton
  4. I would actually start a new backup to make sure that is not an issue. I myself deleted the whole directory and created a new one just name it TM and that’s it. Created a user for TM using the same name and left it like that. Send me a message if you need more help on setting this up. I might do a video to help people.
  5. I little update for those who are trying to set this up. I downloaded CleanMyMac X and ran it on my macOS and for some reason it seem to help. I connect to the server by going to Go in the mac and the clicking on Connect to server. Once that is done i can go to time machine and select the server and wala it starts to back up. So if there is an app that is corrupted or a file it will not backup. Thanks to @wgstarks and @limetech
  6. I believe I figured out my problem which I’ll share so you can try. I downloaded CleanMyMac X and ran it on the pc. It cleared some corrupted files on my pc and right now since yesterday night is backing up. If there is an application or a file that is corrupted, it till stop running. Hopefully that helps. I did use finder to connect to the server under Go and then Connect to server in order for the time machine to appear.
  7. The video is public now sorry about that. I am running
  8. Yes. See below. I have also deleted and tried again and still nothing. @limetech
  9. I also just rebooted the server in Safe mode without the apps on GUI and still keeps happening. @limetech See screenshot below. I also took all the variables in the SMB under settings. The only one is the recycle bin. I switched it back to Unraid OS. I guess Unraid does not support Time Machine. Thanks for all the help. S
  10. I have uploaded a video so you can see what it does. @limetech https://youtu.be/G1UxBpkEhFw
  11. I did that and the same issue is happening. It starts to back up and then it stops. So now the only thing i have on there is this. @limetech #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = Yes log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end
  12. So based on the variables, what should i only leave in there? @limetech #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = Yes log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end fruit:aapl = yes fruit:resource = file fruit:metadata = netatalk fruit:locking = none fruit:encoding = native fruit:nfs_aces = no [rootshare] path = /mnt/user comment = browseable = yes valid users = tucubanito07 write list = tucubanito07 vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr
  13. @limetech I just saw the time machine stopped working and took a diagnostics and uploaded for you to see. My laptop is only a 1tb and my share is two terabytes. Let me know what you see on the diagnostics.
  14. I dont have an Active Directory setup. It was probably someone else. It starts to backup and all of a sudden stops. Is not running out of space as is a 2tb drive and is only backing up around 1.2 terabytes. I will run it again at home and grab the diagnostic file and posted for you to see. Thank you for all your help @limetech.
  15. These are my current settings and last night the back up did not finish. @limetech
  16. Is still not working for me. I did however just tired what you said with connecting to the server via finder and then it came up for me to use as a time machine backup. However, it just keeps timing out. It seems like it's on a timer for me and it stops backing up. @limetech What else can we try to get this to work? I tried all the settings you provided up top. I even moved the variables. See down below. I got the security set to public and Share name is time machine and export to yes/ time machine. #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = Yes log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end fruit:aapl = yes fruit:resource = file fruit:metadata = netatalk fruit:locking = none fruit:encoding = native fruit:nfs_aces = no [rootshare] path = /mnt/user comment = browseable = yes valid users = tucubanito07 write list = tucubanito07 vfs objects =
  17. Wanted to let you know those variables you told me to do. Do not work. Now I can see the smb. @limetech
  18. Correct. I agree with you on the root share. If you know what you are doing then do it. If not then take that part of. @limetech
  19. ok. I will do that. So i can manage my rootshares by smb on my windows 10 computer.
  20. I have this under the SMB. Will that be ok? #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] syslog only = Yes log level = 0 vfs:0 #vfs_recycle_end [rootshare] path = /mnt/user comment = browseable = yes valid users = tucubanito07 write list = tucubanito07 vfs objects = fruit:aapl = yes fruit:resource = file fruit:metadata = netatalk fruit:locking = none fruit:encoding = native fruit:nfs_aces = no
  21. It works just like the SMB version however, it will back up for a little bit and then just stops working. I am using the 5GHZ band right next to the router and it keeps stopping for no reason. It seems like is on a timer or set to a maximum of data and then it stops. So weird.
  22. I change the settings to match yours. Lets see if that works. I did not had AFP on. I only had SMB on with Yes/Time Machine.
  23. I'll post a picture of mine when I get home. Thanks guys for all the help.
  24. This is exactly how i have it setup. I have the split level set to manually. Would that affect anything?
  25. I don't know how to do that. I have gone to SMB and enabled the Time share. After that i have one disk just for the share. It seems like it times-out. That is my only issue. i dont know if there is a setting set to run for like 4 minutes and then stop.
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