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Everything posted by daniel.boone

  1. Sorry but not working for me either. grep can't find the process Source files are in the package directory The installer copied the contents of the package dir. Guess I need something to unzip the file. I fixed that by manually unzipping and adding to my app directory on the cache drive. I first configured that directory in unMenu. Now when I "ls" the right files are there. I also chmod 775 MovieGrabber.py since the error log gave permission errors "chmod: cannot access `/mnt/cache/.app/moviegrabber/MovieGrabber.py'" Also got this error "Tower unmenu[3044]: ImportError: No module named MovieGrabber" config directory is empty so no webconfig.ini file when I try to run from command line I get "You need Python 2.7.x installed to run MovieGrabber". Version "python-2.6.4-i486-1.txz" is installed. I'm running unRaid 4.7 with a few addons - apcupsd, python-argparse, jre, Subsonic, Maraschino, Monthly Parity Check, Clean Powerdown and python I also get "Installed, but version is different. Current version=''expected '2.1.5'" from unMenu. Thanks, DB
  2. There are plenty of network file systems put there so I'd say similar is a yes. If your looking for expandability then Solaris/zfs is closer to unRaid. There are some add on agents for windows too. Flexraid was already mentioned. Me thinks zfs is better than any windows solution. It's the most complicated of the lot but gives the most flexibility. IMO better than unRaid I'd say no. Support well, I feel support is a typically hit or miss thing. I've delt with many a vendor. It can be trying at times. Most of the times either I need to figure it out or live with the issue. As a self supported site this is one of the best but sometimes there are problems that can only be corrected with time. I can't think of any software vendor being any different.
  3. Just to confirm, there is only one thumb drive attached to that machine? Are you sure the machine is rebooting? Sleep mode on my computer sounds like a reboot. In what folder did you put the license file?
  4. agreed... With at least 2 new unMenu packages and post count in the low teens. Most of the new stuff goes to the new package model which is worthless to the 4.7 crowd. Dragonfyre13's approach is very appreciated.
  5. You deleted the 3 files from the config directory and rebooted as well? Since yours is new all those files might not be present. The permissions part is not needed since drives were never set up. If so I'd backup the license file if you have one, wipe the USB clean and do a fresh install of the beta. I'd go as far as downloading the beta again or at lease perform a md5 check to ensure it's complete and accurate. Post back what up find. Thanks
  6. Map This read like you upgraded your unRaid from 4.7 to a beta foe the 3tb drive support. Which 2 files did you replace and with what download on unRaid?
  7. Try again but follow upgrade instructions here http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Server_Version_5.0-beta_Release_Notes
  8. . You running SAB as root or nobody? Is there and differnce in owners or permission forn those that can been seen vs those that cant? Ignore the settings for a moment and looked at the directory list. differences are easy to spot. Post what you find. I don't run SAB on unRaid
  9. First thing is backup the USB. This way you can recover from a heavy hand. Apps are easy to undo. Clean the go file of any extras. If your not sure you can download the software and unzip on the hard drive. Rename your go file and place a clean version in it's place. After that reboot unRaid. What mess you have with the shares?
  10. 5 is better at sorting itself out but I recommend a snapshot of the setup. At least you can re-order the drives if the situation arises.
  11. Add the cache back but dont enable any of the apps and retest. I would leave it in place for a couple of days. If the problem returns you know it's the cache drive. As mentioned could be the firmware or even unRaid. I'm sure more testing at this point may not be what you'd hope but it's the only way to be sure. Glad things are looking better
  12. You may have trouble using esxi on that mb. I did a quick searched but couldn't find anyone using it like that. If esxi is how you wish to go maybe a server mb would be a better option. If you find something that says different please post it. I'm looking for a motherboard to replace my GB board and plays well with unRaid and esxi.
  13. Worked great here too. Also running on 4.7. I just dropped the conf file into the unMenu packages folder and used the front end to set it all up. thanks dragonfyre13
  14. Thanks I was hoping a unmenu package would show up. I will be giving it a go in the next couple of days. I understand Maraschino is designed around Eden at this point. I'm using it on a Openelec beta.
  15. Just confirm link speeds are as they should be. If you've put the servers on a gig switch and eliminated the middle man then it's time to give it a test. Don't use Teracopy just yet. Without cache you should see about 30. If you don't we've missed something.
  16. Teracopy is on my PC.. Should I install it on my WHS instead? Yes, I would That's not something I've done. I understand the app can be paused but I'd wait for someone else to advise on this.
  17. Link speed is managed by many factors. If hardware is functioning normally and good drivers are installed you should operate at optimal speeds. I would connect the WHS server and the unRaid server on a gige switch alone. If the unraid server is a gig speed that's where I would connect the WHS box. The new link connection should auto negotiate a faster speed. Like this you can isolate the slower links speeds from the faster. You should be able to interconnect the 2 switches with a ethernet cable and maintain the speeds on each switch.
  18. You mentioned 2 switches. What's the other one? Check the link speed. Don't assume they are working at gig speed. You can only be as fast as the slowest link. How fast is a copy without Teracopy?
  19. Check the link speeds on those switches and report back what you find. When I did use Teracopy a noticed a performance hit too. It's been a while so I don't recall how much of a hit though. My raw copy process ran at 10 for a while until I put it all on a gige switch. Now I see 30 on the regular. To get better would mean a cache drive. Although files are not moved to their final locations until mover script kicks in late night in that situation.
  20. I have a Acer Revo, Zotac ND22 and a Popcorn hour. I'd take the mini pcs running xbmc over any media tank. While the pch is somewhat a plug and play your left waiting for fixes. I've had a few of these tanks and they are relatively problem free but they do have issues. to get a guy worthy of a media center you have to use addons. There have been improvements but it still falls short of XBMC. I've been using Openelec Eden beta on my Revo and it's solid. Not had one issue since the upgrade. Even the Dharma release was problem free.
  21. I'm curious of the no cache test. I'm thinking if the cache is disabled the the behavior remains we may need to focus on the OS and motherboard combo.
  22. Can you disable the cache and try a copy test to the share? Just trying to rule things out. I wonder if performance would improve if the cache had more free space. Try that test if disabling the cache improves things.
  23. Set workgroup the same on unraid and win7 system. That should take care of the issue.
  24. Never tried but I'm thinking you can recover if you have the pre upgrade drive settings saved from the usb drive. I'm guessing you can't go backwards without them. Anybody with 2 USB drives willing to test?
  25. I used the LSI MegaRAID to SAS2008(P11).zip It has directions in the zip.
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