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John Graham

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About John Graham

  • Birthday 05/25/1959


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    United States

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  1. time for me to have another question: i have seen a lot of people are using "go2rtc" i am not .. 1) is Go2RTC built in to Frigate? 2) i see un-raid has a docker for go2rtc can we use that? 3) here is what i tried and did not working: (Added this to the Frigate config and all worked goot) go2rtc: streams: Front_Door: - rtsp://+++:[email protected]:88/videoMain Porch_Swing: - rtsp://++++:[email protected]:88/videoMain Camera_Number-3: - rtsp://+++:[email protected]:88/videoMain Camera_Number-4: - rtsp://++++:[email protected]:88/videoMain Back_Yard: - rtsp://++++:[email protected]:554/1/mpeg4 now chaned this from : a_Frount_Door: # <------ Name the camera enabled: true ffmpeg: output_args: record: preset-record-generic-audio-aac inputs: Front_Door: roles: - detect Is this all i NEEED??? thank as always OvO
  2. While I was just thinking you could watch the cameras and not see them freak out that you might be able to tell where the problem is OvO
  3. 57 minutes ago, kcmccombs said: okay finally got it configured but still hfirefox-b-1-my streams are dropping in and out not sure why can anyone advise on this thanks You can try opening up the streams in something like VLC ( VLC media player) and see what happens, see if it's a stream problem or a frigate problem. I now have 5 cameras running at 5fps and key frame set to 30 seconds. I never seem to see a drop or restart of any camera. You might want to look at your camera settings. OvO
  4. I cannot sorry I'm running on a full commercial server with no video cards yet I'm just using the Google Coral.
  5. Your bust to copy your config to a safe place like I did and start all over, erase all files/folders for frigate and remove the docker file from UN-raid ... breathe... and start one over .. what i did was copy/past part by part and hit save if yor green keep going, if red the hit the camera i-con and then come back to edit and you will see what to typed last is gone. try a different way, different part till you under stand whats going on. if you had a good working system before this should not take long .. unless your like me and keep trying every option 😇 (Should work) if all else past the part that you stuck on here .. i am new also but will try to help. after all i never have any problems,,,,,,,,,,,😶‍🌫️ OvO
  6. Hello Seems to be my weekly error report... i don't know what I did but an update cam in i think got Frigate proxy and i updated it .. hummm it killed my Frigate🤐 i know It's always my doing. I just can't leave things alone. The problem I am all so having is what frigate errored out. There is no way to get the log from Un-Raid. Frigate keeps restarting and kills the log every time. the only why I caught this was watching the server usage go down on frigate and quickly stop frigate. don't know why yet, but it does not like #5 camera (commented out) and all it running again but now i am getting this error what have i done wrong this time 024-08-26 04:00:52.476504920 2024/08/26 04:00:52 [error] 163#163: *7 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /api/version HTTP/1.1", subrequest: "/auth", upstream: "", host: "" 2024-08-26 04:00:52.476514977 2024/08/26 04:00:52 [error] 163#163: *7 auth request unexpected status: 502 while sending to client, client:, server: , request: "GET /api/version HTTP/1.1", host: "" As always thanks for taking you time to look at this, Hope someone knows what I have done wrong. PS... Restarted everything and just as i was going to sent this, The errors are gone.🤨 Camera still not working, Trying to see if I have done something wrong here yet (That it for tonight) . BUT now my frigate Proxy is not working, with error: 2024/08/26 03:47:41 [error] 349#349: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: ccab4aaf-frigate-proxy, request: "GET /ws HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "3f7jm9f88bix0l2zjheyb9qbvlfkmyc3.ui.nabu.casa" What did i miss here?
  7. Never mind ... Some times I just don't remember what i don't know 🤨
  8. i have another question 😁.. Where is the CLICK to get in to the zones/debug it was in the debug but i cant find them now. thanks just me 🥴
  9. Dont Get Me Wrong BIG THANKS for the Frigate people this is one of the best NVR's I have used!!! cant wait to see what comes next😇 Now I have a question ... I am trying to get a onvif camera running and I get this error: I see at the end of the error message I get " object is not subscriptable " The only thing I wish someone would add is a numbering system that would start from the start of the config file we are editing and give us a line number the error is on/starts on here is my error. Traceback (most recent call last): File &#34;/opt/frigate/frigate/api/app.py&#34;, line 245, in config_save FrigateConfig.parse_raw(new_config) File &#34;/opt/frigate/frigate/config.py&#34;, line 1665, in parse_raw return cls.model_validate(config) File &#34;/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pydantic/main.py&#34;, line 551, in model_validate return cls.__pydantic_validator__.validate_python( File &#34;/opt/frigate/frigate/config.py&#34;, line 1048, in __init__ if len(config[&#34;ffmpeg&#34;][&#34;inputs&#34;]) == 1: TypeError: &#39;NoneType&#39; object is not subscriptable
  10. I am not sure .. take a look at the file that are saved to the hard drive .. if they are bad then that could be why your not seeing them in Frigate
  11. yep got the TLS thanks.. but still asking for user name and password .. i dont seem to need it as i am using the frigat_proxy and also the port 5000 works .. it just the link from the Docker screen asks for a password and user name .. no biggie just ansking I have a bad habit of (pushing all buttons) ?;-> John G.
  12. i know others have said this (new version requires a new template) save your 1.3 config some place safe and the remove you old frigate and tell it to remove all files. i then whet to the folder that holds your DOCKER files and i just erased all ( erased the frigate folder ) then go to the App store and reinstall it. it will make all the files needed to run and you should be ready to go .. other have saved the databases and all there files/pic but i just wiped it all atr started right up and worked .. try it ( you mileage me very )
  13. I had some problems also restarting .. all I can tell you was what I did, Start adding MQTT first the see if it saves ok. then TUP or GPU and see if it saves and restarts ok .. work your way though step by step. Only work on 1 camera at a time .. something i did was as i was editing the config file was to copy only what i just added. then hit save/restart. If it gave me a (RED screen of death) just click the camera icon and then go back to the config it will have erased your new part of the config and you can try again. (paste your last try and try to fix it) give it time you will get it working .. the big thing is save your 1.3 config and restart from a NEW template!
  14. Hello All, humm seems like i missed something. un-raid docker page, i don't use this much but if i click on frigate then WebUI i get a error http "The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port" i tipe in the https address and it asks for a user name and password. humm never usered a user name or password (where to we set that up 🤪) I use (frigate-proxy) so i never needed to miss with it. the port that asks for the password is port:8971 i use port:5000 and it works with out a username/password did i miss something in the 1.4 upgrade? as allway thanks
  15. Don't know I have 5 right now and my setting is 2048. As you can tell I just keep dumpling the number until it worked don't know if that's the right way or not but mine's working
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